Zaptruder said:Fuckin Xeke high as a kite, talking shit with Tactical Fox 88, neocon extremist.
Shit is mind boggling for any decent rational person to read.
The support fleet will have an ABM system capable of shooting down whatever the Chinese develop, you say.delirium said:People are assuming that these anti-carrier missiles will lower the US's power projection through their carrier fleets in the region, but the US DoD hasn't that that stupid. They've been developing anti-missile defenses for a while. Hell, the whole point of the support fleet is basically to defend the carrier nowadays. Even when these missiles become operational, our supercarriers will be fine.
Zaptruder said:Fuckin Xeke high as a kite, talking shit with Tactical Fox 88, neocon extremist.
Shit is mind boggling for any decent rational person to read.
Kuro Madoushi said:Wow...overreact much?
I agree with war =/= nuclear war. Even if tensions rise between the two, I highly doubt the US will ever nuke China. Sheesh...always you assholes and your nukes...
I do see China using this somewhat as a deterrent to the States to stay out of their business with Taiwan. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Taiwan and China eventually reconcile and have it become a SAR like Hong Kong. Lots of people want this already in Taiwan (though of course there's also strong opposition).
Are you guys mad? Why the hell would China attack Taiwan? While the people there may consider themselves 'Taiwanese', many are still ethnically Chinese. I think a more elegant solution and more China's MO would be to get them diplomatically or economically. No reason to use force.
I don't think that's the correct way to look at the situation.Tristam said:Basically. If China planned to attack Taiwan then they wouldn't be opening trade in such a way that benefits the Taiwanese far more than the Chinese (as they did recently).
The US has several weapons that 99.99% of the world doesn't know about. Most of these are already installed but are highly secretive. No point in revealing them until you need to.Socreges said:The support fleet will have an ABM system capable of shooting down whatever the Chinese develop, you say.
Can you back that up?
And why would Gates be acting as though this is a "threat" and "disruptive of their freedom of movement" if this isn't a problem? The super carriers' most important function is as a deterrent. The deterrent is meaningless unless its existence is known. China seems to think it has something very important in development. It's like having nuclear weapons, but not telling anyone (Israel doesn't count!).
These systems can be defeated if there's too many targets in the air - you only have so many to fire after all, once you're out of ammo these systems can't really do anything.delirium said:The US has several weapons that 99.99% of the world doesn't know about. Most of these are already installed but are highly secretive. No point in revealing them until you need to.
But as for current defenses against these. I give you the SeaRAM. Image a Phallanx but instead of using bullets, it uses missiles.
As for Gates' comments. It's all posturing.
The carrier will usually be the center of a CBG. It's surrounded multiple ships carrying multiple SeaRAMs.XiaNaphryz said:These systems can be defeated if there's too many targets in the air - you only have so many to fire after all, once you're out of ammo these systems can't really do anything.
Granted, China has some ways to go before they can attempt such a tactic like the Soviet Union would have done.
Israel is already answering.Pterion said:Pakistan should too.
Nearly 10 years after a RAND study predicted the US side easily beats China in an air war over the Taiwan Straits, the think-tank has published a new monograph online today that reverses its former opinion.
Now, a People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) bristling with a newly acquired arsenal -- including Su-27 and J-10 fighters, AA-12 and PL-12 missiles, and short-range ballistic missiles -- defeats the US side. Moreover, the PLAAF defeats the US side with or without F-22s, with or without access to Kadena Air Base in Okinawa and with or without the participation of two US carrier battle groups, according to the monograph.
RAND's analysis "suggests that a credible case can be made that the air war for Taiwan could essentially be over before much of the Blue air force has even fired a shot. Threats to Blue air bases and a more evenly matched qualitiative balance combine to paint a very troubling picture."
fortified_concept said:How cute. Some kids are playing pretend war and my country is better that this country. Hey airheads, there will never be a war with China and if there was you shouldn't worry about the ballistic missiles but about the fucking nuclear warheads.
Also China will be defeating USA but not in a war but with their economy since USA for decades has been wasting billions sustaining the ever growing war industry instead of investing in more useful industries that will carry them ahead of the competition. The "OMG THE CHINESE HAVE A BETTER GUN" is probably a sales pitch from a couple of puppets to sell more weapons.
Deku said:The best outcome is for China to democratize and become closer to Hong Kong or Taiwan.
Unless that happens, regime change within the ruling party will always produce outcomes that cannot be predicted and the new leaders will always feel the need to 'prove' themselves or outdo their predecessors in one way or another
Pandaman said:is this bad?
While a nuclear bomb could theoretically sink a carrier
PhoenixDark said:From the article
wait, what :lol
daw840 said:Only theoretically! Those carriers are fucking STOUT I tell ya!
ImperialConquest said:MADE IN THE U.S.A.
BigSicily said:Wow! This comment just extrudes brilliance!
