I will add that two of the required bosses for a couple endings can be very tough even in the 60 range of levels.
How can you get to level 60? My characters stopped to level up at 50.
I will add that two of the required bosses for a couple endings can be very tough even in the 60 range of levels.
How can you get to level 60? My characters stopped to level up at 50.
There's a facility that you can build. It costs 300 points.
What's the fastest way to raise your Alchemy level at the end of the game?
I finally finished the game, got theending. I'm trying to do as many endings as possible with all the saves I have piled up, but at least in my normal game I only managed to reach Alchemy level 47.Rorona A
Stuff from the Equipment tab can be unequipped from characters, e.g. runestone, ring, bunny tail, etc.And are you sure you can't take off the Traveler Shoes? There's a dedicated button for removing equipment (square?), it should work with the shoes, too (I have never tried, though).
Items from the Development tab (bigger basket, blessed coin, gathering gloves, etc) can only be equipped from the basket/container (when selected with x) but as it seems never be unequipped.
You just have to go to Meruru's equipment screen and press triangle.
Really? I tried a bunch of stuff, guess just not triangle. Well, I stand corrected.You just have to go to Meruru's equipment screen and press triangle.
Really? I tried a bunch of stuff, guess just not triangle. Well, I stand corrected.
And obviously all the other characters were already established in the previous games and we're just seeing how they are in the aftermath. Though I did really like Mimi's story in this one. I am a bit saddened athow Sterk got so serious about everything, and not even comically so.
I pretty much never used him in this game. He had one funny scene, though, whenyou talk to him at the end of the game (and Meruru tells him that it might be time for him to find a real job), though that's more Meruru being funny, I guess.
While the addictive alchemy formulas that sit at the heart of the gameplay have been held over for a repeat performance, everything else has been hit hard by an obnoxious spoiled brat of a title character, a repetitive plot loaded with never-ending tedious dialogue, and so many creepy moments with the short-skirted kiddie characters that you feel like you're committing a crime just looking at the TV screen.
Meruru is an insipid, self-absorbed kid, about as far from a sympathetic title character as you could roam, complete with a blackboard fingernails screech of a voice and a giggle that could cut glass.
But she is so annoying in every way that you can't help but cheer for her to be beaten into the ground by every monster she encounters. Needless to say, that is a problem given that you're supposed to be guiding Meruru to success. Other characters are easier to endure, although their meandering dialogue rambles on endlessly through conversations that make Saturday-morning cartoons seem like George Bernard Shaw.
The setting is overloaded with anime-style cutesiness. There are more pastel colors and glowing stars here than in the average 8-year-old girl's dream bedroom. The entire game sparkles like a Twilight vampire. Even hard-fought victory in combat is concluded with Meruru and pals jumping up and down like they just won a spelling bee. Music is equally light and poppy, although tinges of adult rock make it more acceptable for the crowd that doesn't need a fake ID to buy a six-pack. This kid-friendly atmosphere sits uncomfortably alongside sexualized fetish outfits on too-young female characters. Costumes are taken to extremes with super-short skirts and corsets that it makes playing the game somewhat cringe-worthy
You may well like the quirky, crafting gameplay of Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland. You may well get into harvesting ingredients and building this little backwater into a real kingdom. But it is impossible to enjoy the game as a complete experience because you see everything through the eyes of one of the most vapid gaming protagonists ever created, and do all of your adventuring in a world so sickeningly sweet that you should get screened for adult-onset diabetes the moment you put down the gamepad. This, plus the repetitive nature of the campaign and the timed goals, betray the good elements provided through the crafting and adventuring.
There was corsets and fetish material in this game? Wut? Meruru's skirt is ridiculously short though. But it's not like you see any upskirt shots or anything with her because of what she wears under them. I have no idea what they're called lol.
How cute, someone feels his manhood is feeling threatened so he's gotta act all big and tough and manly. Seriously, this "reviewer" needs to get over himself.
Not surprised it got bashed. A bit sad to see, but yeah... I agree on some points made but it overall just seems like a slap to fans' faces.http://www.gamespot.com/atelier-mer...arland/reviews/atelier-meruru-review-6382178/
Well, Gamespot just finished trashing Atelier Meruru it its review. I'm not surprised seeing that it's niche not-dudebro game, but what's funny is that this guy's hatred of the game seems to completely center around Meruru's outfit. Which I agree is a bit ridiculous but really? The amount he harps on it makes me worry about him to be honest, since there's nothing all that sexual about Atelier Meruru (sans one CG later on).
Not sure yet about the 'fetish material', but there was only a mention of a corset in the first hour or so, with no imagery accompanying it. And yeah, as Zel said, they're bloomers.There was corsets and fetish material in this game? Wut? Meruru's skirt is ridiculously short though. But it's not like you see any upskirt shots or anything with her because of what she wears under them. I have no idea what they're called lol.
This guy doesn't seem to understand the concept of cute! Gamespot probably chose the worst guy possible to review this. Seems incredibly biased.
It's obvious this reviewer went into this game knowing he was going to hate it because it was cute. He's REALLY stretching, and I get the impression he's overcompensating because he doesn't want to appear "unmanly" or some other BS.
The spoiled princess bit still makes me lol. Since Meruru is probably one of the more selfless characters in the game and even flat out states that she never was princess-like to begin with.
The time limits add pressure that takes away from being able to enjoy the game at a relaxed pace and simply have fun exploring and cooking.
This part seems strange somehow. The game rarely gives you any time limits on quests and they're in no way pressuring.I even had to go back to the second year just to be able to NOT pass the 100,000 citizens mark
Saw your comment there, RurouniZel, no reason to question the reviewer's fetishes.![]()
An adorable city-building simulation with very light combat and alchemy elements, Atelierisn't very difficult, but it's more engaging than the sum of its parts.Annie
Edit: Also, I looked for other reviews by that guy and the first result that came up in their own search engine was "Brett Todd needs to be fired". Fitting.
standard "cute = pedo" garbageThis bit made me go "wat?"
finally got some time to start this! about 5 hours in, its quite similar to Totori isn't it? really like the "build your kingdom" aspect of it though, loved the redevelopment bit in Xenoblade, seeing how things change.
are there really no battles/encounters/finding stuff on the map screen?
Overworld traveling is much safer in this game for sure, but it seems like Meruru doesn't regenerate MP in the overworld like her predecessors did.Yep, Meruru borrows a lot from Torori. But there are no battles, encounters, or finding stuff on the world map.
Overworld traveling is much safer in this game for sure, but it seems like Meruru doesn't regenerate MP in the overworld like her predecessors did.
I was mildly disappointed that I couldn't alternate between alchemy and adventuring the way I did in the previous Arland games.
I figured as much, but it seems pointless that the structure that unlocks MP restoration during travel isn't one of the earliest development projects.I was annoyed by that as well until I discovered that there's a structure you can create later on that unlocks exactly that.
Ding! Platinum'd! I thoroughly enjoy the whole Arland series. Can't wait for Ayesha. Time for next game: Gravity Rush!
Alright, took a break from the game and now I'm gonna do one more run! I need to platinum this (that 78% is STARING AT ME!!).. >>;
How goes everyone else's journey?
I've barely had time to even start Meruru. I think I just did the first quest Rufus gives you...
So, can anyone who's bought/used the DLC characters rank their battle prowess/worthfulness? I haven't had a chance lately as I've been dog-sitting all week... >>;