Agyar said:
I would not have said the experience was overwhelming. I wasn't getting stuck trying to do everything, I took my time doing things and restarted once to complete the story missions in time so I think I got a good feel for how you're "meant" to do business in the game. After spending a few hours with it, completing the "story" missions as well as some other missions (survivors etc), building some weapons and generally stuffing about I think I just don't get it. Putting a drill bucket on a zombie is funny but I don't know if I want to do that for hour after hour.
I never played the first Dead Rising either.
Sounds more like to me that you thought Dead Rising was something that it isn't. Lots of fanfare has been made of putting a drill bucket on a zombies head, yet I don't see the point personally. It's neither funny nor useful, as like many of the combo weapons or items in Dead Rising games have little practical use.
So, perhaps, you didn't click with it because you thought building comical weapons and mass murdering zombies was the part you were supposed to enjoy? Like George A Romero's zombie films, Dead Rising is about the people and their prejudices and ways of dealing with a bad situation. His films are more a commentary on society and always have something to say about a particular time. Dead Rising is not as deep as George A Romero's films, but it borrows almost all of the ideas. In the full Dead Rising 2 game you'd see this (as opposed to Case Zero which had none), with rednecks running wild killing all using the zombie apocalypse as an excuse, to a game show built on the ideas of slaughtering the undead yet never really convincing anyone that the undead is really what we'd like to be lining up and shooting.
During my 6 hours or so romp in the online multiplayer game show mode, I started thinking about this in between fits of laughter with my friends. I think Blue Castle did a really good job of making something that on the surface can be consumed passively, but underneath it's actually really creepy. Let's not kid ourselves here, if TV could get away with having some minority group thrown into an arena and get brutally murdered by game show participants with chainsaws, it would be the highest rating show in history.
My point is, it's a fun game but it's not just having a laugh seeing an arm fly off (although that can be fun), there's actually a fair bit to think about too. And, if you're like me (enjoy being given a bunch of goals and then trying to work out the best way to path out the solution) it's a damn good game too. I had to force myself to stop playing last night at 12:30am, and that almost never happens.
Gazunta said:
This is great. Multi-talented Gazunta is multi-talented.
Agyar said:
It's kind of cool. Though, when there's a lot of people in there (15 or so talking dudes) it's basically unusable. Having no way to track people directing a sentence at you usually means most content is lost to the backbuffer. It also runs like ass.