Has anywhere broken street date for KH:BbS?
markot said:When they sell off NBN, wont it just become another monopoly >.<?
DualShadow said:Has anywhere broken street date for KH:BbS?
More just the fact that we moved recently and my old PC is huge, noisy and neglected. I want to overhaul the while thing. Small case to fit in a mount under the desk, new wireless keyboard and mouse, and eventually a new monitor, probably a Dell Ultrasharp. I bought The Witcher and King's Bount during the last big Stesm sale so I wouldn't mind playing those as well.Mar said:What's the occasion? GW2?
Fredescu said:Yeah I'd definitely wait and see what the 6770 is like if you're building a small form factor machine.
Agyar said:Hey PC guys, see my post in the PC thread and then tell me things about PCs.
The 4770 was, and the 5750/5770 are. I don't think we have anything official yet, and it wouldn't be the first time a hardware manufacturer had inconsistent naming, but if it's true to its namesakes it should have pretty good performance for the power draw and temps.Agyar said:Is it intended to be smaller/lower in power consumption? I am considering waiting, I could potentially build the rest of the box now and use my existing video card, then upgrade when they release the new series.
BSS said:My only comment is that an i5-6xx and H55 combo is designed around having integrated graphics. i5-7xx and P55 drops that stuff. The price would be about the same. CPU clock is a little lower, but is quad core instead of dual.
I bought a i5-760 + Intel DP55WB with pl0k when SC2 launched. It's a basic, no-bullshit mATX board. No USB3 though.
Which one were you thinking of getting? The 23" is 30% off in the small business section at the moment: http://www1.ap.dell.com/au/en/busin...spx?refid=monitor-dell-u2311h&s=bsd&cs=aubsd1Agyar said:probably a Dell Ultrasharp.
No im playing a fun mmo called warcraft may have heard of it!legend166 said:Any AusGAFers going to be trying out LotR Online for free? I know hamchan is.
Agyar said:I see, this sounds worth considering. That board looks good, is there an alternative with USB 3.0 or would it be more prudent just to get that board and then buy a $30 USB 3 PCI card when/if I want the ports. I can't currently think of anything I would use them for.
Edit: How soon are we expecting this Series 6 launch? Looking around but I can't find much more than Q4.
Fredescu said:Which one were you thinking of getting? The 23" is 30% off in the small business section at the moment: http://www1.ap.dell.com/au/en/busin...spx?refid=monitor-dell-u2311h&s=bsd&cs=aubsd1
The 24" is 10% off, but you can use a 15% off code (BNCMBQ4LKKLPT7, no idea how long it's valid for) in the home section and it's cheaper still. I'm thinking pretty hard about a U2410.
Agyar said:Probably the 24" but I want to get the box done first. Those Dell sales seem to be fairly regular so I'm happy to sit on it for a while and just use my existing monitor.
Mar said:On the topic of monitors. When are you going to contribute something to gamecrux?
Agyar said:I was considering this very question last night, not sure how best to channel my creative efforts. A review is the obvious choice but the video is tricky. I suppose I could write a review of something I finished recently, possibly Awakening or Dead Rising: Case Zero? Shonky iPhone video would have to suffice though.
Mar said:As shonky as you like, just look at my terrible videos.
Kritz was considering reviewing Case Zero but I think he's doing something else now. That game seems to be popular (I've bought and downloaded it but haven't played yet).
Agyar said:Having never played the first Dead Rising
Mar said:Dude, what...
Agyar said:I know, it was always on my list but I never got a copy. Speaking of things I never got around to, I intend to go back and finish Condemned one of these days. Playing through Alan Wake has reminded me how terrifying that game is. Alan Wake does a good job of making the environment feel oppressive and dangerous but in Condemned I had to muster up the courage to walk anywhere, for fear of being gang banged by hobos with axes.
Mar said:Yeah, there's a sense of urgency in Alan Wake, but it's not a scary game. More a 'if I stand around or try and look over here I'm going to get mobbed by a thousand shadow dudes so I better run' type of thing.
How far did you get in Condemned? It's probably one of three games that I'd say are the scariest in the horror genre. The level that has you in a house in pitch black darkness with only a UV light is fucking terrifying.
DOOM 3 and Silent Hill: Homecoming are the other two. SH:H, while a pretty broken game, is perhaps one of the most terrifying and brooding I've played for a very long time. I still haven't managed to finish it because it's not a fun game to play, it stresses me out and has me on the edge of my seat. I really need to be in the right frame of mind for it.
I'm sorry, but DOOM 3 isn't scary- its a quite broken game. Just cause its dark doesn't mean its scary.Mar said:DOOM 3....
I can't remember what was going to be shown announced already which I would like more looked at.Jintor said:Hey AusGaf, I'm headed to the Tokyo Games Show next week, any of you guys know anything in particular you want looked at?
BanShunsaku said:I actually just cancelled my pre-order for DR2 on 360, I'm going to grab it on Steam instead as it is only $40 US.
I mean I love Dead Rising, and I've played through DR2 Case Zero a couple of times now and look forward to DR2, but $40US is too good to pass up...
I'm going to wait for this.Agyar said:If you wait two weeks, Zavvi/365 will probably have it for 45AUD.
rass said:I'm going to wait for this.
could you play it on pc with a 360 pad?
trinest said:I'm sorry, but DOOM 3 isn't scary- its a quite broken game. Just cause its dark doesn't mean its scary.
jambo said:Australian Steam version of F1 2010 has been price jacked up to $53.95 USD on sale for Australians -_-
Still under $60 AUD which is way better than retail, but damn them.
rass said:@BanShunsaku - cheers. I only borrowed the first one but it was quite fun.
Wow, got in just in time.jambo said:Australian Steam version of F1 2010 has been price jacked up to $53.95 USD on sale for Australians -_-
Still under $60 AUD which is way better than retail, but damn them.
Its got a few bugs- none that bad, but its is a pain if it dosn't work for you. For example for some reason it dosn't like to scale to large resolutions and sticks on 800x600- but what eva.Mar said:I think you're going to have to back up these claims.
First, DOOM 3 is scary. People say "lols dark!" but there was so much atmosphere built into that game it was ridiculous. Little sound cues, visual and audio side notes. Most people are too eager to claim it was nothing but monsters leaping out at you, when in fact that was the least scary aspects of the game.
Secondly, broken? What was broken about it? I don't remember anything not working, nor a single crash.
evlcookie said:Fuuuuccccckkk. I knew codemasters would jack the price up.
I was about to buy that and vvvvvv last night but never did it. FUCK!
Mar said:So... Is there any way to capture video off an iPhone? How do sites like Giantbomb do it? There's an Apple cable you can buy but that only outputs videos on the device and photos, not whatever is showing on the screen (a game for instance). There are iPhone simulators you can use, but that's emulation with mouse clicks and would be ass.
Anyone know how sites do their captures?
Agyar said:I actually googled this last night. Seems you either need to jailbreak your phone and use some weird Cydia apps, or use some type of iPhone simulator, presumably from the SDK, and capture the screen.
Nah its better to wait for Steam Salesmarkot said:I always get in early nowadays >.<
Pre ordered Mafia as soon as it came up, and Fallout New Vegas >.>
Wish I had done it for Civ 5 though!
While Doom 3 does make you jump, I certainly wouldn't call it scary.Mar said:DOOM 3
Yes someone who agrees with me.jambo said:While Doom 3 does make you jump, I certainly wouldn't call it scary.