I'm aware that you can buy an Animus data fragment location map once you find 50 unaided, however what about the memoir pages? Does a location map for those pop up at some point?
They become available after you destroy 25 fragments.
I'm aware that you can buy an Animus data fragment location map once you find 50 unaided, however what about the memoir pages? Does a location map for those pop up at some point?
You get the data fragment map automatically once you find 50 and the memoir pages map becomes available at the book shop at some point.
They become available after you destroy 25 fragments.
Haha, no. The only thing Batman does better than Assassin's Creed is combat. And honestly, Batman's combat basically just looked at AC's counter-focused, rhythmic combat and asked 'show can we make this faster and smoother'.
Everything else - Stealth, city traversal, story-telling, etc, Assassin's Creed does better and with more variety.
As a HUGE fan of Arkham Asylum, Arkham City was a terrible disappointment. Rocksteady's gameplay systems and design work amazingly well in a controlled, Metroid-esque game, but in an open city, the game was just dull.
Just bought AA from Steam earlier in the week (now to figure out why it isn't working) and have AC ready to be played afterwards. If GAF has been lying to me about the quality of these games like they did with the utter trash that is Bioshock, I'm going to be so fucking pissed.
Still, it would be nice to play a game that has combat similar to the Assassin's Creed series that is supposedly much more fluid and a lot faster.
Has anyone had issues with the Mercenary Guild Mission? I am on the protection segment of it and it tells me to finish off the soldiers, but no more show and it won't move on.
Sounds like it's ready for a restart then.
Also, that mission was an extremely funny one for me. Since the optional objective for full synch was to stay undetected, I ended up leaping from the roof into a haystack situated right in the middle of the battle and assassinated about a dozen dudes all while remaining hidden in the hay. Ezio kept popping up like a whack-a-mole and pulling in dead guys with him when he retreated.
Wow, the Animus sequences are utterly uninspiring.
They are so god damn awful that I didn't bother doing them beyond the first one.
Yeah. The Desmond narration is cool but the actual gameplay feels so half baked.Wow, the Animus sequences are utterly uninspiring.
Wow, the Animus sequences are utterly uninspiring.
I'm listening to the soundtrack, and I really hope Jesper Kyd does the whole AC3 soundtrack. Lorne Balfe's work for this one is pretty good, but the parts Kyd did compose sound a whole lot more unique and better, while also more in tune with the previous games (obviously).
Am I the only one that thought AC's combat was great for what it was?
Lorne Balfe is a man, man.
Arkham Asylum came out three months before AC II, and its combat is so far advanced on the garbage in the original Assassin's Creed that saying it's just a faster & smoother version of it is a joke.
is lucy really dead?!!!
Uhm, yeah?
Bioshock 2 is terrible, I love the Batman games though.
Damn it. There's a chance that, right?! right?!she somehow survives and reappear in AC3![]()
Damn it. There's a chance that, right?! right?!she somehow survives and reappear in AC3![]()
Speaking of which...
where the hell did Desmond's dad come from? I don't recall him appearing in any other game, but now he's here like he's always been here. And why does the whole game feel like random parts of matrix revelations?
Personally I felt that the move was done in an attempt to reduce budget. >_>>
Speaking of which...
where the hell did Desmond's dad come from? I don't recall him appearing in any other game, but now he's here like he's always been here. And why does the whole game feel like random parts of matrix revelations?
Yeah. The Desmond narration is cool but the actual gameplay feels so half baked.
I wish they would have gone with VR style obstacle courses like the Subject 16 program from Brotherhood.
Yeah, I thought they were pretty damn terrible, myself. You don't even find out anything interesting from Desmond's narration. Snooze fest.
Yeah, I enjoyed those. The terriblein Revelations is nothing more than change for the sake of change.Portal-Tetris hybrid
Not only were the sections completely phoned in all respects, we're also at the fourth core game of the series and so any added depth to his character will feel contrived and forced.
So I gave in and ordered this game. Just one question, is there some sort of backstory included in the game? I own AC2 but only played half until my PS3 YLOD and I lost my save, and couldn't go back. Also never played Brotherhood.
So I gave in and ordered this game. Just one question, is there some sort of backstory included in the game? I own AC2 but only played half until my PS3 YLOD and I lost my save, and couldn't go back. Also never played Brotherhood.
I would highly highly suggest finishing AC2 and Brotherhood first. The story in this will make little to no sense otherwise.
Also, this game would be greatly diminished if you don't have the attachment to Ezio as a character that gets built up in the previous two game.
Btw how many of those are there, I beat the game and got the trophies i needed for Desmond journey, is there an incentive(bar trophies) to keep looking for the memory segments?
I miss Ezio, already. I mean I know it was time to move on but I don't know if any character will be as good as he is.
Not only were the sections completely phoned in all respects, we're also at the fourth core game of the series and so any added depth to his character will feel contrived and forced.
So you learn nothing interesting, and nothing progresses, in the Desmond's Journey levels? I've done two of them and I fucking loathe them. I want to just skip them, unless the there's important story in them.
If there is anything important, can someone put a summary in spoiler tags for me? Thanks.
So you learn nothing interesting, and nothing progresses, in the Desmond's Journey levels? I've done two of them and I fucking loathe them. I want to just skip them, unless the there's important story in them.
If there is anything important, can someone put a summary in spoiler tags for me? Thanks.
Of the three characters in the Assassin's Creed games, two of them jumped headfirst into the life of the assassin without any hesitation.
One of them ran from that life.
Personally, I was interested to get inside the head of that person, and find out what it was about this life that made him want to escape.
And when you actually think about the life he lived, the way he was raised... you'd probably want out too.
It made me empathize with Desmond, for probably the first time in the series.