Mar said:The intensity is natively Mac, and yeah that's the thing I'm buying. I need something simple, something I can plug in and start recording on. While I'd love to buy a MBP (my Air shits me), I'm holding off on going too far with money outlay for this project this early.
Also, I've just popped in a quick post on the site explaining how people can get involved:
The problem I have is that I hardly have time to get stuck into this stuff generally. Get up at 7:45, go to work, get home at 8:00pm, eat dinner, go to bed, do it all over again. So if anyone has any inclination to update stuff that would be great. I'm happy to create accounts on the main page for people who want to contribute interesting news or general gaming banter.
I will consider writing a review of Awakening for your website, although the video part may take me some time. Or perhaps you could do the video, wink wink nudge nudge time to play Awakening already.