Ren:So Firis made what she - licensed alchemist can't do, and she has to test Firis skills for the recommendation? Talk about being unreasonable. Even more funny that Firis "forgets" that she needs that recommendation to even attend the exam.
Ren:So Firis made what she - licensed alchemist can't do, and she has to test Firis skills for the recommendation? Talk about being unreasonable. Even more funny that Firis "forgets" that she needs that recommendation to even attend the exam.
Ren:So Firis made what she - licensed alchemist can't do, and she has to test Firis skills for the recommendation? Talk about being unreasonable. Even more funny that Firis "forgets" that she needs that recommendation to even attend the exam.
Might not be the best place to ask (but I could not find a community thread) so!
I want to get this as I've just finished Sophie but I want one for my Vita and I was looking at Atelier Shallie Plus, my friend told me I should start on Ayesha for the Dusk series before I even think of playing Shallie but I wanted people's opinions?
Also how does Firis compare to Sophie? As I've only played Iris and Sophie.
exam with 5 recommendations:: yeah,I don't see how it is possible even theoretically to win that fight against Sophie first time around, I thought I was prepared: no status effects took hold, and my strongest bombs do no real damage to her and on top of that she fully heals and has three times Firis HP, and does decent damage. I'm pretty sure it's not an easy fight even on second playthrough.
BTW what's up with quests? so many bugged, have wrong clues and odd translations. Is it the same on PS4 too?
Also Firis has to be the weakest protagonist in Atelier series, at least I can't remember anybody weaker than her. Mostly they get pretty strong by the end of a game, but not Firis.
I read a theory somewhere (possibly this very thread) that when the localizers got a hold of the text database/spreadsheet, maybe someone screwed up and skipped a line, causing a bunch of translated lines to be applied to the wrong quest steps.
Given some of the sloppiness evident elsewhere, it wouldn't surprise me!
exam with 5 recommendations:: yeah,I don't see how it is possible even theoretically to win that fight against Sophie first time around, I thought I was prepared: no status effects took hold, and my strongest bombs do no real damage to her and on top of that she fully heals and has three times Firis HP, and does decent damage. I'm pretty sure it's not an easy fight even on second playthrough.
BTW what's up with quests? so many bugged, have wrong clues and odd translations. Is it the same on PS4 too?
Also Firis has to be the weakest protagonist in Atelier series, at least I can't remember anybody weaker than her. Mostly they get pretty strong by the end of a game, but not Firis.
So I'm pretty deep into the post-exam period now. The more I play, the more it baffles me just how much of the game is locked behind that deadline. For example, I can't believe they wait so long to give you. Both of those things would change the pre-exam period pretty drastically. And then there's all the character stuff, which turns out to be quite a lot.the broomstick and the Corneria doll
I can see how all this would've been the result of a decision to intentionally close off Firis's world during the exam period to illustrate her growth as an alchemist, but in the end it just feels like a huge artificial constraint in a series that's often better without them. I mean, I'm four months into the post-exam period and there are still plenty of places I can't go without dying pretty much instantly. The game doesn't need more roadblocks!
Firis is pretty good once it opens up, though. I'm getting that classic Atelier vibe again and it's great.
exam with 5 recommendations:: yeah,I don't see how it is possible even theoretically to win that fight against Sophie first time around, I thought I was prepared: no status effects took hold, and my strongest bombs do no real damage to her and on top of that she fully heals and has three times Firis HP, and does decent damage. I'm pretty sure it's not an easy fight even on second playthrough.
For what it's worth, I stomped her. Granted I was level ~30 and had applied overflowing life to every piece of gear I had so that Firis was sitting at roughly 200 hp.
EDIT: Does anyone know if there's any post-exam Pamela stuff? I've had all of 3 cutscenes with her I think.
Yeah, if you don't know what traits to look forSophie is really hard but she's pretty manageable with the right equips, even on hard mode.
I posted earlier but really you need to stack +HP and defensive traits onto your armor and accessories, and make Void Cores with as high of a quality (like close to 999) as you can to deal the actual damage.
