Clipper said:I do wonder what will happen if both show up (and asked Amazon what to do in this case)...
You will tell no one and send it to me, that's what will happen.
Clipper said:I do wonder what will happen if both show up (and asked Amazon what to do in this case)...
Amazon just ask you to shit it back to them (at no cost, they'll pay).Clipper said:So, I haven't received a response from the US shipping company about my missing PS3 yet, so I contacted Amazon asking whether they are the ones that need to send the info to Australia Post to initiate the search of what happened...
Several minutes later I receive a response saying they think it's lost and asking whether I want a replacement or refund! I did not expect that on a $300 console bundle delivery. Man, Amazon is awesome.
I do wonder what will happen if both show up (and asked Amazon what to do in this case)...
Sorry mate, my morals are too strong to do that without permission. If Amazon say to keep it, you can have it for the price of shipping to you, though.BanShunsaku said:You will tell no one and send it to me, that's what will happen.
I was assuming that'd be the thing. Pity, as due to credit card fees I don't get all my money back, but last time I had to ship something back they refunded me shipping twice for some reason and I actually made money.giri said:Amazon just ask you to shit it back to them (at no cost, they'll pay).
Or so my experience has been with other pricey items.
On some things, like books, they just say keep em.
PlayStation 3 owners have called on Bethesda to fix a bug currently making their version of Skyrim unplayable for some.
Gamers on Bethesda's forum, Eurogamer and Reddit have reported a bug that occurs when save files exceed a certain size, currently pegged at around 6MB.
After that point, the PS3 version suffers from lag and, according to some players, eventually becomes unplayable.
I heard somewhere (I think an IGN podcast) that they only sent the 360 and PC versions out for review before release. Thus, most sites would have played the PS3 version for a little while at launch to confirm it was up to par with the 360 one and move from there. They wouldn't have had time to experience the bug.RandomVince said:And what a surprise - not one review mentioned this "feature".
Clipper said:So yeah, Amazon got back to me and I should send it back to them or pay them for the second bundle if I get both, as expected (Sorry Ban). Still, I'm surprised they don't want to bother with the investigation process at all and just send a new one...
Clipper said:So yeah, Amazon got back to me and I should send it back to them or pay them for the second bundle if I get both, as expected (Sorry Ban). Still, I'm surprised they don't want to bother with the investigation process at all and just send a new one...
I heard somewhere (I think an IGN podcast) that they only sent the 360 and PC versions out for review before release. Thus, most sites would have played the PS3 version for a little while at launch to confirm it was up to par with the 360 one and move from there. They wouldn't have had time to experience the bug.
I guess this opens the possibility for a conspiracy theory that they knew about this and that's why they didn't give out the PS3 version early, but that would be quite despicable.
Same, i'll ever correct the cashier when doing gorceries. I did it twice last month, cost me $50 to correct them!. ok, well not cost...BanShunsaku said:That's cool, I wouldn't have actually expected you to send it to me, you should sell for maximum profits!
But really I'm the same with stuff like that, maybe it makes me a bit soft but I never like ripping anyone off, even if it is a big company like Amazon. And their customer service is so good that I wouldn't feel comfortable ripping them off.
Omi said:I kept my replacement and original threadless orders. I am a dirty thieving bastardo.
Also, not trying to justify, but I am sure they are insured for loss of goods etc in such a manner, so I am sure they would claim back that loss, question is, if you sent it back... hmm![]()
giri said:Yes, cause insurance fraud is cool, fuck the big companies! rite? lol, rite! That is, of course, assuming they put it with a big insurer and not through an underwriting agency where every single cent onto their portfolio's loss ratio can decide whether 20 people keep a job or the agency loses it's security and has to fold.
And now threadless do have to lodge a claim, if its above excess, which ... who knows, probably not for a $10 t-shirt. And if it is, their insurance goes up next year. So you end up paying more next year.
codswallop said:- The hookblade doesn't add a whole lot of new stuff.
RandomVince said:And what a surprise - not one review mentioned this "feature".
You said it was ok to steal cause an insurance company will pay.Omi said:Nice one. Because that is what I was saying. Fucking moron.
I haven't put in the Online Pass yet, so it's quite possible I haven't unlocked half of it.jambo said:But the Hookblade has two parts, the hook, AND the blade.
It was in the link given earlier. Basically once the save reaches 6MB, the game starts to lag more and more for some people until the game becomes unplayable.Choc said:guys seriously, what bug
i have ps3 skyrim ;_;
I'm sort of stuck by a very high moral standpoint that I wouldn't want to sell it even if they did say to keep it. Same thing happened with a Blu-Ray order I made with them where the cover had been scratched by what looked like a Stanley knife. They told me to keep it and I sent it to a friend instead of selling as I'd feel guilty accepting money for what is essentially a gift.BanShunsaku said:That's cool, I wouldn't have actually expected you to send it to me, you should sell for maximum profits!
But really I'm the same with stuff like that, maybe it makes me a bit soft but I never like ripping anyone off, even if it is a big company like Amazon. And their customer service is so good that I wouldn't feel comfortable ripping them off.
It seems to me like you've been overreacting. Things sometimes take a while to ship and sometimes the tracking thing doesn't work.Clipper said:Sorry mate, my morals are too strong to do that without permission. If Amazon say to keep it, you can have it for the price of shipping to you, though.
I was assuming that'd be the thing. Pity, as due to credit card fees I don't get all my money back, but last time I had to ship something back they refunded me shipping twice for some reason and I actually made money.
