Is it some kind of allergic reaction to something if your throat closes over? Might be able to find out what it is and add/take out stuff to your diet to counteract it. A woman at my old work had a deficiency of some kind that made her have reactions to foods until she started having more nuts (of some kind) and brussel sprouts of all things.I have a reflux issue, sometimes if i choke on food my throat swells upso now nothing can go down! not even saliva!
Every one will have different opinions on situations in games, a lot of people just throw shit at you though rather than try and help see the situation in a different way. UC3 was definitely designed to be played in a very different fashion to UC2. Doesn't mean you are a moron if the game doesn't do it for you, I for one didn't like playing Metroid Prime. Doesn't mean I'm shit at FPS's, just that I didn't enjoy the way they made the game.Point out a frustrating area in a game? Well it's obviously because you have the IQ of a rat and just really suck at video games. It couldn't be that the area of the game is poorly designed. I've basically played video games my entire life. I've played all the games in the series. If I found it frustrating, people without that much experience will too.
Those Vertex 2's read up to 285MB/s and write 275MB/s while the new series are about twice as quick.I'm still not quite getting the performance I was expecting out of my SSD. I bought a 60gb OCZ Vertex 2 (with the Sandforce chipset) but it doesn't feel like it's much quicker than when I was running off a single 7200rpm 120gb WD SATA drive. Maybe I need a reinstall :/
Only buy if you like Halo Wars as they basically just reskinned it for Starcraft 2. Same with that Dawn of War stuff.Why this certainly sounds like a good game!
I think I will take 10 copies!
Buy Football Manager 2012 instead, it's only $40
andchoc will turn this thread around and go straight back home if you kids aren't careful
lol heartily!*sigh*
That was awkward.
Ring up customer
"Hello, it's Nick from **** is, **** available please?"
"let me just check"
*puts me on hold* *plan what im going to say*
*they take me off hold "are you there?"
"hi nick!.. i mean ****.. I'm Nick"
Childish dude.Perhaps you'd be interested in Scientology.
Curse of Monkey Islandwhat are ausgaf's top 5 favourite games, out of interest?
You really should know that that kind of language is not accepted on GAF by now.You're actually going to report me for that?
I played it and it was okay. Solid 3/5. It could have been a LOT better but there really isn't anything else to scratch that itch anyway.Anyone who doesn't have Crackdown in their top 5 hasn't played Crackdown.
Queue everyone posting "Yah I played it and it was OK I guess"
You have impeccable taste.I think I'll base my list on games I've played multiple times and will play them again multiple times
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars
Final Fantasy VIII
Curse of Monkey Island
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Zork: Grand Inquisitor
Damn RDR will be one that I remember fondly, one of the games of the generation without a doubt. Atmosphere is king in that game, also perfects the GTA mechanics that suit the wild west perfectly. Controls like a dream compared to GTA4 too. The red horse goes the fastest!Yoshi's Island is so in my top 10. And Red Dead Redemption may be my favourite game this generation now that I think about it Codswallop.
They are pretty good, especially with some diane sauce, maybe some mushrooms and some cracked pepper.
Google should stop toying around and just cure cancer
Click it.
Super Mario World is easily the best Mario game
I used to think you were cool man.Childish dude.
real-time edit #2: what are ausgaf's top 5 favourite games, out of interest?
rs: Do you know if I'd see a difference in performance with either the new Sandforce (apparently they're having issues, though)-based SSDs or whatever else there is if I'm only running a SATA2-capable mobo? I'd happily drop $150 or so for another drive to drop in my PC if it would improve performance markedly. Then, I could put the Vertex 2 in my Thinkpad or DJ/music notebook for totally bitchin' performance.
And AusGAF, I've been thinking about how I'll raise my kids if I ever have any. Media-wise. There'll be no current kids TV shows for them to watch, nor big Hollywood movies. They'll be raised on what I can scrounge up of the best kids shows of the 80s and when they get a little older, I'll be showing them classic comedies like Top Secret (What... phony dog poo?) and Fletch. In their early to mid-teens, they'll be fed nothing but John Hughes teen movies.
Seriously, fuck kids who are watching the new Transformers movies, Pirates of the Carribean and using their basis for stupid humour as all those bland parody "movie" movies. If they need violence, they will have Die Hards 1 and 3 and Big Trouble in Little China. For action, Romancing the Stone and Raiders of the Lost Ark.
God damnit, I'm going to go impregnate some slapper just so I can raise a kid who, without any pushing, will instantly appreciate Community as soon as he can understand words.
Yes, right now I'm watching Top Secret. No kid should grow up without knowing this movie.
And AusGAF, I've been thinking about how I'll raise my kids if I ever have any. Media-wise. There'll be no current kids TV shows for them to watch, nor big Hollywood movies. They'll be raised on what I can scrounge up of the best kids shows of the 80s and when they get a little older, I'll be showing them classic comedies like Top Secret (What... phony dog poo?) and Fletch. In their early to mid-teens, they'll be fed nothing but John Hughes teen movies.
Seriously, fuck kids who are watching the new Transformers movies, Pirates of the Carribean and using their basis for stupid humour as all those bland parody "movie" movies. If they need violence, they will have Die Hards 1 and 3 and Big Trouble in Little China. For action, Romancing the Stone and Raiders of the Lost Ark.
God damnit, I'm going to go impregnate some slapper just so I can raise a kid who, without any pushing, will instantly appreciate Community as soon as he can understand words.
Hm. Not getting into that again. I'll happily update those in here with changes (both positive and negative) for those curious but I'm not going to get caught up in any slinging matches about what I may have experienced or am going through, or any arguments that were unnecessarily brought up in this thread.Make him a Scientologist while you're at it.
