jambo said:All the shit is in place, contracts have been signed, it's already being built. It can't be stopped now.

jambo said:All the shit is in place, contracts have been signed, it's already being built. It can't be stopped now.
Jintor said:We've got a place, it's called ozgameshop, or zavvi, or steam
forgive me for assuming a six-post newbie whose only post in here was a link to a shop was advertising
DeathJr said:Nice speeds, though the 200GB cap is lame. I download more than that every week.
I'm with TPG, and their 20MBPS unlimited ADSL @ $59/month does the job for me.
Salazar said:If you fellas don't play and adore the Space Marine demo, then I just dunno.
HolyCheck said:http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/300730_208474245875898_100001399710578_585542_5576342_n.jpg
he's finally got his revenge.
(Adelaide people who had a child hood should get this..)
You mean sydneysiders right?HolyCheck said:![]()
he's finally got his revenge.
(Adelaide people who had a child hood should get this..)
jambo said:All the shit is in place, contracts have been signed, it's already being built. It can't be stopped now.
It's only 400 points, I'll probably buy it tonightreptilescorpio said:I'm in the mall at the moment working on getting past the ninjas while the gf was looking up honeymoon destinations. Love the game. Finally got the battle stamps in place perfectly so every battle is easy as pie. You should have bought the expansion! Only like $3.45. Will be worth it I expect, maybe it is still on sale?
Hopefully I remember to download it tonight. Which platform is best for the demo?Salazar said:If you fellas don't play and adore the Space Marine demo, then I just dunno.
HolyCheck said:![]()
he's finally got his revenge.
(Adelaide people who had a child hood should get this..)
midonnay said:don't get your hopes up about the NBN....
gillard government's situation gets more facepalm as time goes by >_<
midonnay said:don't get your hopes up about the NBN....
gillard government's situation gets more facepalm as time goes by >_<
PC, dude!reptilescorpio said:Hopefully I remember to download it tonight. Which platform is best for the demo?
reptilescorpio said:Hopefully I remember to download it tonight. Which platform is best for the demo?
Here you get the full glory of the Joyce mind-turbine in motion. One, letting gay people get married will automatically remove that right from straight people. Its in the small print, trust us. Two, gayness naturally corrodes secure hetero relationships. It does this by emitting an unusually high concentration of fabulon, a not-so-Noble gas. Three, a womans primary need in life is protection by a strong man, because God knows those Mongols have been stirring of late.
And four? The love lives of his adult children are something over which Barnaby personally has rights. Theyre only women, for Christs sake, you cant have them running around untethered
codswallop said:There doesn't seem to be a demo for Space Marine on 360 yet. But there's a free trailer, and you can buy shirts for your virtual doll!
HolyCheck said:
Very much so. I use a projector, so it is the perfect way for me to play and record TV. The interface is really easy to use and I love it.user_nat said:Now that the PS3 is only $299, I'm considering getting one.
Anyone have Play TV? Worth it?
ClivePwned said:Not super important but I am curious, does anyone know the hows and whys of Space Marine development getting moved from THQ Brisbane to Relic?
The 'leaked' video was not from our Space Marine game. It was from a completely different game being developed by Studio Oz, that was unfortunately cancelled. This Space Marine is a completely different game -- 100% original content, different tech, different gameplay, different art direction, etc. No assets were shared.
Gazunta said:I sit next to one of the original designers of THQ Brisbane's Space Marine. I've heard some stories.![]()
Gazunta said:original designers of THQ Brisbane's Space Marine
Salazar said:I don't know, but Raphael van Lierop (who seems like a nice dude, who has overseen what seems like a beastly awesome game) has started this company:
And his quote on the forum:
jambo said:Man I'm addicted to TF2 again, had a blast last night. Got tonnes of kills with the new Machina sniper rifle and I got about 4-5 random drops.
I have a spare Machina if anyone wants to trade.
jambo said:Man I'm addicted to TF2 again, had a blast last night. Got tonnes of kills with the new Machina sniper rifle and I got about 4-5 random drops.
I have a spare Machina if anyone wants to trade.
EatChildren said:Fully charged Machina is so meaty sounding.
jambo said:Taking out overhealed Heavies in a single shot is fucking godly. 518 damage!
And I got a Strange Direct Hit so I've been playing Soldier a fair bit too.
And medic of course, seeing as no one on the team ever seems to want to go medic and we get raped.
jambo said:Taking out overhealed Heavies in a single shot is fucking godly. 518 damage!
And I got a Strange Direct Hit so I've been playing Soldier a fair bit too.
And medic of course, seeing as no one on the team ever seems to want to go medic and we get raped.
elfinke said:Medic = my main since forever, though the poor FPS I get in TF2 means I don't play it as much as I'd like. Love that guy. What server were you rocking?
You see this pretty often on Battlefield games too. You get the people who are medics because they get a LMG or can heal themselves, or you get the people who will run through mortar fire so they can revive you.EatChildren said:And I'm not sure which is worse; no medic or a bad medic. I had a medic follow my pyro into the 2fort sewers to counter an engy and co in the middle of a sewer rush, and at the last minute he bailed for no reason, leaving me boned in all orifices..
jambo said:I normally play on Games.On.Net servers, any of the Full Rotation ones.
Medic is my most played class, I have so much fun with it and you can really turn the tide of a battle if you have 1 or 2 good medics healing and buffing people.
EDIT: Red Orchestra 2 is looking hot!
Martin Brasier authored that paper in Nature Geoscience and is one of the dullest people on the planet.HolyCheck said:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=441870
Threads locked thankfully.
but I think everyone here should have a read as it's an amazing discovery!
Unlocked by EatChildren after a cleanup. Great mod or greatest mod?HolyCheck said:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=441870
Threads locked thankfully.
but I think everyone here should have a read as it's an amazing discovery!
HolyCheck said:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=441870
Threads locked thankfully.
but I think everyone here should have a read as it's an amazing discovery!
markot said:I tend to revive people too much when I play medic in bc2 >_< I just look on the map for the symbol and run straight for them and tend to get killed alot looking for the bodies... But I like engy the best, blowing up walls and crap never gets old.
Engineer with an ammo pack, spamming rockets is such great fun.jambo said:Engie is definitely the most fun in BC2. I love when some guy is sniping you from a building. You spray your G3 a bit, then punch a hole in the building with a rocket. Can't wait for BF3!