Bernbaum said:
Any of you cunts speak french? I'm trying to learn it as my first second language. Learning the rudimentary core of a language and how to 'speak for the first time' at a child-like pace is strangely invigorating.
If you want conversational French, look for Pimsleur. I did it for maybe 2-3 weeks, incredibly casually before I went on my first big trip and by God does it work.
When someone came up to me and asked me a question and I instantly knew what they were saying without having to think about it (actually, my wife told me she saw the cogs turning for a moment, as I knew what they'd said but had to make the link), I knew it'd worked. It really was one of those "aha" type moments.
Edit: The biggest problem with the Pimsleur method is that it doesn't train you to read the language, just speak it. Not necessarily a problem depending on what you need, but it leads to occasions where you look at a word and it's spelled totally different to how you thought.