It was shipped from Amazon on the 1st. It shipped out of the US on the 5th. Australia Post says, by e-mail, that they acknowledged receipt and had the package on the 8th and they also say they have no idea what's happened to it since then.Rahk said:It seems to me like you've been overreacting. Things sometimes take a while to ship and sometimes the tracking thing doesn't work.
How long has it been since they shipped it? Perhaps you should wait a bit before you get them to send another one.
Danoss said:Accents do differ from region to region, but overall, they're quite similar.
Kritz's voice is quite unique though, I think.
codswallop said:- The hookblade doesn't add a whole lot of new stuff.
Kritz said:I will say though, Jambo's accent be hella Australian.
giri said:You said it was ok to steal cause an insurance company will pay.
Thats what you said.
I'm a bitter old man ranting, but that's what you said.
That and the roll are pretty good. The zipline is fun but they're never where you need them. The rest are meant to feel like new additions, but they're just the same. The high jump while climbing has been there since AC2, the catch onto a ledge while jumping has been there since AC.Salazar said:Tripping motherfuckers is amazing.
Did you actually read what he said? Judging by the scathing reply you gave him, I think not. I highly doubt you have done the right thing in this regard or any other way your entire life.giri said:You said it was ok to steal cause an insurance company will pay.
Thats what you said.
I'm a bitter old man ranting, but that's what you said.
The accent is still there, I can certainly hear it. I just think your voice is unique. I wasn't saying that in a secret "lol, sounds weird" way, so I hope you weren't offended.Kritz said:I used to hate my voice for a really long time, but I've kind of just started embracing it. I've not yet seen anyone say it's an annoying voice, which was always a worry, I guess. Especially when I'm always trying to do voice work for animations / general presentation stuff on what I create.
I will say though, Jambo's accent be hella Australian. I wonder if it says anything about myself that I can still hear the Australian accent when people I don't know speak. I never notice it in friends, because to me, that's how my friends speak. But when I meet new people or talk to people I don't really know, yeah.
Accent recognition is weird. I wonder if there is a Tasmanian / Mainlander accent difference.
Mistle said:How long does ozgameshop usually take to get a game to Victoria? I've never used it before but it seems to be the best site, and I'll probably get Mario 3D Land from there along with future titles. Great prices!
I assume they sell UK versions of games, not Aus?
codswallop said:That and the roll are pretty good.
Fredescu said:Wow, Sins of a Solar Empire is on Steam now. I guess Brad figured he would make more money selling games on Steam than trying to compete with it.
Fredescu said:Wow, Sins of a Solar Empire is on Steam now. I guess Brad figured he would make more money selling games on Steam than trying to compete with it.
Of course. I'm talking about long term. Brad's reason for selling Impulse.legend166 said:They sold Impulse to Gamespot, remember?
Fredescu said:Wow, Sins of a Solar Empire is on Steam now. I guess Brad figured he would make more money selling games on Steam than trying to compete with it.
Kritz said:At the risk of this post sounding super wanky (c'mon it's a Kritz post of course it'll be wanky), I have no god damn idea why my voice is so weird.
I think it's a mix of Tasmanian regional accent + I spent 2004 to 2009 playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live with an American community, to the point where my accent changed enough to the point where people at my school thought I was American. Teachers would ask me how long I've been in Australia for and what I thought of the country. Yeah, weird.
I used to hate my voice for a really long time, but I've kind of just started embracing it. I've not yet seen anyone say it's an annoying voice, which was always a worry, I guess. Especially when I'm always trying to do voice work for animations / general presentation stuff on what I create.
I will say though, Jambo's accent be hella Australian. I wonder if it says anything about myself that I can still hear the Australian accent when people I don't know speak. I never notice it in friends, because to me, that's how my friends speak. But when I meet new people or talk to people I don't really know, yeah.
Accent recognition is weird. I wonder if there is a Tasmanian / Mainlander accent difference.
I'm quite surprised UC3 doesn't have the 7-day free trial period that I thought all the other online pass games have.legend166 said:Went to try out UC3 multiplayer the other night.
"You must enter your Online Pass code to play multiplayer."
Fat chance, knobheads.
:OFredescu said:Wow, Sins of a Solar Empire is on Steam now. I guess Brad figured he would make more money selling games on Steam than trying to compete with it.
codswallop said:Star Wars: The Old Republic beta keys
No idea if they work in Australia...
Yeah, a short game for me was like 7 hours. So I would play three short games, and be done with it for a while. But that's 20 hours worth of game. And I did that three times. Worth it.FallbackPants said:That game was amazing. But after a while I just got over it. It seemed like I was sinking hours upon hours into it and coming nowhere near an end point. Also I was being attacked by pretty much the entire universe on a heap of fronts.
Danoss said:Did you actually read what he said? Judging by the scathing reply you gave him, I think not. I highly doubt you have done the right thing in this regard or any other way your entire life.
That's right, the high horse you're on? Get off it.
codswallop said:Star Wars: The Old Republic beta keys
No idea if they work in Australia...
Say sorry.giri said:I interpreted differently, and incorrectly now i read it again.
I call bullshit. You've never done anything wrong, never stolen or done anything else wrong either? Hahaha, pull the other one.giri said:But yes, i think for the most part i have done pretty much the right thing in this regard. What comes around goes around for the most part.
Fredescu said:Yeah, a short game for me was like 7 hours. So I would play three short games, and be done with it for a while. But that's 20 hours worth of game. And I did that three times. Worth it.
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Clipper said:It was shipped from Amazon on the 1st. It shipped out of the US on the 5th. Australia Post says, by e-mail, that they acknowledged receipt and had the package on the 8th and they also say they have no idea what's happened to it since then.
They also told me they can't do anything unless the sender initiates an enquiry and told me to contact them.