hahaFredescu said:Step 1. Find out their Reddit profile name
Step 2. <pending>
Paging Kritz.
hahaFredescu said:Step 1. Find out their Reddit profile name
Step 2. <pending>
commanderdeek said:So that's what the 3.0 update added!
Nah, I think you'll find that ausgaf consists mostly of old married dudes who are mature enough to deal with it.shanshan310 said:ha ha. I feel like I should leave again so you guys can go back to doing whatever it is you do when girls aren't around...
You know what, that would actually be really funny. Do it.Kritz said:Next lecture I'mma jump in her thread and tell her to get back to the lecture.
... Do girls like being stalked?
commanderdeek said:She quoted me!!!! ME!!!!!! Does that mean she likes me?? OH shit what do I do now? What are my chances????!
VOOK said:Well might as well tell everyone, I've lost 80 kilos in two years as of this week.
Fredescu said:Step 1. Find out their Reddit profile name
Step 2. <pending>
Choc said:obligatory did you do it via wii fit nintendo fanboy reference
no well done mate![]()
FreeFallin' said:Congrats Vook! Suppose you've been enjoying how refreshing water can be. Infinitely better than a glass of pepsi max.
legend166 said:Vook, you lost exactly one legend166.
That's seriously impressive. Good on you for doing it.
shanshan310 said:ha ha. I feel like I should leave again so you guys can go back to doing whatever it is you do when girls aren't around...
Mar said:Your soda drinking sounds very much like what I used to be like. I used to go through 2 or 3 litres of Pepsi Max or Diet Coke a day. When I dropped that and added a small amount of exercise, I lost most of my weight. I don't think people realise how bad that shit is for you, and drink it like water. If everyone swapped soda for water you'd see the national obesity problems literally wash away.
Last time I weighed myself (a few months ago) I was 99kgs, but I think I've probably put on a bit since then. My gym routine has changed from staying toned to actually attempting to gain muscle. I'm a tall guy and happy with my build.
jambo said:Get in your car and honk your horn, chicks love that!
shanshan310 said:Is it true that Australia is the fattest nation in the world now ?![]()
I don't really drink that much soft drink. I imagine they add a lot of sugar to juice though..
jambo said:What's stupid about that campaign? Makes sense, going cold turkey most often doesn't work.
Choc said:is it any wonder when we have stupid government ideas such as BE A SWAPPER NOT A STOPPER
jambo said:A parody of itself? I'm not seeing it.
Do you mean the animation style, or something else?
EDIT: Cheaper? I don't think it's that at all.
I think it's because it's much easier to get fast food. I'd wager you'd save tonnes of cash if you bought veggies and fruit in bulk and then made meals during the week compared to getting fast food all the time.
jambo said:A parody of itself? I'm not seeing it.
Do you mean the animation style, or something else?
EDIT: Cheaper? I don't think it's that at all.
I think it's because it's much easier to get fast food and most people are lazy. I'd wager you'd save tonnes of cash if you bought meat, veggies and fruit in bulk and then made meals during the week compared to getting fast food all the time. And snacking on stuff like carrots and dip is way cheaper than chocolate and crisps.
Mar said:Hah. Guys, while you talk about your awkward stalking of girls, remember there are girls who read this thread too. Just sayin'.
Choc said:No argument. I think what i am talking about is the lunch time rush. So you could pay $5 and get maccas or you could pay $12-15 and get a very nice healthy fast food lunch
jambo said:Or you could bring lunch from home, way cheaper.
It's laziness.
Choc said:you can pickup two family sized pizzas for $8 or so. That will feed a family of four quite easily but not healthily
jambo said:Or you could bring lunch from home, way cheaper.
It's laziness.
Shaneus said:Pepsi Max is... bad? Fuck.
PS. Congrats Vooks. Trim the 'fro, drop another 10!
jambo said:And if it does cost more then that's just what you have to pay to eat healthy. Yes the govt can subsidise certain foods, but at some point the consumer will have to start paying a little bit extra every now and then. Your health is worth the extra cost.
