Square Triangle said:Maybe so but it doesn't make it any less enjoyable. I'm having much more fun with AC2.
Oh no, totally. I didn't even notice the difference while playing the game. It's just a curiosity, that is all.
Square Triangle said:Maybe so but it doesn't make it any less enjoyable. I'm having much more fun with AC2.
jett said:but the pretty, pretty blood man :|
Well, the story and the core gameplay are really great, but it turns in a repetitive mess after 2~4 hours into the game,if you really want the game i'd recommend you to rent it666 said:Is AC 1 worth playing? I like the idea, but have never felt compelled to pop it in, even though we have it.
RPS37 said:I've had this since last Wednesday. I've been playing it off and on, but I kept checking the thread and seeing all of the gushing and just thinking, "Well, shit I guess I need to play a little more, but I'm not seeing it yet."
Now today I popped it in, I got to the second city, then I realized...I have to collect everything in this game.
I stopped everything, went back to Florence and now I'm just trying to find every single feather/codex page/treasure chest I can.
I think I get what you guys were saying now. It's good.
Feathers no. But codex pages and glyphs yes.jey_16 said:fuuuuucccckkkk.....i collected come of them in Florence but got bored of it so i'm in Venice now, does collecting them all make a massive difference in the game?
also missed 1 or 2 glyphs some where along the way
666 said:Is AC 1 worth playing? I like the idea, but have never felt compelled to pop it in, even though we have it.
My housemate owns it, so I guess I could give it a shot.Bob Tampinha said:Well, the story and the core gameplay are really great, but it turns in a repetitive mess after 2~4 hours into the game,if you really want the game i'd recommend you to rent it
Ok, i'll take this approach and give it a go, thanks.jett said:I think it's somewhat worth playing if you follow this tip: never do more than the minimum amount of investigations. Seriously.
Unless you want to get as much insight into the story as you can.jett said:I think it's somewhat worth playing if you follow this tip: never do more than the minimum amount of investigations. Seriously.
jett said:I think it's somewhat worth playing if you follow this tip: never do more than the minimum amount of investigations. Seriously.
666 said:Is AC 1 worth playing? I like the idea, but have never felt compelled to pop it in, even though we have it.
No it just told you more about what you had to do. The layout of the area where you are going to assassinate the target, potential escape routes and stuff like that. If you just want to get through the game then just do the bare minimum. Although some people like being immersed in the world.Mana Sin said:This was my problem. I felt that I had to do every investigation. I thought the DNA syncro stuff actually mattered story-wise (such as alternate endings/bonuses). Repetition. I abhor it.
Lostconfused said:No it just told you more about what you had to do. The layout of the area where you are going to assassinate the target, potential escape routes and stuff like that. If you just want to get through the game then just do the bare minimum. Although some people like being immersed in the world.
dsmoke1986 said:This game is definately growing on me...I guess I was expecting a different experience on first play of it...This game is pretty dope, and I'm approaching as a game that I will play bits and pieces of for 2 months in segments.
It is very cool how they work in the characters like Da Vinci, and I find myself reading all the bios and stuff. That's something that I usually never feel like bothering with in games.
Bob Tampinha said:Well, the story and the core gameplay are really great, but it turns in a repetitive mess after 2~4 hours into the game,if you really want the game i'd recommend you to rent it
666 said:Is AC 1 worth playing? I like the idea, but have never felt compelled to pop it in, even though we have it.
Just rent it. Unless you are worried about spoilers you can wait it out. Well at least thats what i am doing.Zefah said:Damn it... I want to get this on the PC but there still isn't an official release date other than Q1 2010, is there? I might just pick it up on the 360 and double dip when it gets released for the PC later like I did with the first game...![]()
Zefah said:Damn it... I want to get this on the PC but there still isn't an official release date other than Q1 2010, is there? I might just pick it up on the 360 and double dip when it gets released for the PC later like I did with the first game...![]()
MirageDwarf said:For me, picking up a weapon during battle doesn't work well. Most of time, weapon is near dead body, and option I get is carry/loot a body. Sometimes Ezio's feet will push it away. You get weapon pick up option only if you are standing on it.
I don't understand how carry/loot is ridiculous. tap = carry, hold = loot.TheExecutive said:Its absolutely unusable during combat. This isnt the only issue with the layout I have on a controller for instance, the carry/loot comand is rediculous as well. The developers really expected 1 button to possibly be used for 3 things in a combat situation?
TheExecutive said:Its absolutely unusable during combat. This isnt the only issue with the layout I have on a controller for instance, the carry/loot comand is rediculous as well. The developers really expected 1 button to possibly be used for 3 things in a combat situation?
Yeah, when you beat the game you can explore freely.Square Triangle said:Just to clear with everything about the collecting of items in this game:
1. Is there any point in the game where you cannot go back to a town?
2. If no, does the game open up for exploration and 100% completion once you've beaten it? (For example: Batman AA)
I ask because I really do not want to try and collect all the feathers if I don't have to- Crackdown and inFamous has made me hate the collection of things
asifnalsihf fuck you agility orbs and shards
Irish said:Unfortunately, you can't dye the Altair armor outfit. I also wanted to use Altair's dagger.
infinityBCRT said:I don't understand how carry/loot is ridiculous. tap = carry, hold = loot.
Irish said:The game is great, but has enough flaws for the next one to fix that AC III should be the greatest game ever.
jett said:I for one welcome our new Patrice Desilets overlord.
Linkzg said:new overlord? it's just the return of the king
You need to collect and deposit 50 feathers for the last weapon to appear in the shop.brandonh83 said:I seem to be missing one weapon, I've went to all the shops in all the cities but I get the same list, is there a secret one or something?
Gribbix said:You need to collect and deposit 50 feathers for the last weapon to appear in the shop.