Each trilogy is more of a loosely related set of games, not so much direct sequels. You will miss out on character backstories, though (several Ayesha characters reappear in Shallie). I think you should play Ayesha first, but not so much for story reasons; I just think Ayesha's a way better game.
but how? I barely reached level 20 by the time of exam, 21 or 22 for Firis, not sure which, and I didn't have enough time to remake every piece of equipment I had on Firis anyway, and my equipment is still far from good so far into post game.
Granted I was concentrated on making better bombs, what proves to be a lot of work in this game without ability to register stuff and all.
I also have hard time finding high quality materials, but there are some locations I haven't explored fully yet.
In general Firis feels like all around nerfed Atelier game to me, nerfed without any reason too. They are doing this for a long time now, bit by bit, but Firis is on another level entirely.
I really want to like this game, but annoyances are too numerous and inability to fast travel for so long isn't even in top 5 and that one annoys me to no end.
not sure how high quality cores are achievable in the main game, I'm in post game I still have no access to high quality materials, not in any significant numbers anyway, but maybe I missed something.
Thanks for your input!
My partner actually went and got me Shallie Plus sometime after I spoke to him about my lil dilemma haha! Guess I'll be jumping into Shallie next.
I might get Ayesha and Escha Plus if they go on sale on PSN sometime.
Also I just saw on PSN a free DLC for Firis. Is this the entire series songs for free?? That was paid DLC for Sophie, why is it free for Firis? Thanks!
Random aside: so I just hit what I think is the endgame for a character sidequest, and dear lord in heaven:
See you in two years.
Okay, I've played every Atelier game since Rorona but... An items quality makes a difference to its damage? Not just traits?
I've had this quest for roughly 10 hours, and still don't know how to make a Philosopher's Stone. Same thing with Harmonium, etc. Wish they'd at least kept Sophie's book for recipes, so I knew wtf to do for them.
Get the PSP version of Mana Khemia on PSN. One of the best and my favourite Atelier game. Probably because it doesn't play like the rest of the series.Might not be the best place to ask (but I could not find a community thread) so!
I want to get this as I've just finished Sophie but I want one for my Vita and I was looking at Atelier Shallie Plus, my friend told me I should start on Ayesha for the Dusk series before I even think of playing Shallie but I wanted people's opinions?
Also how does Firis compare to Sophie? As I've only played Iris and Sophie.
Of the top my head, money, unlocked costumes, currently equipped battle items and synthesis item levels/proficiency.and one more thing, anybody knows what exactly caries to new game +?
Of the top my head, money, unlocked costumes, currently equipped battle items and synthesis item levels/proficiency.
And on NG+ every costume has the bonus of every other costume, so you can wear whatever you want and still get the bonus line during synthesis, for example.
Oh and whatever stuff you have placed in your atelier.
Do you know if Corneria doll caries over?
and I can't believe equipped items don't... like that is beyond mean considering how much effort it takes to make any half decent item in this game.
rude, brutal, unfair
Do you know if Corneria doll caries over?
and I can't believe equipped items don't... like that is beyond mean considering how much effort it takes to make any half decent item in this game.
rude, brutal, unfair
not sure how high quality cores are achievable in the main game, I'm in post game I still have no access to high quality materials, not in any significant numbers anyway, but maybe I missed something.
I'm also alarmed that I haven't unlocked Elixir yet, I need it badly, I suppose it's likely because I haven't found Dunkelheit yet, anybody knows what location it is in?
You'll need to unlock the second fast travel option.I'd actually managed to collect one before then, not sure how.It's on the floating island past Moon Catcher Pass, in the second area. There's a big waterfall, and Firis comments on the awesome flowers she can collect there.
Random question: once you're past the exam, how do you, y'know... end the game? I honestly have no clue what I should be looking for in an ending, besides doing character quests and making better equipment and stuff. It's just one of the many baffling things about this game.
Synthesis chains are in Atelier games since forever.It was like this in Sophie and beyond annoying. You have to chain-synthesize items with quality increasing traits (ie, Super-Quality).
Basically you make, say, a quality 100 Distilled Water. You add the trait Super-Quality. Now you have a 150 quality Distilled Water.
