Stop seeing chiropractors and go to a physiotherapist. And if your GP recommends a chiropractor, get a new GP because they didn't listen in their first year of medicine or even their undergraduate degree.
When I went to see the Chiro, it was the massage beforehand that I looked forward to most.
One thing to note is that Chiropractors can be quite good, the problem is that the ones with their own practice have become lazy and most are dangerous to go to. They find some stuff that works for most people and then just do that for everyone. The one I was going to often just made things worse, much worse.
The last and best time I went to a Chiro, was at the University Clinic just down the road from Macquarie Uni. These are essentially trainee Chiropractors but they must seek confirmation from the head guy there who is knowledgeable on all the latest research and such, before making any adjustments. Nothing will be done unless they are 100% sure it will help you; they'll do an X-ray in some circumstances to make sure, if they're not without one. Its also a lot cheaper ($30, or $15 if you're a student, first visit is free).
I must say that I was thoroughly impressed with what I left with. No adjustments were made at all (unlike the practicing Chiro I went to who made adjustments every single time). I was told that they thought they knew what the problem was, that my back was indeed misaligned and that weak muscles that usually don't do much, were bearing the brunt of the workload, the pain was from them being overworked. I was given exercises to strengthen those muscles and to return for assessment later as my progress would confirm or deny their suspicions.
I've been told there are similar places for physiotherapists. You can get the proper massages from students for much cheaper than the outside practicing ones, similarly priced to the student Chiro I described going to (I believe one in Sydney is in St Leonards or Artarmon).