That dog photo reading the paper.
"I should buy a 3DS"
"I should buy a 3DS"
Izaya, Celty, and Shizuo appear, which is cool since the same artist who did Devil Survivor also did Durarara.
Just type "devil survivor 2 break record durarara" into Google Images & the Famitsu scan should appear since I can't link it nor find any other place with confirmation without said scan.
Maybe he's thinking of the anime adaptation?
$50 means I'm waiting for that inevitable eShop sale.
Isn't this "Enhanced Port" gimped as fuck?
Why is everyone so excited?
Isn't this "Enhanced Port" gimped as fuck?
Why is everyone so excited?
That dog photo reading the paper.
"I should buy a 3DS"
Why $50?
Isn't this "Enhanced Port" gimped as fuck?
Why is everyone so excited?
I almost wonder if Atlus grabbed someone that used to work at SE who thought doing that to EVERY game they put out was a great idea.Atlus tax new Square Enix tax. Can't say I am as cool with it for a DS port as i am with SMT IV and Persona Q though.
Can't wait to play this in 2032, in Europe.
I just think this is not the right game to charge $50. I'm an Atlus fan that have every single 3DS game from the company, all of them bought day-one. I bought SMT IV and Persona Q limited edition at launch, because those were high-profile games with a lot behind them, being original games from two of Atlus' biggest franchises. This? No, not really.
This is Atlus we're talking about...what do you think?
Yup, same. That's what I'm doing with Persona Q as much as I really want to play it right now.
What's next, Persona 5 retailing for $70?
What's next, Persona 5 retailing for $70?
Izaya, Celty, and Shizuo appear, which is cool since the same artist who did Devil Survivor also did Durarara.
Just type "devil survivor 2 break record durarara" into Google Images & the Famitsu scan should appear since I can't link it nor find any other place with confirmation without said scan.
Does this game works like the first Devil Survivor 3ds port?
Like.... the game only happens on the botton screen, while the huge, beautiful top screen is wasted with character status?
My 3DS is pretty much an Atlus Box that I'll never be able to keep up with. It's amazing.
Isn't this "Enhanced Port" gimped as fuck?
Why is everyone so excited?
This is Atlus we're talking about...what do you think?
Fair play to Atlus for screwing us Europeans over again. Have to admire that dedication.
I'll eat my hat if it doesn't go in sale for 25 bucks or less by Fall 2015.Edit:Wait, 49.99? Fuck this, will skip like I skipped PersonaQ.
I'll eat my hat if it doesn't go in sale for 25 bucks or less by Fall 2015.
Altus has taught me patience.
About the Durarara party members...
Fingers crossed.
I hope they added some more superbosses this time. The ones here are far too easy, and I enjoy the heck out of it in DS1 against Lucifer.
I'm just pointing out that sometimes there is no "right" decision in business. It might suck for the consumer. It might suck for the publisher. Releasing an enhanced DS port on 3DS 3-4 years after the original game, with the same graphics and a promise of a pseudo-sequel included with that same asset quality is not a good value proposition in any reality. The product is what it is, the alternative I guess was to cancel the release.
Same, I'm managing to wait for PQ, this will be the same. If it was 39.99 I would've bought both day one, but for 49,99 I'm out, and it is not because of the money.
Let me invite you to Europe, where we've been paying the equivalent of 50$ w/o tax for 3DS games since forever and reguarly get screwed over by publishers like Atlus, where we can be happy when we eventually get these games digital only.
Though to be fair the situation's been getting a bit better
You don't even have to ask me twice, I would move there before you even blinked. Things are shitty here, would trade getting games for cheaper for living there in a heartbeat.
Looking forward to the European 2017 release for this!