yeah I'm pretty sure I'm going to Wrestle Kingdom in January barring some unforeseen incident
Would be my first time in Japan. Looking forward to it.
Is SummerSlam going to end up being 5 hours?
yeah I'm pretty sure I'm going to Wrestle Kingdom in January barring some unforeseen incident
Would be my first time in Japan. Looking forward to it.
Enjoy it friendyeah I'm pretty sure I'm going to Wrestle Kingdom in January barring some unforeseen incident
Would be my first time in Japan. Looking forward to it.
My dream is to go to a Wrestle Kingdom.
So you're going to be going to WrestleKingdom in #5Months?
Seriously though, that sounds awesome
Oh that Disco Inferno, what a character
I didn't say trash... I said bizarre, they aren't doing racist/secist/homophobic chants, they aren't (well this night) doing nonsense chants. They just cheer who they like and boo who they don't and don't give a fuck if that's not the reaction Vince wants. But maybe It's one of those things where it's a great great crowd to be in but annoying on TV
That said we weren't the first to boo Jason Jordan
Bayley needs to take responsibility too. Her promos are super bad.
And the problem is they assumed everyone saw her NXT build.
Suzuki slapped the rice out of Okada
Random wrestling comment - The Million Dollar Man might be my favorite heel gimmick ever. That gimmick was pretty much perfect.
Earlier we talked to Jumpin' Zach West. Let's go now to that, interview.
Folks, here's Jumpin' Zach West. Zach, a while back, what a match you had with Menome.
Yip. Probably the hardest match I ever had in my life. But I don't like it, when things aren't my, goin' my way. Menome Cruz, you turned the tables on me. You turn the tables in the wrong way. You got me, mad now. I've stood around, I've listened to everything you had to say. I've did everything necessary. But when you turn around and you backstab me one way or another, and you treat-CHEAT me out of what's rightfully mine, that's when I get angry! Now I'm the one doin' the challengin'! I'm issuing a challenge to you, Menome Cruz! Get in the ring with me! This time I'm goin' FULL FORCE!
The Huggerz vs. #BRENEMIES at GWF 7. Titles up for grabs. Rights to Filth. on the line. But if you and Browny lose, you must disband... FOREVER!
What say you, coward?
I'm Glad I got to see njpw live in the states.
Would love to go to Japan one day and see them
Suzuki slapped the rice out of Okada
Did Okada at least slap the shit out of him after?
Oh that Disco Inferno, what a character
Bayley getting booed is one thing, but MAN I still can't believe she called them out (only making it worse). This was surreal
Even Cole had to throw the "Bizarro Land" line out there.
Let's remember better days, folks.
we likely would have gotten the heel turn at summerslam if the bayley vs alexa match happenedPut the belt on Sasha make her go heel vs Bayley. If that fails then she is done. 4 the love of god plz make Sasha go heel.
"Tired of this shit" Bayley calling out the crowd is some rad shit
jason jordan was pretty hated last night. i wonder if it's just because he was fighting a canadian jobber or if he's gonna be in a roman role
also booker was a mess of commentary last night more then usual
715 PacificWonder what time the fatal four will start at Summerfest.
Planning to fit my GOT viewing in there.
Random wrestling comment - The Million Dollar Man might be my favorite heel gimmick ever. That gimmick was pretty much perfect.
Let's remember better days, folks.
Let's remember better days, folks.
Slaughter's feud with Hogan during his Iraqi sympathizer gimmick single handedly decreased business for WWF.Sgt Slaughter was the best heel ever.
Orton was on his way when he had the punt gimmick
I think the "cowardly heel" gimmick peaked with Million Dollar Man and Ric Flair, honestly.
As a fan's perspective it was one of the best. Worse than the One Night Stand with CenaSlaughter's feud with Hogan during his Iraqi sympathizer gimmick single handedly decreased business for WWF.