evlcookie said:As long as it still has the tits, It's all good.
Still going to hold out until mid june when i upgrade though. I will hate everyone of you who is playing it in steam chat, taunting me with your enjoyment of said title.
Apologies if this has been posted, in a rush to leave work but this is what was cut apparently:
Why The Witcher 2 Was Altered for Aussies
By Tim Colwill - Tue May 3, 2011 12:50pm -
The Witcher is a quite, err, sexy game
Overnight, we received word that The Witcher 2 had received an MA15+ rating for "Strong violence, sex scenes, nudity and coarse language". With the game being rated 18+ in the UK, did the developers change anything for the Australian system? We've been in touch with Australian distributors Namco Bandai who can confirm that they did - and here's what it was.
Only one thing was changed: Geralt is no longer able to choose to accept sex as a reward for successfully completing a side quest. The idea of receiving sex as a reward was not suitable for inclusion within an MA15+ classification, so Namco Bandai requested that CD Projekt remove the option of choosing to have sex as one of the rewards for that quest. The quest and the character who offers it are still in the game, but presented in a "slightly different context".
We are assured that this is the only change made to the Australian version of the game: the rest of the game remains untouched.