Yeah there's a lot of nitpicking. To me the experience feels no different than the past, and there are a lot of improvements, nothing that actually makes the game worst than past games actually. There are some things that need to be adjusted in the future, but whatever the case most people who liked ACB should like this one.
And now at least things can start fresh for the next game. Changing era completely is bound to bring about a lot of changes.
I'm 41% complete but on Sequence 4 (yeah, been doing nothing but side missions). But now I only have a Sophia mission showing, but no memory sequence missions available. Am I screwed, or will doing the Sophia missions eventually unlock a new story mission?
I'm 41% complete but on Sequence 4 (yeah, been doing nothing but side missions). But now I only have a Sophia mission showing, but no memory sequence missions available. Am I screwed, or will doing the Sophia missions eventually unlock a new story mission?
After 4 games people didn't noticed already that this game is an ACTION GAME with stealth elements? I don't see why it would evolve toward being a stealth game. It's not a stealth game.
I didn't care for collector's editions and stuff prior to the release of AC:R and now I've missed the Encyclopedia? It's sold out at ubiworkshops and not a single entry on ebay.
Oh that's a bummer. Is there anything interesting in there?
I'd love to have it just for the art. Will there be a reprint? Anything? Argh!
You can't throw daggers or shoot in the middle of a killstreak in this game, can you? That was pretty badass in ACB. I honestly don't like the redesigned controls in ACR, guess they had no choice since they were deadset in their shit ass bomb mechanic but they threw away almost entirely the puppeteer principle of the previous games.
So I'm picking this game up tomorrow after work and can't decide which console version to bite on.
Lens of Truth seems to like the PS3 version better, while Digital Foundry likes the 360 version.
I generally don't really trust either of those two sites, but they are the only thing we really have to go by :| Not sure who to go with on this one.
I would like it for the PS3 version to be "as good/better than" 360 since I don't subscribe to Live Gold anymore and would at least like the option of trying out this game's multiplayer. But single player takes priority and if the 360 version provides the better sp experience, then 360 it is.
I have done it several times jett; it's still there, but I will say that it feels completely random. Combat as a whole just doesn't feel as fluid as Brotherhood to me; I guess mostly due to the control changes. After many hours of playing, I still haven't become totally comfortable with them.
and the totally fucking stupid idea of introducing random slowmo for some of the kills, which btw exacerbates the sound glitching.
You can't throw daggers or shoot in the middle of a killstreak in this game, can you? That was pretty badass in ACB. I honestly don't like the redesigned controls in ACR, guess they had no choice since they were deadset in their shit ass bomb mechanic but they threw away almost entirely the puppeteer principle of the previous games.
You're still crazy wrong about the bombs and location (and just about everything else); however, this is entirely correct.
Means nothing to me from the guy that compared AC2 to MGS2, ACB to MGS4 and ACR to MGS3.
What's more, nothing prevented them to use Y button to talk and extra weapon with B. Right now it's inverted for no apparent reasons.
I have the 360 version, but I've played the PS3 version on my cousin's machine, and I can't notice any big differences. Graphics look identical; 360 maybe tears a bit more, or at least in different spots, but frame rate maybe a tad bit smoother in certain areas, I'm not sure. I would say the PS3 version is more than a safe purchase, imo.
Hey seems right to me. MGS2 is the odd one out of the bunch in the MGS series and ACII is the odd man out here (and least like the other three games even if people like it better than the rest and Rev and Bro took a lot of its mechanics and refined them).
It's in the feeling man, nearly everything about ACII pissed me off. It's the same feeling I got when playing MGS2.(I know I'm stupid)
I get the same feeling from B & R that I got from 1. Rev feels really similar to AC1 at that (but has obviously superior mechanics). It's also very visually similar and I thought the characters were handled extremely well in 1 & Rev. I've always hated Ezio yet I finally came to like him in Rev because he acknowledged the fact that he was and always has been just a crappy middleman to events beyond his understanding his entire life. His entire life was spent being forced into crap for someone else's gain and he finally accepted that. Made him cool to me for him to see how much of a non-driving force type of character he was. No ambitions of his own really.
I replayed a little bit of ACB today for kicks, confirmed to myself that the map in ACR is positively TINY. Also, the Colosseum > anything in this game.
It is a smaller, denser, more interesting map.
If you like riding horses through empty fields with nobody in them, then Rome is definitely your thing. Yes those large, empty structures like the coliseum were fun to climb on for specific missions, but they were otherwise giant wastes of space.
For people who like architectural and crowd density, Constantinople is far superior.
And BTW, the only kills that go into slow-mo are the final kills in a group. There were a lot of niggling issues that bugged me in this game, but the combat wasn't one of them. I never felt like I could't use exactly what I wanted to at any given time.
Probably because of the interview that said Assassin's Creed 3 could be a female protagonist in a world war 2 setting. I don't see how that'd work without it being a stealth game.
You can't throw daggers or shoot in the middle of a killstreak in this game, can you? That was pretty badass in ACB. I honestly don't like the redesigned controls in ACR, guess they had no choice since they were deadset in their shit ass bomb mechanic but they threw away almost entirely the puppeteer principle of the previous games.
Means nothing to me from the guy that compared AC2 to MGS2, ACB to MGS4 and ACR to MGS3.
I replayed a little bit of ACB today for kicks, confirmed to myself that the map in ACR is positively TINY. Also, the Colosseum > anything in this game.
But Rome has this, and it also has the fields. Constantinople excels at nothing.
And I do prefer the many unique structures in ACB to the same two buildings repeated ad nauseam. The difference in visual diversity is pretty marked. And when you bring AC2 into the picture it simply obliterates both of these two games put together.
Eh, makes sense. Y/Triangle was given a purpose in combat now while B/Circle already had one with the grabs and whatnot.
Actually it doesn't. Because the controls in AC were thought as following the body. That's the "puppeteer" as they call it. Y is on top therefore it's the head. X is the feet. Hands are having the other buttons.
Making sense here would be to talk with Y (like it was before) and "alternate weapon" should be on right hand. Right now there's no valuable reason those two are inverted.
But Rome has this, and it also has the fields. Constantinople excels at nothing.
And I do prefer the many unique structures in ACB to the same two buildings repeated ad nauseam. The difference in visual diversity is pretty marked. And when you bring AC2 into the picture it simply obliterates both of these two games put together.
Yeah, you should still be able to talk with it outside of fights, but I'd rather have that button serve a purpose during them.
But I am talking about "outside a fight". We talk with B now. Doesn't make sense. The fight is fine for what I remember.
Buying nothing but Air Assassins in Den Defense is absolutely hilarious.
Too bad they do nothing to siege engines. Too bad nothing does anything to siege engines.
Probably because of the interview that said Assassin's Creed 3 could be a female protagonist in a world war 2 setting. I don't see how that'd work without it being a stealth game.
Fire barricades.
??? What are those, and how do I get them???
What's great in this design is that the "white suit" wasn't followed as a rule. Ezio is traveling, so it was logical that he wouldn't dress like he did in Renaissance Italy. He really did have a more exotic look this time, and it fits in Constantinople which was the crossroad between Asia and Europe. It worked pretty well.
So how do you get the emblems for Multiplayer in Desmond's journey?