I don't think there's ever confirmation on who voices dubs for NISA localized games. I'm assuming NISA is handling the dub as usual since they're still handling the localization, even if TK is publishing. From what I can tell, they're non-union jobs, so all the VAs have to do it uncredited if they want to still do union work too. Expect the usual Bang Zoom crowd I guess.Have there been any confirmations on who's voicing who for the dub? I'm excited to find out.
One of these days, I should just abandon my Rorona playthrough and just skip to the latest game.
DO NOT SKIP TOTORI!!!! 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
Otherwise, my PS3 is ready!
Should add to the OP that its day 1 digital release in the US. Also qualifies for the $10 credit for $50 spent on PSN.
Thanks for the heads up! Bah, I know Ayesha had a theme in Japan that looked really nice. I hope they sell it separately too...Also looks like preordering it on PSN nets you an exclusive theme.
Also looks like preordering it on PSN nets you an exclusive theme.
Bleh. Wasn't a fan when they did this in Neptunia mk2, and I doubt I'll feel much different here.Also, the way dialogue is presented is very different, as rather than using illustrated portraits with different emotes, cutscenes and conversation are shown purely through the 3D models.
Should add to the OP that its day 1 digital release in the US. Also qualifies for the $10 credit for $50 spent on PSN.
Bleh. Wasn't a fan when they did this in Neptunia mk2, and I doubt I'll feel much different here.
Is there gonna be another limited edition of this? Will it be hard to find in a few month's time?
Thanks! And yeah I'm a bit worried myself, especially since I know a lot of people are "boycotting" the game because of lack of Japanese voices and that's exactly what this series doesn't need. The boycotting, I mean.
Yup!What are the chances your name is a reference to the Deftones song Pink Maggit?
I had no intention of buying this one before at least trying out Totori because I wasn't sure if the fanservice/un-funny anime humor level of this series would be too high for me to tolerate. Sounds like I should definitely try Ayesha even if Totori is a turn-off.it's the prettiest game Gust has ever made by a country mile, and it even manages to rein in the excessive fanservice that plagued the Arland titles. It's the perfect Atelier title for America, and they're doing nothing with it. :\
I'm excited to play this next week, but still bummed by the lack of J voices, and only partial English for that matter >.<
Hopefully the game will still shine on regardless![]()
I really fear they're sending this one out to die, which would be a shame as it's probably the best game in the franchise in ages. The new alchemy system is engaging, the characters and plot are honestly engaging, it's the prettiest game Gust has ever made by a country mile, and it even manages to rein in the excessive fanservice that plagued the Arland titles.
I'm glad to see that someone from Aksys is interested in this series!
Though it's a bit off topic, I have a question. Given your company's recent history with Idea Factory's PSP otome games, is there any chance of getting the Atelier otome game they did over here?
I need it to be next week now.
Can it be next week now?
If you stole this thread from Rarutos like you did Meruru last year, Rarutos would've pounded you to next week.
That opportunity is now gone. ;p
I can't wait either! One more week to go!
That was a total accident! >>;; <<;;
Yeah, suuuuure! ;p
Anyway, are you getting a physical copy or are you dowloading it on PSN?
Yeah, I'm a fan of most of Gust's stuff, including the Atelier and Ar Tonelico series
Also, while I can't really comment on that, feel free to send us your suggestions! We love hearing them!
I was wondering if I should pre-order the game on PSN for the exclusive theme and also for the free $10 credit then I just remembered that the game will have Marion and Odileia as DLC. Guess I'll just add that as a perk for the getting the game on PSN.
Yeah, the timing is pretty bad. Forget the NISA fans (because I couldn't give a crap about Neptunia), this is a week after EO4, and that itself came three weeks after FE.
Q: Does this game have a time limit?
A: Indeed, much like the Arland games there is. However, it seems like it's more in the vein of Atelier Totori/Meruru where you have a single objective that you have to complete within the amount of time that the game gives you, which should be 3 in-game years (including extension, I could be wrong, though). Therefore, you will have a lot more freedom to do things in the game, unlike Atelier Rorona where you get an assignment every 3 in-game months.
It depends on the task. I think you would either get a Game Over or if you're a bit further into the game you might get a Bad Ending. The tasks are generally really easy to complete though so getting one of the good endings on your first try shouldn't be a problem.And what happens if you don't complete some task in time limit?
Is it known how much the digitall version will cost?