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Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) manga thread of TOTAL SPOILER PANDEMONIUM


I'm wondering if anyone can help me figure out what chapter I left off on AOT, the last chapter I read the armored titan and the huge titan(forgot their names) kidnapped eren and they are talking in the giant forests and they keep teasing secrets but not telling shit.
I decided to hold off until it built up a few more chapters before I start reading again.
That would be the end of volume 11, i.e. episode 46.




^ That creeped me out too.
This was month tough, but boy the Historia reveal made the lead-up work. What really ticked me off was when he revealed all the stuff they "put down".


Why is Krista spelled "Christa" in the unofficial translated scans while the official translation is Krista? Just something I noticed which I thought was odd.


Why is Krista spelled "Christa" in the unofficial translated scans while the official translation is Krista? Just something I noticed which I thought was odd.
Unofficial translations predate official ones. They might simply be sticking with the spelling they picked in the first place.
That was a pretty good chapter. I cant handle torture stuff, even slightly.

Shame about Erwin's dad. I want some titan action but this Historia storyline is now finally getting somewhere.
I understand that, but this is the only development in the story that feels artificial or manufactured. Of the two options on the table, overthrow an immensely powerful and corrupt monarch or escape and avoid capture, which sounds easier? It just doesn't seem like this danger has any immediate threat. They're chasing Eren and Historia, if they aren't there to be captured nothing happens.

It doesn't take an Armin to figure they're taking the hard road for whatever reason. To me it seems like this is too personal for Erwin and no one is questioning his decision making. Maybe that's the point? But Eren is being a tool (nothing new) but for once it's not in line with his original goals.
Escape to where though? They can't live in titan territory. The monarchy controls everywhere else.
Escape to where though? They can't live in titan territory. The monarchy controls everywhere else.

We don't know they couldn't. I'm just kind of confused on how quickly they seem to forgot that Eren turned Titans that were eating them into his personal bodyguards. For all we know he could march every Titan out of Wall Maria. Afterwards they immediately tried to get him to "harden" when it might not even be necessary. No tests, questions or anything. They just glossed over it. Red Herring if you ask me.


We don't know they couldn't.
Not sure what you mean. They can't do much of anything to deal with the titan issue if they're constantly on the run.
Ad for Eren apparently being able to control titans, that's nice, but it hasn't been thoroughly tested (can he do it reliably?), and he has to sleep once in a while.
Not sure what you mean. They can't do much of anything to deal with the titan issue if they're constantly on the run.
Ad for Eren apparently being able to control titans, that's nice, but it hasn't been thoroughly tested (can he do it reliably?), and he has to sleep once in a while.

Which is why I don't understand why they're running tests on getting him hard aside from puns. Erwin seems dead set on revenge against the monarchy by masking it as doing what's best for the people, which would make this all make a lot more sense. If not then my first point stands. Mind control trumps sealing a hole they can't reach regardless.


Caught up with the last three chapters.

So this is where the story is going eh. How utterly uninteresting. At least the art is a bit less shit now.


Okay, so I finished the anime over one week and it was pretty awesome.

I also stayed up until 6 AM yesterday after finishing the anime to catch up on the manga. I really hope the production staff take liberties in cutting some of the stuff out. I really dislike how everybody ant their mom is all of a sudden revealed to be Titans. Really takes out the whole "oppression under them" theme and turns it into a really bad story.

Pretty disappointing after watching the anime.

(Also, I did not predict at all that Annie was the Female Titan. I binged-watched all those episodes within a couple of hours, so I never really analyzed it. I'm really happy I didn't because DAT REVEAL.)


I knew Annie was a titan, but I didn't knew Armin was leading her to a trap. No idea how I missed that, heh.

The armored/colossal tiran reveal was so out of nowhere though. Fuck. Reiner used to be one of my favourite characters but this revelation kinda ruined his character for me... even when I already knew he was the titan deep inside.

I'm actually surprised at the current story. Back when the anime started and the colossal attacked the wall, I would have never guessed what would happen. It's somewhat stupid but knowing that was bernholdt kinda ruins the mystery surrounding that titan. Efpected something cooler.

They just love giving us more and more questions too. The few answers we got only created more questions. Hell, I'm mad they saved Eren because I wanted to see the village Reiner keeps telling about. Their mission etc.


The trap reveal was meant to be a surprise to the audience. Everyone misses it.

The 3 Titans that infiltrated were child soldiers, leading to what you have going on with Reiner, where he's now behaving erratically as his emotional instincts clash with the indoctrination they received. He's a good guy who's been put into an impossible position.


The trap reveal was meant to be a surprise to the audience. Everyone misses it.

