Clipper said:
The thing is, I actually want to play the launch games I am buying. I actually want to take 3D photos. I actually want to show this to my friends that I haven't even discussed this with and see their reactions to the magical device which looks apparently bigger on the inside without glasses

I can perfectly understand your points, though. The launch lineup is definitely not for everyone.
Even though the end result is totally my fault, looking back, I think buying consoles Day 1 has what got me out of gaming for a bit. Back in the PS1/N64 days I was quite young(ish), didn't really have a job and had to sacrifice quite a bit to buy consoles. Such was my lack of cashflow and desire to get them, I would purchase the machines on Myer's 6 month interest free and then devote a fair chunk of my money into paying that off. That always resulted in my not being able to afford games for quite a while meaning that I was stuck with the launch games for the better part of a year. Games that, in all honesty, I wouldn't have bought normally.
By the time I had enough money for another game (and back then games were hellass expensive, even more so on my budget back then) I had lost interest in the machine. Or I'd only end up getting a game for my birthday, or Christmas or if something was incredibly cheep (which, back then, was never a good sign for the quality). By that time the machine had lost "all momentum" with me.
Then they'd be a bit of a resurgence towards the end of it's lifetime but it was always a case of too little, too late, usually. All I had at that point were memories of lackluster games that cost me a lot of money and a tarnished opinion of a console.
Like I said, completely my fault but a lesson I don't think I can allow myself to make. I've thought about buying a DS for ages, so jumping early on the 3DS was tempting. My thoughts were that I would also have a backlog of DS games that I could also play therefore mitigating the chance of becoming disillusioned with the console itself.
Then I realised that I don't often find myself in positions where I would play with a handheld device, except when I'm at home. If I'm at home, well... Consoles. Backlog.