As I already said in a post in this thread, my partner wouldn't expect me to invite a stranger into our home.Fusebox said:He told her not to let anybody into the house when hes not there. Imagine if your girlfriend said that to you. Not to mention the fact he's a fake-thread creating retard.
Question remains, why drag the debate into this thread when it already has it own thread?
What season are you up to in Forza 4? Or how is Shadows of the Damned (only $37!!!) going?Shaneus said:What the hell am I going to do today?!?
First post GAF was on form as usual.Fusebox said:Well they did make some fairly accurate comments about the OP based on the limited information they were given.
Something that the PS3 has had for a long time (the whole time?) that was a little irritating about the 360, although you could set the 360 to automatically boot to disc on startup but that also had it's set of hassles. I would just like the option to remove all the advertisements since I am a gold member. Having the starting point as my games is a definite improvement though. Also it can be fucking hard to find new marketplace content and sales items some weeks. PSN really does shit all over it in regards to format (even though the prices can be worse and selection too).Shaneus said:So AusGAF. Not super jazzed with the new 360 dash, but I have to admit I LOVE that the default menu option that's highlighted when you boot up is to play whatever game's in the drive. About fucking time.
Mistle said:If anybody lives in Adelaide you can go pick up import copies Zelda or Mario at Shin Tokyo:
I've lagged behind pretty severely in FM4, sadly. As for Shadows, buying that will only take around 30 seconds... but, deliberating could take ALL DAY!reptilescorpio said:What season are you up to in Forza 4? Or how is Shadows of the Damned (only $37!!!) going?
I already post impressions about my games and no one reads them, so I can commit to continuing that. It's like at work when I send out global emails and then two days later get asked about the exact same thing I covered in those global emails.Choc said:who wants halos?
rule is that you must post impressions in ausgaf about the game you get.
I can be the waypoint between MelbGAF/TasGAF/AdeGAF!codswallop said:Add me to the list somewhere if you could be so kind. Maybe to keep postage cheap for everyone start off with everyone in NSWGAF who wants it then head to either Vic or QLD and go around from three.
"Opinion noted."roosters93 said:I hate you all!
Me? If you would be so kind.
It will take a bit longer to drive to my house though.![]()
pm address
It's alive!
Was starting to freak out a little there, Wooooooo![]()
We're back. Put the Xanax away guys.
Hooray, you can click on a quote to jump to the post.
Looks the same.
I cant get the Jackie Chan "my brain is full of fuck" pic out of my head. It just makes me laugh out loud for no reason.
Button button button, who's got the button.
Hey we're back on top!
Thinks its based on last post now...
Hey we're back on top!
Let's see how long it takes Secondapps to do its thing.
Oh. I see...
Looks the same.
I cant get the Jackie Chan "my brain is full of fuck" pic out of my head. It just makes me laugh out loud for no reason.
Hooray, you can click on a quote to jump to the post.
Button button button, who's got the button.
We're back. Put the Xanax away guys.
pm address
It's alive!
Was starting to freak out a little there, Wooooooo![]()
"Opinion noted."
I hate you all!
Toodle oo!
about a week in dog years
I already post impressions about my games and no one reads them, so I can commit to continuing that. It's like at work when I send out global emails and then two days later get asked about the exact same thing I covered in those global emails.
Add me to the list somewhere if you could be so kind. Maybe to keep postage cheap for everyone start off with everyone in NSWGAF who wants it then head to either Vic or QLD and go around from there.
Also: In before maintenance takes us all down!
Is GAF going down for a few hours or a few days?
I can be the waypoint between MelbGAF/TasGAF/AdeGAF!
One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking along
the beach with Gaf.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene, he noticed
two sets of footprints in the sand,
one beloning to him and the other to Gaf.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of his life
there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened at the
very lowest and saddest times in his life.
This bothered him and he questioned Gaf about it.
"Gaf, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life there is
only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when I needed you most
you would leave me."
Gaf replied "My precious, precious child,
I love you and would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffereing,
when you see only one set of footprints in the sand,
it was then that I carried you."
I'll be at bigfooty and whirlpool >_>
I've lagged behind pretty severely in FM4, sadly. As for Shadows, buying that will only take around 30 seconds... but, deliberating could take ALL DAY!
You're a genioos, like Ifan Rhiytmon. Fontaaaastic
Ooooooh, might have to head down later.
First post GAF was on form as usual.
There was some very good discussion going on in the thread in between the screaming and foot stamping, true.
Something that the PS3 has had for a long time (the whole time?) that was a little irritating about the 360, although you could set the 360 to automatically boot to disc on startup but that also had it's set of hassles. I would just like the option to remove all the advertisements since I am a gold member. Having the starting point as my games is a definite improvement though. Also it can be fucking hard to find new marketplace content and sales items some weeks. PSN really does shit all over it in regards to format (even though the prices can be worse and selection too).
