you dont carry over speed travel and collection items like meruru? bummer
You know, I completely forgot to check that. Let me take a look.
EDIT: Never mind, that stuff's there too. So I guess it's a combo of Totori/Meruru style.
Huh, guess it's pretty short if you don't mess around then.23 hours and 21 minutes. Finished with Alchemy level 50 and Adventurer level 46.
Huh, guess it's pretty short if you don't mess around then.
... And with that much stuff carried over that kind of seems like a good idea, but then I'd prefer to savor a game more. If I was going just for trophies rushing would probably be the best plan.
You know, I completely forgot to check that. Let me take a look.
EDIT: Never mind, that stuff's there too. So I guess it's a combo of Totori/Meruru style.
Fantastic news! Glad to hear it.
I'm having trouble putting this down, almost 4am here and I'm still playing. near the end of December, just made the Extreme basket (120 items in a basket now) and off to the
old coal mine place now. Is there any scales there for the shoes by any chance?
Wow, your basket's awesome. Mine only holds 80. XD
Also, were any Ar tonelico fans just as delighted as I was to hear the music at the Oesten Marshland?
Unfortunately I'm in the camp that hasn't completed the Meruru/Totori so I won't be getting to this yet but may I ask for a link with the music you're referring to?
Haha, yeah. I saw 3 sections on the trait/effect screens on the synth basket bit and aimed for the second one (which I assume holds 100) but I ended up getting the top tier one instead.
(If that sounded really vague or anything, again, 4am and I'm tired haha)
How useful is a large basket anyway? I have the 100, but I don't think I've even filled it up with more than 60 items yet. And I'm even keeping some battle items in there (which is something I didn't do in earlier games except when going to fight bosses).
I metout in a field area. Now I can't find them anywhere. Where did they go?Linca and Marion
I think they asked Ayesha toright? You need to go there to meet up with them investigate the Ruin Garden
I'm not well-versed in the licensing process, but I could see that happening. It's not like Gust would have demanded to know the reason(s) why NISA wanted the JP audio before they'd be willing to license it out. It's more like, "Okay, game license is this much, rights to use these images will cost $X, vocal track costs $Y, yada yada", NISA pays for what they want to license and the deal is inked. The audio would have been just another part of the contract, like "no big deal".I find it odd that there is a 'surprise' here (this was posted on the Atelier FB page btw), did NISA never tell Gust that a lot of Atelier fans enjoyed the JPN voice option?
edit: And here is another article from the same website (again posted on the Atelier FB page):
Late Boss spoiler:This fortress boss is really unfair, using energy shell allowing 3 extra turns (once using it twice meaning 6 things to attack us including his own attacks) and even at level 40, I get his health near low using EXA bombs with XL damage and Juris and Linca's special move when possible then he KO's two people and finishes the third with a final charge move or something like that.
Oh well, time to keep trying -_-.
Yeah he's fucking cheap as all hell once you tick off 70% of his health.
Know any good training places for level 40s near here? I'm on year 3, month 5, day 18 and would prefer not to take up too much more time.
Have you20K for a Hot Air Balloon?
Not without beating the. I only have 7.5k and need everpure water for most quests now (some of which say delayed now >_< )Tera-Slag which seems to be even stronger than this boss in terms of sheer power from the Glass Ruins
Hm, then I'd try some of the lower levels of thelibrary. There are also places in your Notes that mention some more power monsters have seen. I'd also recommend Exa-bombs for the boss, lightning and ice bombs blow against it.
I've done all the way into the.library, stops me at archive 6 or 7 I think now?
I will try once more and if I fail then I'll try the library again. I decided to use soul whetstones which I haven't even tried before. Ended up getting on this one, MP+15, HP+15, ATK+3 and Skill Enhance LV1. (edit: also using some Magic Dye on my clothes with a +5PH RES, +20 AIL RES and +10MP)
So I'll at least be slightly more powerful now.
As far as I'm aware it. Otherwise try to update level and equipment is probably the best option. My team was Ayesha x Juris x Keith.only goes to 7. Maybe something else will unlock more, dunno.
When do you get Keith? I have not found a way to recruit him yet.
Also is it just me or does Ayesha has the highest natural PH RES? Right now with the boosts, she is at 92 or something but she always seems to be higher (same with HP) no matter what
edit: and I beat him,![]()
Beat him? Awesome!
I remember recruiting Keith on the first floor of the library, the one with the counter.
Yeah, the extra boost from the Soul Whetstones on my weps and the extra PH RES on my armour was enough. Should have used these long ago.
Never was able to recruit him then... weird butHe's helping us out now from the looks of it so I might be able to recruit him soon I guess. I saw a vid with him in your party near what I assume is the final boss when I was trying to find a vid on this boss.
edit: One more question, is there any ultimate/really strong weapons? Just wondering if I should save the Blade Whetstone (which I just got and instantly made some) or if I can use it on any old weapon without worry.
As far as I'm aware itonly goes to 7.
Wow, that monster sounds tough ^ I'm interested too in case I get time on this playthrough to face it (when is the final date anyway? Just for reference)
Well, the problem with them doing it is generally when they attempt to appeal more to the west in a stupid or superficial way that doesn't actually please anyone, this sounds more like fans of the games taking cues and doing his own thing regardless of western appeal, and it seems to me that it's working pretty well for most people.Reading the article, this scared me a bit... I thought the Atelier series was one of the few sacred series not giving into the quest for western appeal.
Haha, I thought we were going to get through Ayesha withouta hot spring section... I'm not complaining mind you but it didn't seem like we would get one in this game XD
The game is as good as Totori, but far from Meruru. It left me disappointed on a few aspects.