What? I find this in the whole game. I have shadows and textures popping in all over the place. I've pretty much decided I want to rebuy the game on PC once it hits. Its great but these things are pretty apparent.cjelly said:Serious question:
As impressive as the Assassin's Creed engine is -- why do the Countryside locations look like utter dog shit?
Pop-up everywhere, terrible LOD issues, grass being drawn on the ground literally 2 feet in front of you, very flat lighting.
It's really annoying as the rest of the game looks pretty damn nice.
bdouble said:What? I find this in the whole game. I have shadows and textures popping in all over the place. I've pretty much decided I want to rebuy the game on PC once it hits. Its great but these things are pretty apparent.
Zeliard said:What's the most effective way to find the glyphs for The Truth video? It might be a hassle for me since I'm a few missions into Venice and haven't done much with the glyphs - only got three of them so far, so I'm gonna have to go around everywhere to get the others.
jett said:The technical hitches in the game are really quite awful. Unfortunately even the PC version of AC1 maxxed out still suffers from vegetation fade-in and agressive LOD for the shadows.
The countryside in AC2 really does look awful and barren even if you ignore all that, strangely AC1 is much better looking there.
LiK said:use a video guide on youtube. if the game actually had the landmarks labelled in the in-game map, that would've made it easier.
i'm hoping the 3rd game gets a new engine cuz yea, lots of technical glitches or weird graphical issues.
MMaRsu said:A new engine? Are you crazy.
They just need to upgrade it and finish all the small bugs and glitches. And LOD stuff.
Solo said:Not to mention that a new engine would = no AC3 in 2011.
MMaRsu said:A new engine? Are you crazy.
Solo said:Not to mention that a new engine would = no AC3 in 2011.
Well, I personally believe that by 2012, the next generation of consoles will be announced, and if AC3 were to be delayed for those, we could be looking at a 4-5 year break between 2 and 3. So Im more than happy to have 3 in 2011, on current consoles, with the same engine.LiK said:if it fixes all the techinical issues? sure, i can wait.
Unless they used some thing already made. Say CE3 perhaps.MMaRsu said:Exactly
Mejilan said:Hit up the maps and move towards the larger grey-shaded buildings. Those are landmarks.
Landmarks get entries in the database. Pull up the entry in the database, and if you see a red symbol, that means that there's a glyph or secret location (assassin tomb, templar lair) there. Once you've solved the glyph or completed the secret location, the red symbol will turn a light gray.
So basically, scour your locations sub-database and look for red symbols. If you're still missing some, then you might have missed some of these landmarks when exploring the game.
NinjaFridge said:Just finished it. Badass ending, holy shit.
Honestly I sort of knew where the story was going about 3/4 of the way through the first game (because of the emails and other Abstergo-related teases). Of course I wasn't positive, but knowing the references to anZeliard said:How can you guys seriously tell what The Truth video is from the first frame alone? Maybe it's because I only got about halfway through the first and am not all too up on Assassin's Creed overall story, but I can't see how.
Zeliard said:How can you guys seriously tell what The Truth video is from the first frame alone? Maybe it's because I only got about halfway through the first and am not all too up on Assassin's Creed overall story, but I can't see how.
yeah, I just finished it too. What. The. Fuck.NinjaFridge said:Just finished it. Badass ending, holy shit.
Zeliard said:The temptation to highlight these types of spoilers is really awful. :lol
Thankfully I think I can hold myself back. Is The Truth vid still self-contained enough to make sense if I didn't finish the first game?
Buy stuff, find stuff, renovate. That's really all there is to it.NinjaFridge said:Any tips on increasing the value of the villa? Got mine at 79%.
NinjaFridge said:Any tips on increasing the value of the villa? Got mine at 79%.
Zeliard said:LiK, I'll come back to those spoilers once I hunt down some glyphs. I don't even want to quote your posts because the spoilers become uncovered. :lol
And even if it is AC1 spoilers, if they have anything to do with the strange stuff that happens in AC2, then I don't want to know about them yet.![]()
NinjaFridge said:Any tips on increasing the value of the villa? Got mine at 79%.
LiK said:cool, understood![]()
Buy the shops first. Buy the weapons you want. At a certain point (for me right be fore venice) You pretty much make more than you will ever need.NinjaFridge said:Any tips on increasing the value of the villa? Got mine at 79%.
torontoml said:Don't have the game yet, but my brother would like to know if saves files are transferable for this game?
Thanks, sucks to be him i guess.Massa said:Nope, you can't even make a backup. (PS3 here).
MMaRsu said:Where the fuck are these last two codex pages man???? They aren't in Forli, Venice OR FLORENCE????? Well they aren't showing up on my map at least -_-. Although I haven't done all the viewpoints in Forli yet.. Would that make them show up?
NinjaFridge said:So if i want to replay a particular level after finshing the game, i have to start the game again?
Only the side stuff--assassination contracts, races, tombs.SenorDingDong said:Can't you just replay any part of the game via the DNA section of the menu?
ElyrionX said:The tombs were all pretty good though the last one was pretty fucking frustrating. The one set in the huge church that was being painted was epic.
I think he means the last tomb that's made available for you to explore. That would be the one with theZefah said:I really enjoyed all of the tombs. Which one was "the last one"? I don't think there was any particular order in which you needed to complete them.
Zeliard said:I think so long as everything that happens in AC2 is explained in AC2 itself, then it's all good. I'm sure it ties back to tons of stuff from AC1, though. Makes me sort of regret not finishing it, especially since going to look up the ending in a wiki would be far less satisfying.
cjelly said:I have just finished Memory 5 and I am really loving this one. It's a relief there are not constant interruptions from the Animus office like in AC1, so you can really just lose yourself in the game.
The tombs add a touch of Tomb Raider to the game, while maintaining the pace seen in games like Prince of Persia. I sorta wish they were more like the former than the latter, with a few more puzzles and such.
Really enjoying it, though, but I still find myself travelling about 99% of the time via roofs.![]()