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
Well they did make some fairly accurate comments about the OP based on the limited information they were given.
So AusGAF. Not super jazzed with the new 360 dash, but I have to admit I LOVE that the default menu option that's highlighted when you boot up is to play whatever game's in the drive. About fucking time.
As I already said in a post in this thread, my partner wouldn't expect me to invite a stranger into our home.
Also as I already said I wasn't bringing it into the thread to talk about the OP, I brought it up to show how some people in gaf are willing to jump to massive conclusions based on a few words which are twisted into what they want to hear.
I am not debating the fact he is a moron, I have already said his output on gaf was not worth having.
What season are you up to in Forza 4? Or how is Shadows of the Damned (only $37!!!) going?
Fuck, we only have 20 mins until GAF is down for over half a day? This will be the most productive Saturday in a long, long fucking time.
What the hell am I going to do today?!?
If anybody lives in Adelaide you can go pick up import copies Zelda or Mario at Shin Tokyo:
He told her not to let anybody into the house when hes not there. Imagine if your girlfriend said that to you. Not to mention the fact he's a fake-thread creating retard.
Question remains, why drag the debate into this thread when it already has it own thread?
The discussion I was bringing up was more on how random people on the internet some how know a dude and his girl friend better than he does. Internet experts. He never said she was a moron. My point was that some people on gaf love to assume things and some people love to see nothing more than a pile on. This kind of mind set is prohibitive to actually have helpful discussions.
At 10am.
Is maintenance still happening?
footscray is kinda scary at night :/
dingy lights and lots of dodgy looking people around
The guy treats his girlfriend like a retard, but why are you dragging this debate to AusGaf?
Me? If you would be so kind.
It will take a bit longer to drive to my house though.![]()
Most people had bigger complaints than the combat in Oblivions.
Not really. The hand changes and the perk system make it at least a little different. It is functionally very similar though, point at enemy and mash click or hold down click while trying to dodge their attacks.
I had indeed read it. My comment was more directed at all the posters who ran with their own agenda rather than what the OP said. Also the OP was a moron and certainly didn't add much positive conversation to GAF. Bottom line is that he didn't say anything wrong and that people were insinuating that he treats his gf like shit going by the contents of the OP. If people keep acting like royal douchebags whenever anyone says anything we will get a lot less genuine posts on GAF and more troll bait.
I thought he explained it well enough with random guy, bad neighbourhood and her buying something she didn't want. We don't let anyone in the house we don't know either, charity cases can wait at the door while I find some change and door to door salesmen can just shove on. I don't want anyone scoping the joint out since I have already had stuff stolen in the middle of the day in what certainly had to be a planned break in. I also worry since my child and partner at home where I can't protect them, which also goes both ways with her not being able to protect me while I am at work.
Same, never found her funny or attractive (not saying she is ugly, just not for me) but I remember actually thinking to myself one day that she was funny in something, because it was so rare. No idea what it was unfortunately, most likely something completely out of character.
No need to get annoyed by it, the world is full of people who are so varied that a lot of us will never get along. Best just to say you don't agree with them and ignore them unless they are likely to open their minds and think of others a bit more.
Really? i'm all for potty humour, but her shows always seem so... contrived so... forced? something about them just never clicked for me.
Despite the outcome, I agree. I was going to say "most" are okay on here, but with such a vocal few(?) being so fucking vocal and so fucking presumptuous and douchey, it's hard to tell what percentage of regular posters here are good and others are just socially maladjusted. Like that thread about the pretentious movie watcher.
I'd wager that at any time of the day, you could find a thread in OT on the first page where there's at least one (likely multiple, though) posters who completely take everything the wrong way if they feel that their posts are even remotely questioned or queried.
Really, REALLY makes my fucking blood boil. Thank goodness I never have to deal with people like that (at least, not for too long) either IRL or AusGAF <3
Her acting is always so-so, but a pottymouth on someone who looks so, dare I say, adorable, is such a massive turn-on. Cute... and ridiculously fucking hot.
GAF hypocrisy astounds me. Everyone who hated Oblivion for it's combat is loving Skyrim for it's combat. THEY'RE THE SAME FOR FUCKS SAKE!
Go back and read the thread again. Detective Gaf wins the day.
Read spoiler below if you wish to ruin M.Night Shyamalan twist.
OP is the salesman and a massive troll
giantbombs good job jeremy is AWESOME
choc told me to tell you all that this is a thing you should all watch
Hey guys I beat Uncharted 3 on Crushing. It was indeed pretty crushing.
Best looking 3D game I've played (based only on the demo).
Will probably buy it because of it.
Played Sonic Generations for around 3 hours tonight. shit is good! Physics will take getting used to but is fairly solid. Orchestral remixes of the songs are great and the new take on each post level for the other version of Sonic is done well.
