Some people are misconstruing things. The solution to the problem I talked about is not starting "OT2" and so forth when the soft cap on posts is met. That is already done forum-wide by the mod team, and is a completely unrelated software issue to keep thread size from trashing server load. It's not done to combat megathreads becoming insular subcommunities and so forth.
The issue I have is forming communities around a particular thread and just staying in there and using it as a chatroom. NeoGAf has a limited amount of active thread space, with just two main forum areas, and it's not designed to work that way. I unfortunately did not take the necessary steps to combat this until it became a serious problem, so certain threads spiraled out of control and we had drama like with the Rock Band thread deletion, and I had to move the AusGAF thread to the online forum (the AusGAF guys were far less hostile and I didn't want to break up their big subcommunity that had formed).
Some other concessions are made, yes. The stickied sports threads keep the OT forum from being overrun. It's a bandaid, but a functional one. The official threads on the gaming forum serve a very specific purpose: post-release discussion of a specific video game, and I've shifted policies on the gaming side to prevent megathreads from forming in most other circumstances related to gaming discussion. I'm happy with the results there, though it's an ongoing process.
You should not be shitting bricks and feeling like your forum is dying when a thread is closed, or in this case, merged. NeoGAF is the community. When you have something interesting and substantial to post, you can post a thread about it and people will chime in. It keeps things moving and keeps things accessible. Huge megathreads about particular subjects are not accessible except for the people already deep in them.