I like the don't worry about the ballistic missiles, but worry about the F^CKING NUKLEAR WARHEAD$. So, are they going to float it across the Pacific? It's like saying, don't worry about the hitman trying to off you, focus on the bullet.
Unfortunately, your economic analysis doesn't make sense to me. China's growth is inflated by several factors (population, monetary policy) which won't continue indefinitely.
Even now there is an open question in the west of their bank sheet and what's tenable. For example; China's Housing Bubble far from over (14 charts), Ying and Yang of China's Housing Bubble, etc.
In the 1980s everyone who thought they were smart put their money on Japan's economic expansion. (Hell, want to read Time's Shitty Article on this from 1988). The Japanese and their 10% GDP gains, huge projects set to dominate. Yeah, that came to pass, eh? How's that Fifth Generation Computer System coming along? Have you even heard of this before or is it totally dead knowledge after only 20 years.
The US will be just fine.
Great comment.
I will bet my first born son promising you that a nuclear war between superpowers will never, ever happen.fortified_concept said:Oh for god's sake. I'm talking about the nuclear warheads because in a nuclear war it won't matter who wins. And since both superpowers have nuclear arms this bullshit conventional war scenarios where nationalists are measuring their cocks to see which one's bigger don't matter.
And while your assumptions that China has a couple of bubbles is correct it's not nearly as bad as thing are in USA where the country is plunging into debt while they keep spending billions upon billions on the war industry, multiple times more than any other nation in the world. Btw, it's cute that you believe China won't be the next superpower.
fortified_concept said:Btw, it's cute that you believe China won't be the next superpower.
fortified_concept said:Oh for god's sake. I'm talking about the nuclear warheads because in a nuclear war it won't matter who wins. And since both superpowers have nuclear arms this bullshit conventional war scenarios where nationalists are measuring their cocks to see which one's bigger don't matter.
BigSicily said:I wonder given a little more perspective on your part, versed on the 1980s Japanese expansion, you would be so sure in your claims. Everyone and their mother thought Japan would be the next superpower. True story.
I give China a little better than flipping a coin, maybe 60%.
I suppose what I'm trying to impart is that somewhat more serious discussions of this aren't limited to your cases of no-war/nuclear-war. Before you came in with the cute comment about kids playing war, we were talking about different conventional possibilities.
I'm not in the field, but due to life I spent some time at SAIS, and let me tell you the serious people do question these things and do game the possibilities out. Unfortuntely, they do not act like you and just throw their hands in the air and shout, but "the fucking nuclear warheads!"![]()
Couldn't agree more.Zophar said:I will bet my first born son promising you that a nuclear war between superpowers will never, ever happen.
People that think even a conventional war will ever break out between the US and Chinese are ridiculous war fetishists that read Tom Clancy novels and take Call of Duty games as gospel. It has no basis in reality and is counter to actual geopolitical logic.
theignoramus said:Back to the real world, at exactly this time last year RAND put out a USAF subsidized report that concluded:
Xeke said:You're crazy if you think we could get into a full scale traditional war with China and both side would play nice and not use Nuke's, that's delusional.
fortified_concept said:Calling it "talking about different conventional possibilities" doesn't change the fact that you're nationalist kids playing war and talking about impossible scenarios. My point is that in the impossible scenario where war starts the superpowers will obliterate each other using the most efficient weapons they got before the other side uses them which of course are nuclear weapons. Everything else is gun porn for stupid kids being enthusiastic about weapons while the war industry is getting rich stealing the tax payers money.
Zenith said:The article mentions how it can hit a moving target, but it doesn't explain how it penetrates the destroyers defending the carrier or any of the other missile countermeasures.
BigSicily said:It was briefly mentioned here
It's a ballistic missile. Upon re-entry it'll likely be moving at over mach10 -- which makes terminal steering interesting. I'm not sure if Aegis+SM3 could hit that.
BigSicily said:It was briefly mentioned here
It's a ballistic missile. Upon re-entry it'll likely be moving at over mach10 -- which makes terminal steering interesting. I'm not sure if Aegis+SM3 could hit that.
I know of the SeaRAM. But I'm not going to assume, like you are, that it can, or will be able to, take out whatever China throws at it. Unless you can make the case?delirium said:The US has several weapons that 99.99% of the world doesn't know about. Most of these are already installed but are highly secretive. No point in revealing them until you need to.
But as for current defenses against these. I give you the SeaRAM. Image a Phallanx but instead of using bullets, it uses missiles.
It would be reverse-posturing then. And to what end?delirium said:As for Gates' comments. It's all posturing.
BigSicily said:Wow, so many labels! I'll cut through most of that crap and go with the only tangible point you uttered: namely that there is no such thing as a limited exchange between superpowers. This has been a hot topic in defense circles for decades, but most people seem to disagree with you.
