That is because they are not good. In fact, most of the domestic flights I've had in the US have been poor service. Delta were the worst, though.Bernbaum said:I have not heard good things.
That is because they are not good. In fact, most of the domestic flights I've had in the US have been poor service. Delta were the worst, though.Bernbaum said:I have not heard good things.
No, you haven't. Because there re no good things to hear. But maybe you will be the first passenger to have a good experience with Delta. I haven't flown them since the 90's, but they were the worst cattle class boxes in existence, maybe they are better now.Bernbaum said:Today I learnt I will be flying with Delta to the US.
I have not heard good things.
In my experience, while I agree that they are pretty horrible in domestic, the international service isn't all that bad.codswallop said:That is because they are not good. In fact, most of the domestic flights I've had in the US have been poor service. Delta were the worst, though.
Tee hee. You should watch it!commanderdeek said:I haven't watched the film but [...] probably worsens what people think of the finance industry.
Gazunta said:Oh no, Delta to the US
About four hours into the flight they flick the main lights back on with no warning and then this horrible American woman comes on the intercom.
We all look around, going WTF, this isn't normal...
What. The. Fuck. I was expecting a bomb to go off, or us to slam into the water.
...ten seconds pass. I heard some passenger start crying.
"If you look out the left side of the plane, GOD HAS GIVEN YOU A SUNRISE! Have a great day everyone!"
And then the lights went off.
I never wanted to fucking murder someone so much in my entire life.
Dead Man said:No, you haven't. Because there re no good things to hear. But maybe you will be the first passenger to have a good experience with Delta. I haven't flown them since the 90's, but they were the worst cattle class boxes in existence, maybe they are better now.
Salazar said:I had a pretty fucked-up Dubai to Rome flight with Emirates.
There was so much leering that I actually feared for the stewardesses' safety. The seats were cramped as fuck. The food was disgusting. They provided hardly any water. The toilets were foul. The plane itself was fucking ancient. A fat Italian creep behind me kept coughing globules of god knows what into the back of my head.
Choc said:first time i've heard of Emirates being shit
When i went to the UK on leisure not business i flew Virgin Atlantic, was great.
The hot chocolate is rad! I was blown away by it when I flew Qantas recently since I had not flown with them for a long long time.MrSerrels said:I've always thought of Emirates as being one of the best.
Flying Virgin international was boss as well.
Although I tend to judge 'boss' as being 'they had USB ports in the entertainment system'.
Qantas Hot Chocolate gives me a headache for some reason.
Bernbaum said:Today I learnt I will be flying with Delta to the US.
I have not heard good things.
And the Americans wonder why everyone hates them?Gazunta said:"If you look out the left side of the plane, GOD HAS GIVEN YOU A SUNRISE! Have a great day everyone!"
On a similar note the government has ignored the advice of their expert panel to allow subsides for some new cancer prescriptions because they don't want to blow the budget. Assholes. Australia is one of the leaders in medicine research and we can't be fucked subsiding the cost to allow ordinary Australians to try and beat cancer. What is the point of paying an expert panel thousands of dollars if their findings don't matter? Morons.Fredescu said:It really is shocking how little attention the government paid to the Henry Tax Review.
So confirmation that if your boss orders you a Delta flight he secretly hates you?MrSerrels said:It is. Utter. Arse.
That is strange as all my Emirates flights have been fantastic. Every flight they have been nice enough to ply me with copious amounts of scotch without argument.Salazar said:I had a pretty fucked-up Dubai to Rome flight with Emirates.
Parents have used them twice. First 3 flights were great, flight home last time was cramped and shitty. Depends on if you get put on one of the big planes by the sounds of it.legend166 said:Anyone flown Malaysia? That's what I'm going with to fly in and out of Europe.
I should bribe a stewardess and try to move to first class.
Most of middle America would think everyone loves them. Everyone I've met from either coast has generally been intelligent and a decent human being.reptilescorpio said:And the Americans wonder why everyone hates them?
I flew Malaysia as a kid. I don't remember much except that it was a boring flight, but my Dad tells me that all the men were served their meals first, then the children, then women.legend166 said:Anyone flown Malaysia? That's what I'm going with to fly in and out of Europe.
reptilescorpio said:Parents have used them twice. First 3 flights were great, flight home last time was cramped and shitty. Depends on if you get put on one of the big planes by the sounds of it.
Bad experience, sorry to hear it.Salazar said:I had a pretty fucked-up Dubai to Rome flight with Emirates.
There was so much leering that I actually feared for the stewardesses' safety. The seats were cramped as fuck. The food was disgusting. They provided hardly any water. The toilets were foul. The plane itself was fucking ancient. A fat Italian creep behind me kept coughing globules of god knows what into the back of my head.
