akachan ningen said:Then you're not really qualified to give an opinion on it, imo.
Lol why not, I'm in Act II.
akachan ningen said:Then you're not really qualified to give an opinion on it, imo.
duckroll said:An AC game set in feudal Japan would be pretty hilarious. There would be 1 viewpoint per city, every single building will look identical, and instead of huge cities, you'll be horse riding through long mountainous roads and forest passages just to get between many tiny ass villages and castle towns. Not sure if want.![]()
WWII again? No fucking thanks. I'm sick of that shit.chandoog said:The Saboteur already did it, otherwise that game's setting and gameplay style would be suitable for a potential AC3 imho.
Baker said:I'm almost to point that I wouldn't care if they farmed it out to Treyarch or something. :lol
jett said:No you're right, it's pretty much impossible to top Venice and Florence, nevermind renaissance Venice and Florence. They screwed themselves there.![]()
I think you get to go everywhere by the end of the game.duckroll said:Okay erm..... I just noticed this but...... In Florence, if you try to go south any further than the bridge at the bottom of the map, there's actually MORE of the city, but you just can't go there. When you get near it, it says "Area not yet available" and you get the desync warning if you go beyond that. In fact, while I was notorious, when I did that the map actually showed a herald and a bunch of wanted posters in that region I had no access to.
Edit: Also the game is fucking buggy. It just froze on me AGAIN. This time right after I finished an assassination contract in Tuscany. I did a dual air assassination and got my target and the guy I followed to get to him. Then some enemies got alerted and I did a dual assassination in their faces. BAM! FREEZE! Ugh...
nah, that section of Florence remains closed off.glaurung said:I think you get to go everywhere by the end of the game.
As for bugs, the game froze just once for me on PS3. It was pretty near the beginning, I was running around with Ezio, suddenly the audio cuts out and some moments later, the game freezes and I need to do a manual power off for the console.
Other bugs included magical teleportation through walls in Venice - if there is a wanted poster on the other side of the wall and you press circle to remove it, presto - you're on the other side of the wall.
glaurung said:I think you get to go everywhere by the end of the game.
As for bugs, the game froze just once for me on PS3. It was pretty near the beginning, I was running around with Ezio, suddenly the audio cuts out and some moments later, the game freezes and I need to do a manual power off for the console.
Other bugs included magical teleportation through walls in Venice - if there is a wanted poster on the other side of the wall and you press circle to remove it, presto - you're on the other side of the wall.
OK, I just finished the main story last night and I thought I had access to all locations by that time.duckroll said:Dude, I've beaten the game ages ago. I'm just playing to complete everything else now.
glaurung said:What about the last missing weapon for the Villa and what about the two treasure icons on the map below the villa? How do I get there?
The only one that can be tricky is the one you can get to from the outside of the village's wall.duckroll said:The last weapon is available at the Villa blacksmith after you collect 50 feathers. I dunno what treasures you're talking about because I got them all in the Villa and none of them were particularly hard to find.
kamorra said:Someone from my PSN friend list, MrPertusato, asked me to post this:who is still waiting to getting approved here
Ok I'm out. Still have to play AC2 and don't want to read any spoilers.
This game is dark? It looks really vibrant and bright actually.Dazzyman said:its really really dark like they messed up either the gamma or forgot to put half the dynamic lighting in.
I was happy when I saw that, like: YES they can make 6 more sequels/prequels/rail shooters for Wii =DAmir0x said:For setting in ACIII, do they HAVE to go forward in time? Personally seeing the statues of the various Assassin's in the room in ACII, I'd want to play as some of them. Some of them seem badass.
Amir0x said:For setting in ACIII, do they HAVE to go forward in time? Personally seeing the statues of the various Assassin's in the room in ACII, I'd want to play as some of them. Some of them seem badass.
Maybe there'd be some reason they would need to go further back in time, something obscured by the mist. I don't know.
Amir0x said:For setting in ACIII, do they HAVE to go forward in time?
[Nintex] said:I was happy when I saw that, like: YES they can make 6 more sequels/prequels/rail shooters for Wii =D
Amir0x said:For setting in ACIII, do they HAVE to go forward in time? Personally seeing the statues of the various Assassin's in the room in ACII, I'd want to play as some of them. Some of them seem badass.