The last sentence about stupid kids and the defense industry and gun porn -- wow, you're ridiculous. Lets try this again, this time talking about you; because as I read your response I see a walking contradiction:
Here we have a guy <fucking kid>, on a video game discussion board who likely spends countless hours debating the finer aspects <gameplay, 3D graphic porn> of a $50 game as if it actually mattered to life or the outside world; all the while the <evil> videogame industry is getting rich by selling a product they knowingly make addictive and in the process corrupting and violating our youth.
See what I did there? Personally, I think that's all a load of crap. Yet, you can make these stupid arguments about any topic somone is debating. You should be able to enjoy discussing different topics; being able to discuss a wide variety -- within context -- is a good thing. But, your little peacenik self can't get past entering the thread and inserting your view which wasn't the thread's topic.
But it's BigSicily that has done the analysis here, not you. You've made a number of unsubstantiated claims or poor arguments and continue to do so in your defense. Sheath that sword and walk away, fortified.fortified_concept said:The difference between you and me is that I have self-awareness. I have explained countless times that I don't have any problem with people in the Gaming forum no matter how heated the discussion becomes because we're talking about ridiculous unimportant matters. Haunted and me are exchanging cheap shots there for years yet I actually like him because from what I remember the few times he's been here he's has been very logical.
I'm glad though that you compare your ridiculous discussion here with equally ridiculous discussions in the Gaming forum, maybe you realize the stupidity of the discussion afterall. Problem is you're derailing a perfectly legit topic with the war fetish (as Zophar elegantly put it) crap that have nothing to do with reality. Go make a thread about impossible war scenarios or something and let the rest of us analyse the bullshit propaganda and fearmongering the media and politicians are serving to the American people to sell more weapons.
Socreges said:But it's BigSicily that has done the analysis here, not you. You've made a number of unsubstantiated claims or poor arguments and continue to do so in your defense. Sheath that sword and walk away, fortified.
I can actually just quote BigSicily here:fortified_concept said:Which are the poor arguments? That there's not a chance in hell for a war between China and USA or that even if a war starts it will be a nuclear one? These are the poor arguments? Please, I dare you to prove me wrong. The analysis even though informed is irrelevant since it's based on fairy tale scenarios. It's like me arguing about who would win in a war between New York and New Jersey using very informed figures from each state even though it doesn't. fucking. matter.
So you don't agree. That's fine. But no one with any extensive amount of knowledge about these sorts of things would agree that conventional war scenarios are "bullshit".BigSicily said:I'll cut through most of that crap and go with the only tangible point you uttered: namely that there is no such thing as a limited exchange between superpowers. This has been a hot topic in defense circles for decades, but most people seem to disagree with you.
Socreges said:I can actually just quote BigSicily here:
So you don't agree. That's fine. But no one with any extensive amount of knowledge about these sorts of things would agree that conventional war scenarios are "bullshit".
fortified_concept said:Defense circles are talking about different war scenarios? No shit. Wasn't there a leaked military report about a possible war scenario with Canada? :lol
Again, these are far-fetched bullshit scenarios for war enthusiasts possibly even sponsored by the war industry. Yes, they are informed but they don't fucking matter. What matters is the fear mongering by the corporate media urging for more arms races while wasting billions of tax payers money on something that contributes nothing to society.
That's not what either of us are saying. Please read more carefully.fortified_concept said:Defense circles are talking about different war scenarios? No shit.
Socreges said:That's not what either of us are saying. Please read more carefully.
I suppose I edited my post after you'd already started to reply? Mind replying to what I added?fortified_concept said:No that's not what you're saying. You're saying that some "defense circles" (btw Pentagon is so intertwined with the war industry nowadays that it's difficult to understand who's working for whom) are arguing that there's a -probably small- possibility of conventional war (has never happened and in the couple times the two old rival superpowers US and Soviet Union were about to start a war they were readying the nuclear missiles first) in the extremely improbable scenario that there's actually a war between two superpowers. That makes it a ridiculously tiny possibility.
There's also a possibility of a comet hitting the earth. So what kind of weapons would we want? Is there a need to drill into the comet or could we shoot the missiles from earth? Critical questions that should not go unanswered. Let's discuss this.
Honestly, despite advancements in missile-defense systems, I think the best defense against such a weapon would be the maneuverability of the ship and destroying the systems (UAVs or satellites) used to locate the carrier. This weapon has been rumored for years, and I still doubt its practicality. Using a ballistic missile to strike a ship, even one as large as an aircraft carrier, is impractical. The only way this weapon would be practically effective would be to use a blanket tactic where a salvo of missiles were launched. I am as concerned about this as I am of the magical Chinese electromagnetic space drive.BigSicily said:It was briefly mentioned here
It's a ballistic missile. Upon re-entry it'll likely be moving at over mach10 -- which makes terminal steering interesting. I'm not sure if Aegis+SM3 could hit that.
-- LOL this is serious Tom Clancy technophilia in action. :loldelirium said:The US has several weapons that 99.99% of the world doesn't know about. Most of these are already installed but are highly secretive. No point in revealing them until you need to.