747-400legend166 said:We're going on a 747-400 to KL, then a 777-200 to Paris and on the way home.
Would his expriences be similar, I wonder.Mar said:So, after reading about a page of discussion about this, I realise I'm the only one who thought you were flying to the US with Delta Goodrim.
Hypothetical Bern said:Yeah, the flight was a long blur of loud snoring, off-key drunken renditons of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up", toxic haletosis, obnoxious anecdotes about bogans and coughs in my face. Ugh. Never flying with Delta again.
Hypothetical Mar said:Yeah, plus her first album was rubbish.
Wow. I tend to stick with Qantas or high profile Asian airlines like Singapore now. Qantas is expensive, but good, and the Asian airlines I find have amazing service, and food that is interesting, even if it is not particularly appealing!Salazar said:I had a pretty fucked-up Dubai to Rome flight with Emirates.
There was so much leering that I actually feared for the stewardesses' safety. The seats were cramped as fuck. The food was disgusting. They provided hardly any water. The toilets were foul. The plane itself was fucking ancient. A fat Italian creep behind me kept coughing globules of god knows what into the back of my head.
I flew Malaysia from here to the UK a couple years ago, they were pretty good. No slept in pilots or weird gender segregated food. Security in the stop over in Malaysia was a bitch though.legend166 said:Anyone flown Malaysia? That's what I'm going with to fly in and out of Europe.
I should bribe a stewardess and try to move to first class.
Mar said:I recommend these:
Scroll down to Credit Crisis and a few other sections. I love these videos. I think I spent more hours watching these than working in some cases.
Fuck Qantas. They're awful. The flight attendants are almost always rude, there are constant delays.Dead Man said:Qantas is expensive, but good
Jesus. All my flights with them have been great. :/ Luck of the draw I guess.codswallop said:Fuck Qantas. They're awful. The flight attendants are almost always rude, there are constant delays.
On our last flight (delayed four hours), we met a couple who were flying almost completely free because their last flight had been delayed 24 hours (side note: Qantas were only originally going to compensate one of them) and the one before had been delayed for 8 hours.
They ran out of food so I had no choice of meal. And we'd ordered two vegetarian meals and confirmed it the night before. The staff were rude and abusive even though I'm not one of these people who yells when they get bad service.
Qantas can die in a fire for all I care.
legend166 said:Anyone flown Malaysia? That's what I'm going with to fly in and out of Europe.
I should bribe a stewardess and try to move to first class.
I've flown domestic with them, and beside the flight staff being aloof they were alright. It's just the International ones that were crap.Dead Man said:Jesus. All my flights with them have been great. :/ Luck of the draw I guess.
Dead Man said:I flew Malaysia from here to the UK a couple years ago, they were pretty good. No slept in pilots or weird gender segregated food. Security in the stop over in Malaysia was a bitch though.
Go vegetarian -- especially if with the asian or middle eastern airlines. Food might not be quite as tasty, but I usually feel terrible after eating meat-based meals on flights.Omi said:I was feeling pretty awful after my first ever long haul flight.
codswallop said:Go vegetarian -- especially if with the asian or middle eastern airlines. Food might not be quite as tasty, but damn you don't feel sick afterwards.
Yeah, I had a moment the other day where my wife was disappointed because her friend invited her to Brisbane for a birthday party or something. I was all "What's the problem? It's a quick flight... oh yeah. Oh shit, no flights for me for a while."Omi said:(not that I think we will be travelling anytime soon heh!)
Plug in the iPod and enjoy the view.viciouskillersquirrel said:Would his expriences be similar, I wonder.
Omi said:(not that I think we will be travelling anytime soon heh!)
Yeah a friend of mine has his wedding in New York in September which would make the little guy just under a year old, could leave him in Australia but I don't think work will let me take the time off anyway. I have heard you can take a baby on-board so airlines no problems but I can't see it being a pleasant experience at all. Hard enough to take him to the parents for the weekend let alone through security and shit.Fredescu said:It's a quick flight... oh yeah. Oh shit, no flights for me for a while."
commanderdeek said:No one here ever flies Cathay?
I pretty much fly exclusively Cathay because I only ever go to Hong Kong or Japan. Sometimes Singapore airlines if I want to do a stop over there.
Generally I can't stand plane food and try to eat enough before boarding. But if I'm hungry Cathay usually has me covered with their seemingly endless supply of cup noodles. Though I don't recommended eating more than 5 during a longish flight.
No.Choc said:Are you going to E3 on behalf of vooks again?
evlcookie said:Bleh i might have to go back to NSW for a few days next week.
DualShadow said:SydGAF meet-up 2.0 incoming
Fredescu said:
Gazunta said:I just realised all this flight talk is giving me withdrawal shakes something viscous.
CREEPYjambo said:My house, so I can blow your mind.