The 3 Titans that infiltrated were child soldiers, leading to what you have going on with Reiner, where he's now behaving erratically as his emotional instincts clash with the indoctrination they received. He's a good guy who's been put into an impossible position.

Oh, I see. Now you mention it, it is rather impossible to know about the trap before..

And yes, I understand their situation. I just don't like it when all the cool characters turn out to be titans :p


Wooooaaahh wtf man? Now the plan is fucked. Mikasa and Levi are brothers? That dude is their father? Wooaaaaa

I think Levi has a backup plan in mind because the last page shows that he's standing behind a tree. He's probably eavesdropping on the conversation between Reebs and Captain Ackerman.

Levi could be Mikasa's brother or uncle, because he's supposed to be in his 30s and Mikasa is still 15. That guy could be their real father too.

Still, 10/10 for chapter 56. Finally we get more backstory for Levi.

RIP Reebs.


At the rate of people dying, I supposed the plan would totally fail: Levi has a counter plan which is anticipated, Pixis betrayed Erwin by telling him the secret of many things, but none will be revealed to audience. Meanwhile, Eren will be captured but Armin and co will manage to escape and went into the "human titan territory" where Reiner will greet them with a partial story from their side. They will make a pact to save Eren and Annie together!!!!

Sorry, was too bored.


You know what, im enjoying the series way more now that is some kind of dystopian thriller.
The author is totally going for a HxH style "undercut your expectations" thing, with hilariously mixed results, where some things work and others just fall apart. It causes pacing problems, but the insane unpredictability is just so much fun.


That woman with captain Ackerman, any idea who that was?

Also, now we know Levi's full name... does this mean he knew Mikasa was a relative of his all along? I can't remember, but you'd think they know everyones last name when they join the corps. Well, someone must have made the connection. Makes me wonder why Levi never brought it up, probably on purpose... wonder why.


I'm thinking Levi's name is adopted, since he was supposedly a street kid before. Then got recruited and taken under the wing of evil Ackerman. Supposed evil Ackerman is also athletically talented, and related to mikasa's dad, who then passed that down to mikasa...

Soooo that still raises questions about whether mikasa's family name an talent raised any connections to evil Ackerman. It should have at least for Levi...


I'm thinking Levi's name is adopted, since he was supposedly a street kid before.
I may be mistaken, but I seem to remember something in his spin-off hinting at him actually being from a wealthy family, originally... For what that's worth anyway, of course.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Attack on Titan has been in a contant state of "shit is getting real", until you step back to look at the entire picture and realize it's not going anywhere!


Attack on Titan has been in a contant state of "shit is getting real", until you step back to look at the entire picture and realize it's not going anywhere!

I've been meaning to ask; has the plot gone anywhere in the last 6 chapters? Chp50 is the latest one I've read I think. Can't decide whether I should read them or keep waiting till I have more to read at once.


I like how the reasoning went "we need to get to the basement ASAP" and then the conclusion was "we need to overthrow the government".

Once they get into power they will get sidetracked ensuring everyone has access to healthcare and education and starting a transition into a democracy.


I like how the reasoning went "we need to get to the basement ASAP" and then the conclusion was "we need to overthrow the government".

Once they get into power they will get sidetracked ensuring everyone has access to healthcare and education and starting a transition into a democracy.


GOD! These people!!!!!

Curious and stop me if it's been talking about before (I haven't waltzed into the manga thread before). I couldn't really devote myself to the anime, I read the manga first so that's probably one reason why, but anyone else feel the janky art works a lot more in the manga's favor?? I feel like there's a lot more of a 'horror' feel in it than the manga's....kinda hardcore shounen style.


The chinese raws for the next chapter are out -- you can find them on reddit etc. Not sure if it's allowed to link them here so I wont.

Just looking at the images makes me go "...oh my god - awesome". Can't wait to read the translation when it's available.
Anti-Personnel 3DMG aka Revolver-thingies. Looks so sexy.
(spoilertagged this just because the translation isnt out yet etc blabla)

Edit: There is a translation out already too - and damn, what a great chapter.

but anyone else feel the janky art works a lot more in the manga's favor?? I feel like there's a lot more of a 'horror' feel in it than the manga's....kinda hardcore shounen style.

I absolutely agree!


How do they know how Eren's power is called?

Ugh, because Hanji now knows exactly what Eren was dreaming, down to the tone of voice of people.

I assume that when Eren sleeptalks, he imitates the voice of everyone around him.

Also, it is really dumb if the
ends up being
a gun :(


Ugh, because Hanji now knows exactly what Eren was dreaming, down to the tone of voice of people.
I assume that when Eren sleeptalks, he imitates the voice of everyone around him.
Not sure what you mean?

My problem would be that I don't remember anything about Eren or anyone else among the "good guys" hearing the (odd) name of that ability.
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