You literally just threw two video games in the garbage Fangrim? You didn't even bother to give them to someone?
Lol that got me too. He could've at least returned them or something.
You literally just threw two video games in the garbage Fangrim? You didn't even bother to give them to someone?
Didn't even bother unpacking the other two games, just threw them in the trash.
Gonna play for these two best girls.
Didn't even bother unpacking the other two games, just threw them in the trash.
ranking contest let's do this
Totori = Meruru > Ayesha > Rorona
You didn't actually do that right?
I just play through the games and whatever happens, happens. I thought Totori was better than Meruru. I'm still playing through Ayesha but I think I like it more than Meruru too.
I've been thinking about the amount of hours I'm still going to spend with my PS3 with jrpgs alone and it's pretty crazy... Besides this game (and finishing Ayesha), there's Tales of Xillia 2, Tales of Zesteria, FFX/X-2 HD and Persona 5. That's what, 400 hours if you're not going for 100% in these games?
Yes I did. I was just so bummed out after Rorona, that I said "fuck it - never touching this series again!"
Edit: FFX was also the only games of the FF series (Playstation Era - ie. VII, VIII, IX, X, XII and XIII) that I haven't played to death - I'm definitely going to give the HD remake a go. I started on FFX when it was released, but I never really got into it.
This time around, I got the trophies to go for, and also to alleviate my bad conscience for never finishing it in the first place.
Damn dude, you could've traded them in, sold them or hell, just given them away.
Totori is so much better than Rorona it's not even funny but I guess that if your problem is ocd you'd still get frustrated.
I gave all my other (about 50) PS3 games away about a month before, then I got these 3 - and the guy who got my games didn't want them. Couldn't be bothered to put them up for sale, so in the bin they went ;o)
I've regretted it since though, but hey - gotta move forward ;o)
I don't have OCD, but I just can't cope with the mechanics in Rorona. Having to go to the quest lady, then back to craft, then back to her, having to micromanage my tasks and farming the necessary ingredients of the right quality.
It's been about 6 months since I touched the game, so my memory is a bit vague.
Having to go to the quest lady, then back to craft, then back to her, having to micromanage my tasks and farming the necessary ingredients of the right quality.
I was wondering, anybody knows why is it not on PSN? Other Atelier games are.
It's not going up on PSN? How long did it take Ayesha to go up? None of the other Atelier PS3 games are available digitally.
It's a thing that can happen if you don't have your PS3 system language set to English. It's really strange, I know it happened with Ayesha and Catherine for some.
Didn't something like that happen for some people with Ayesha too? I wonder if there's a way to fix it. What was your system language on, Stuaten-san?
PS3 lang set to English.
Told them on twitter and they said they have sent a report to their team about it. And yes it didn't happen to Ayesha. I'm not that bothered about it btw, I just thought it was odd.
edit: fun fact: Shows on my facebook page when I synced my trophies in English. How odd.
PS3 lang set to English.
Anywho, since the game is officially out in Europe tomorrow, I assume embargoes will be lifted soon, so if anyone sees any reviews I can add to the OP, let me know!
Just got the game, too bad I have to head to the hospital first and won't be able to play it for a few hours or so.
Installed the game though and watched the op. It's a weird op but nice music.
So I've started it now and well... the trophies in-game popped up in English (ie "Escha's Journey" was the first one I got) but when I went to view them:
They were in Japanese for some reason.
There's five, including the one in the OP, reviews on Metacritic. Then there's also this one, which doesn't have a score.
For those who have been getting the game early, have y'all been coming across some issues with how things are translated? I've been hearing that whoever did the translation for the game has done a bit of a... rough job. I've heard that, supposedly, there was an item trait that was translated two different ways, and apparently one of the traits with S/M/L variations had the descriptions mixed up. Is there anyone who can confirm there being issues like this present?
Does those Pre-order bonus costumes bestow any stat boosts/changes? That pirate outfit looks pretty great.
I'm not sure if support people are the best to confirm for that, it wouldn't surprise me if they went "oh right, here's the DLC code" without ever telling you ahead of time.So the Amazon preorder bonus isn't happening? That sucks.
Wonder if my GoHastings $20 order will go through.
I'm not sure if support people are the best to confirm for that, it wouldn't surprise me if they went "oh right, here's the DLC code" without ever telling you ahead of time.
But this is something that could go either way as being good or bad: they could just screw everyone out of ever getting the costume DLC, or because it was screwed up just make it free for everyone period. The latter's optimal really, especially given the whole concept is kind of bullshit anyway, at least as a permanent exclusive.
Certainly, we appreciate the time you've taken to bring this into our attention.
I understand your concern regarding the pre-order bonus offer for the "Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky - PlayStation 3" from your order.
I really want to help, so I've verified with our Marketing Team and they informed us that "Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky - PlayStation 3" is not entitled for a per-order bonus offer--I'm sincerely sorry about this misunderstanding.
Talked with GoHastings customer service recently. She gave me the impression they will be honoring the pricing error.
I hope it's just given for free though a sale is a compromise; I went ahead and dumped off a bunch of games at GameStop and will only hold on to the pre-order until Sunday or Monday in case I get something like what happened with the FFXIII-2 pre-order where I got the code anyway despite cancelling.I really hope they sell it later or something then, because this is ridiculous, there's no where else that is offering this costume. And they never sold these costumes on PSN in Japan because they were magazine exclusive. They're offering me 20 dollar in promotional credit at least, I guess.
Yeah I agree, I've always hated exclusives like this... I actually got another reply from Amazon's support and they pretty much said the same thing as last time.
I really hope they sell it later or something then, because this is ridiculous, there's no where else that is offering this costume. And they never sold these costumes on PSN in Japan because they were magazine exclusive. They're offering me 20 dollar in promotional credit at least, I guess.
The game is up on the store nowand appears to be more expensive than getting a physical copy from amazon
Found a bug in the game: I went to another area in town and then the loading screen appears just as usual. But I've been waiting more than 10 minutes and the game still was on the loading screen. So I had to reset my PS3.
2 hours of progress lost *cries*
played the first 2 hours (Escha), and i can report that surprise surprise it's an Atelier game, with all that implies. music is nice, animation is a bit janky, lots of alchemy systems to get your head around (v similar to Ayesha's so far tho). i like the grid for assignments and the way you can earn bonuses. early days but can already feel the "let's just explore one more area" itch coming on!
I'm also 2 hours in with Logy.
I have the impression its far less a "moe game" (cute girls doing cute things) thant previous entries, which was the point that buged me the most in the other Atelier.
Is this due to the game, the beggining being more ""serious"", or the fact that I'm playing Logy? Anyway, I like that.
For now, I rather like the new assignment/grid system, but the alchemy seems a bit oversimplified (but then again, I'm just at the beginning).
It's been less since Ayesha, the last game.
The tone and setting of the world is pretty different and while it still has the whole cute girls doing cute things, it just doesn't seem as that big of a thing anymore.
I'm remember this happening with Rorona. Would just stay at the loading screen forever or freeze randomly. I lost a lot of progress every time cuz I'm the type who doesn't save often.Found a bug in the game: I went to another area in town and then the loading screen appears just as usual. But I've been waiting more than 10 minutes and the game still was on the loading screen. So I had to reset my PS3.
2 hours of progress lost *cries*
They're purely aesthetic.