Maybe there'd be some reason they would need to go further back in time, something obscured by the mist. I don't know.
kamorra said:Someone from my PSN friend list, MrPertusato, asked me to post this:who is still waiting to getting approved here
Ok I'm out. Still have to play AC2 and don't want to read any spoilers.
[Nintex] said:This game is dark? It looks really vibrant and bright actually.
jett said:Duckroll: I think that souterhn Florence area gets unlocked with one of the retail-exclusive DLC...I think. When you buy the Florence map it shows the that part unfogged, too.![]()
[Nintex] said:This game is dark? It looks really vibrant and bright actually.
It's the Auditore tomb.Merguson said:That "exclusive map" in Uplay..
what is it? is it worth it?
Merguson said:That "exclusive map" in Uplay..
what is it? is it worth it?
Merguson said:That "exclusive map" in Uplay..
what is it? is it worth it?
It doesn'tjett said:Duckroll: I think that souterhn Florence area gets unlocked with one of the retail-exclusive DLC...I think. When you buy the Florence map it shows the that part unfogged, too.![]()
Dead said:It doesn't
The Retail DLCs all take place inside Buildings available in the existing areas. They just unlock a door that you enter.
Not to mention the whole car thing. And not being able to traverse modern cities.Zzoram said:They probably won't go much forward, and could explore backwards. The issue is that the further forward they go, the more prominent guns will become and the less effective an assassin with daggers up his sleeve will be.
Talon- said:Got this game yesterday by Amazon...alongside a GameFly notification that AC2 had shipped. Thought that I wouldn't mind the $15 difference, and popped it in my 360.
Damn, am I glad I decided to buy this. Absolutely phenomenal. It's an improvement over ACI in every degree with the exception of some fickle controls. Just got to the villa, and I'm loving the game. I realize that the game's practically GTA, but I'm enjoying this game a lot more than any GTA. Something about freerunning and sneaking up on targets is more exciting than driving around, guns blazing.
GotY for me so far.
Not to mention the whole car thing. And not being able to traverse modern cities.
Damn I'd love an Assassin's Creed in Chinese Antiquity.
jett said:Shoving a dagger down somebody's throat is always going to be more satisfying than shooting from 100 feet away.![]()
duckroll said:WTF! That's serious bullshit.
Also, I found that you can actually replay memories of the Assassin Tombs, which is pretty cool, just not the main story memories. So the functionality is still IN the game, they just removed it for story memories for whatever reason. Wtf. Ubisoft!!!!!
Ranger X said:For the first thing, it's indeed bullshit. Nobody is having southern florence.
For the second, while I don't know if I can tell about the reasons specifically, choices are made when you devellop a game and it's all thought out. It's all for a reason, the feature obviously been cut but not hazardeously or in-between blonde jokes at some lunch time.
I also thing it's sad to not have the full replay feature but I know of some even more cool things that have been cut and that nobody of you know of. I hope you as well can enjoy the game for what it offers.
duckroll said:Well, I think it is very clear that people have enjoyed the game for what it offers, and enjoyed it A LOT. But I think it would be fair to fans of the game to also consider what we would like out of the game, especially for features which we understand have been cut for development reasons, but can possibly be patched in at a later time.
Mana Sin said:I'm glad the construction groups were cut. I don't wanna blow up Venezia's bridges, even if I had guards after me. Acrobat groups also sounded bleh... What else was cut? Are you not allowed to share the information?
Ubi really needs to release an expansion disc sometime.
Ranger X said:The biggest cut was the city editor.
duckroll said:Well, I think it is very clear that people have enjoyed the game for what it offers, and enjoyed it A LOT. But I think it would be fair to fans of the game to also consider what we would like out of the game, especially for features which we understand have been cut for development reasons, but can possibly be patched in at a later time.
Mana Sin said:I'm not exactly sad to see that was taken out.. I bought AC2, not Sims: Renaissance.
Ranger X said:The biggest cut was the city editor.
Ranger X said:I hope you get that I wasn't serious there :lol
Of course a city editor never existed.