You use that 150Quality Distilled Water as an ingredient in, say, another Distilled Water. Only this time (since the ingredients are higher quality) you end up with a 120 quality Distilled Water. Now add "super-quality" to that and you end up with 180 quality distilled water.
You chain the synthesis over and over and you'll end up with 999 Quality ingredients. It's almost impossible to get most items to 999, since they have ingredients that are not synthesis items, but it's pretty easy (honestly) to get 999 Quality items you use alot of, like Zettel, Neutrilizers and Distilled Waters.
It gets frustrating if you MUST have a 999 Quality end game attack item; that usually requires alot of synthesis and planning. You can easily hit a 400 to 500 quality core before passing the exam, and that's with ingredients I had on hand after getting to Reisenberg w/o extra farming.
you are much farther in the game than I am so just going off what i've read here but yeah character quests
essentially there's 9 different endings for various characters unlocked by doing their quests and then a 10th "true" ending for unlocking all the other ones
I just wanted to know what I need to do to trigger NG+ immediately, should I decide I want out.
This game tries my patience like no atelier ever did. I seemingly can't unlock any post game recipes. Guessing what exactly you have to do is exasperating.
And still no fast travel, it's a disaster.
It might be first in history Atelier game I won't 100%. Losing my will to do so real fast.
Why exactly that red stone-gem or whatever recipe didn't appear on my list even if I had an idea for it. It is intended, isn't it?
If you're still having trouble with unlocking an ending - once you completely clear one of the characters side-quests, Firis will talk about finally figuring out what she wants to do. You'll get a quest that asks you to go back to the Ertona door, at which point interacting with it triggers the typical Atelier ending questions ('With a man', 'With a woman', 'Go at it alone').
Also, Angriff's ending is absolutely hilarious.
Still early on, but I'm really not feeling this one so far as someone who really liked Sophie. The underground is so drab, I don't really like Firis very much, and the game seems to perform worse than Sophie did. Does it get better?
Still early on, but I'm really not feeling this one so far as someone who really liked Sophie. The underground is so drab, I don't really like Firis very much, and the game seems to perform worse than Sophie did. Does it get better?
Aaaand platinum complete.
Game is kind of a drag until you complete the alchemy exam imo (so the first year). After that, it becomes much more of a typical Atelier game.
Overall, ranks somewhere around the middle to lower end of the franchise spectrum for me. Liked it more than both Ayesha and Totori, but not much else.
Geez, the performance gets worse? That's not good... I'm glad that the game itself improves at least.
I can't agree, there is nothing typical about Firis as an atelier game. I wanna like it, but I just can't. It annoys me, disrespects me and doesn't care about my time at all. Atelier games usually are pretty time consuming to 100%, but Firis feels like all work and no fun and that work never ends, because you can't register most used items, so you have to make them again and again and again, so you run out of materials and have to go gather them again, it's really neverending cycle of misery and boredom. Now considering you need items with certain traits and certain elemental values and sizes and high quality, this alone can drive anyone crazy.
And it is such a pity, it needs very little tweaking to be a good and interesting game: registering items, fast travel, bigger initial storage space, earlier item refiling ability, translation that is applied in a way that makes sense and doesn't ruin some items and some other small tweaks. Instead they decided it to make a slog-chore of a game. Why?
I'm also a bit confused by one specific part here:you know you unlock refills in the post-game, right? It happened really early for me after the exam and I thought you were in post-exam too so I figured you'd know about this. If you just mean that you don't unlock it before the exam, never mind me!
I think their problem is with the lack of an item registration system (where you make an especially awesome material and then have shops sell it back to you), and not with refills. I was really surprised they didn't give Nanna or Pamela the ability at their shops.
Oh, right, my bad. For some reason I had "register this item and we'll sell it back to you" and "we refill your equipped items automatically" equated in my head. FWIW the franchise has gone back and forth about this; I think all of Arland and Ayesha was registration, then Escha & Logy and Shallie were refills, then Sophie had BOTH (which I totally forgot, I thought it was just registration), and now Firis is refills.