Shit. I'm first aren't I? Another drawback to living in Geelong, too close to the the chainsaw banditos.Shaneus said:PS. Don't stress, Gaz, I like you. I'll kill you last.
I like to jokingly call her the Minister for Shoes. She was quietly hoping that the app that Penny wanted to make in Big Bang Theory was real.codswallop said:That is a sale yet to be approved by the Minister of War and Finance.
Still, a dude weighing 40 kilos? Maybe a teenager. Wouldn't want my fiance to be less than 60 kilo, that is pretty spot on my ideal weight for a woman (a 5 foot 6 woman of course). Also stick around, always good to get some variation to the conversation and another voice of reason. Worse comes to worst we will come up with a secret system to converse between males.shanshan310 said:I am indeed. But I could be a guy... there are some pretty skinny dudes out there.
Dude. Kritz. No.Kritz said:/spent more time e-stalking the girl in front if me than listening to the lecturer. Waited for her to post on a forum she was on, refreshed right away, and used "most recent post" features to get her profile name. She then posted on reddit, which I used to confirm the alias. God I'm creepy.
Thisisausgaf.gif. We don't play games and we don't talk to girls (in person).VOOK said:Jeez or you could just ask her out. Worked for me.Only once
Congrats man! Felt fantastic when I finally lost about 20 kilos a few years back. Had been carrying it around since I started drinking. That feeling of accomplishment will always stay with you so hopefully that will be enough to keep it off.VOOK said:Well might as well tell everyone, I've lost 80 kilos in two years as of this week.
4 litres of Vanilla Coke a day first 2 years of uni. Thank god I've got a dental plan.VOOK said:7 months straight went without, from about 2-3 litres a day.
Choc said:It's a bit of a cop out sure but when two good pieces of meat are $17-18 to buy, its just ridiculous.
evlcookie said:Doesn't that mean if they are reading this thread that it will increase my chances of hooking up? Since they can see howdesperategreat i am?
I think there's a kernal of truth in what you're saying, but you don't have to buy $40/kg meat to lose weight.Choc said:Many people want to lose weight but can't afford it. It's a bit of a cop out sure but when two good pieces of meat are $17-18 to buy, its just ridiculous.
Fredescu said:I think there's a kernal of truth in what you're saying, but you don't have to buy $40/kg meat to lose weight.
Gazunta said:I went from drinking 3 litres of Coke a day to never touching it again cold turkey. It was easy!
All it took was a 10am caffeine withdrawal headache that was so bad it literally rendered me temporarily blind. That was a fun morning! Haven't touched it since. That was in March 2004.
That is awesome! Well done.VOOK said:Well might as well tell everyone, I've lost 80 kilos in two years as of this week.
jambo said:Here's some advice for any AusGAFers looking for love
I recommend hitting up Aldi supermarket and your local Meat Warehouse (or similar big meat shop at low, low prices). Eating healthy can be a lot cheaper if you know where to look.Mar said:Agreed. Good food is more expensive and it's common to have obesity problems in low socioeconomic areas.
But it is easy to do if you have some motivation. It doesn't cost anything to go for a jog.
I Can't Believe It's Not Victory. Tastes like victory. Spreads like victory. But only half the fat!viciouskillersquirrel said:Tastes. Like. Victory.
Negative nancy. I bought one of the Crisis Core bundles and have had a great time with it. Games were like $20 and it had the best Burnout game ever. Also Tactics Ogre and 3rd Birthday have been two of the best games of the year for me.Kritz said:Aha ha.
I remember when the PSP was relevant.
Oh, wait. No I don't.
But it's nice to see the poster hands have as much trouble holding that thing as everyone else.
(bitter because I paid like four hundred dollars for the thing and didn't get any use out of it aside from a shitty god of war game)