But fuck sky sanctuary for new sonic. Died like 7 times. Also the clues got how to defeat Shadow were fucking vague. Hint: tap the shit out of dash when you get near enough to shadow after getting the meteor shards.
Yeah, I was following that too. Typical 'storm in a teacup' reaction from OT GAF.
Not that I know anything about relationships, but I don't see anything wrong with what he (initially) said.
Jeez, this thread is a good example of why OT gaf is silly. People pretending to understand the OP's girlfriend more than the OP and the OP digging themselves a hole created by people over reacting and twisting their words. It would be entertaining if so many people in there weren't being serious. If my gf let a random dude into the house I would be a little concerned, just the same as if I did. Especially if it was for stupid shit like an unwanted magazine subscription.
ausgaf civil war
[insert game here] 5/5 -
halos finished
+1 to the community pile
are we serious about sharing games? if so we should do a spreadsheet
who wants halos?
rule is that you must post impressions in ausgaf about the game you get.
Some wanker pretended to be offended by high-horsing, while on one of his own. He remains oblivious of the hypocrisy.
I, how ever, am not.
hay guys what did I miss?
Both were great, but (episode guest spoiler)Goldblum was incredible. Not a massive fan of Sarah Silverman but she was funny. Sorbet scene was amazing.
Coincidence that I was watching this episode when I saw your post.
Stars. I don't know which one you were leaving out, but both were awesome.
what twenty-two year old uses the word "bollocks" in such a serious context?
check mate.
You don't know that!
People on an internet thread act as though they know one another through constant social interaction! What douchiness!
Kermit the dog is like the forum equivalent of uncharted 3 shooting controls. Always off target and undeserving of its name.
To think that he would terrorise us some more.
Recommence circle jerking!
New episode of The League was indeed hilarious. Best guest star ever.
no ur mum
The last few of your posts are case in point fellas. I'll leave you be.
Why are people so unkind
Trust legend to ruin the thread with his high falootin ways!
Don't be hating on pythagoras man
Edit. Too fast for you jase!
Oh great, now the fortune teller turns up.
Omi, see my edit due to you pushing in ahead of me. Rude bastard.
Good thing that odorous atmosphere is kept to one thread.
I knew this would happen!
My my... someone's got a high opinion of themselves.
I wouldn't say that, assuming you were referring to me as part of that group. Everytime I've wandered in here for a look around, it reminds me of the odorous atmosphere of the old Hyperactive forums, and others times, an IRC chat room.
I don't even think we've even had anything to do with each other before, nor are we both regulars in any of the same threads, so not sure what your issue is.
Unless, of course, you don't like that I call out Salazar all the time when he talks bollocks, which is often.
Wow! Never knew that about them, I wish those guys were still around because they have made some of my favorite games in the past. Oh well, I wish those guys were still around these days.Links and Amped
thank you thank you!
Im so bad at tribes >_<;
Another Geelongian! Awesome.
Want some interesting trivia/game developer facts? The guys behind it (Indie Built) evolved from, those geniuses that createdAccess SoftwareWorld Class Leaderboard golf, Links, as well as the entire TEX MOTHERFUCKING MURPHY SERIES. That's Mean Streets (my personal fave, loved it on my XT), Martian Memorandum, Killing Moon, Overseer and Pandora Directive. Also, Crime Wave (which was slow as shit on said XT, but the dithered EGA graphics and PC speaker speech blew me away.
My local EBGames had the Razer DeathAdder for $69 if you guys need a new mouse.
Also damn I wish I could watch the cricket right now.
I think Megadrive might be making a game. I'll be finally releasing my iOS game this summer and begin developing my PC side scroller.So aside from myself and Rlan, any full time or indie game developers here in AusGAF? Anyone from Nnooo or Brawsome or anyone else?
EDIT: And of course Gaz, why did you move to the Gold Coast so we can't meet up anymore![]()
footscray is kinda scary at night :/
dingy lights and lots of dodgy looking people around
I used to live fifty metres from.the Sims market on barkly st. No problems down that way from memory.
Also, kritz is a rubbish quoter. 0/5.
All you need to do is redeem your Saints Row 3 online pass within the next 3 months and you get Saints Row 2 FREE from the PSN Store(normally valued at $30). Saints Row 2 will be available for download starting next week.
I was worried when I tried it this morning and it told me I was blocked for trying my password too many times or something. Evlore! You should have had CKohler in on the update so everything could be up and running together!Let's see how long it takes Secondapps to do its thing.
Hey we're back on top!
Sorry dude hopefully he has a fast recovery, pneumonia sucks.What a horrid 24 hours. Brother gets sent to hospital in an awful condition, apparently suffering from pneumonia. Must have been that trip to Saudi Arabia.
Bethesda loves WA confirmed.