Same wavelength, broseph. Obviously I'd have slightly different choices, but there will be (somewhat) mandatory viewing. Ferris Beuller's Day Off would be somewhere in that list, too.Kids should be free to watch whatever they want. Otherwise I'd be a fan of Lionel Long and Dolly Parton songs like my Dad is, and Beatles/Elvis as my mum is.
Any kids I have can watch/play what they want (age/maturity level appropriate of course) with only six conditions, being that they see:
1. Film - Bladerunner
2. TV - MacGuyver
3. Book - I, Robot
4. Music - Thriller (album)
5. Games - Super Mario Bros (original)
6. Internet - no facebook
only #6 will actually be enforced, the rest are just good ideas
Hm. Not getting into that again. I'll happily update those in here with changes (both positive and negative) for those curious but I'm not going to get caught up in any slinging matches about what I may have experienced or am going through, or any arguments that were unnecessarily brought up in this thread.
You guys are gonna be hated by your kids, just sayin'
How would you feel if your parents tried to control everything you ever did in your life, especially during that 'rebellious' phase.
Pretty sure I will monitor the crap out of my kid's internet usage. No way are they gonna get into that "buy a toy and play a free mmo" bs that kids are into these days. It's going to be Legos, books and maybe some video games depending on what games are out in like 15 years. No iphones or whatever either until they're responsible enough! And I'm gona make them play the piano!
It's not the job of a parent to be their kids friend.You guys are gonna be hated by your kids, just sayin'
Oh and I forget, my kids will go to fuckin Kumon as well. They need to suffer like I did!
I think I'm discovering why it's a bad idea to apply ~5000 cells with formulas in them into a google docs spreadsheet with 12 people in it.
It's not the job of a parent to be their kids friend.
I have 2 storage boxes of all the legos I ever had all mixed up together. I'm going to give them that and let them go nuts. A lot of the lego these days is not lego-y enough! But yeah, couldn't agree more with what you said.Just on that, if my kids ever want lego or meccanno, there is no way I'll stop them. It might be expensive, but there's a life lesson in earning money there, and they are the perfect toy to play around with. Freeform, adaptable, encourage imagination and you get to learn about tactile stuff like building and engineering without the maths scaring you away.
Jintor said:lololololololol
but what about swot shop
I have 2 storage boxes of all the legos I ever had all mixed up together. I'm going to give them that and let them go nuts. A lot of the lego these days is not lego-y enough! But yeah, couldn't agree more with what you said.
Not berating at all. Just don't think it is fair to pidgeon hole anyone who is into natural/alternative medicines as a Scientologist.Also, you're a bit late, the "berate Danoss for not drinking the Kool-Aid" party finished a while ago.
SATA3 is required for the new controller I am fairly certain so I don't think you can take advantage of the quicker drives. Maybe think about an upgrade when the next GPU's Do you know if I'd see a difference in performance with either the new Sandforce (apparently they're having issues, though)-based SSDs or whatever else there is if I'm only running a SATA2-capable mobo?
Agreed wholeheartedly and added my conditions. Don't think that keeping him off Facebook full time will be hard as I want to keep him active and give him plenty of options for after school activities. Jack of all trades hopefully until he works out what he enjoys best in High School some time. Most parents I know that have a problem with their kids sitting on the internet all day is because they aren't/weren't willing to go out and do things with them.Kids should be free to watch whatever they want. Otherwise I'd be a fan of Lionel Long and Dolly Parton songs like my Dad is, and Beatles/Elvis as my mum is.
Any kids I have can watch/play what they want (age/maturity level appropriate of course) with only six conditions, being that they see:
1. Film - Bladerunner & Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. TV - MacGuyver & Simpsons Seasons 3-10
3. Book - I, Robot
4. Music - Thriller & Queen Greatest Hits 1&2
5. Games - Super Mario Bros & Link to the Past
6. Internet - no facebook
According to Capsule I will be able to try and install it in 12 hours. Joy. I had no idea that someone would create a download system slower than Steam but there you go. I learned something today.Arkham City on PC looks amazing
There is nothing quite like opening a new lego set (especially technic or lego space) and putting it together to see what makes it tick. Then taking it apart and making your own. I think you need both the "complex kit with instructions" experience as well as the "build your own" one.
That said, I'd personally prefer to keep away from the licensed IP Lego kits like star wars (yuck), harry potter or pirates of the carribean. Generic space/medieval/city style lego is more my thing. The new kits seem to be all about the brand and not the imagination that a Lego Moon Walker or Intergalactic Mission Commander with separate landing pod and moon buggy might inspire.
CongratsMy missus and I just had a baby girl and I've never felt this stoked before!
I had convinced myself that I do not need the limited edition. You have now convinced me that I do.![]()
Wow, I had one of those.
Also, anyone buying Tales of the Abyss 3DS tomorrow? The official thread said it's JB exclusive in Australia, so I may get my brother to pick me up a copy tomorrow.
Not berating at all. Just don't think it is fair to pidgeon hole anyone who is into natural/alternative medicines as a Scientologist.
Some of the posts have been a little more pointed than expected. I personally have no interest in seeing a doctor, let alone someone who will touch my precious bones, but after seeing all the shit my friends have been through with cancer and leukemia treatments I disagree with the notion that if it doesn't have 15 scientific journals and $5 billion worth of pharmacutical funding behind it, the treatment (or whatever they want to call it) won't improve the quality of life for someone. Shit, the last dozen or so treatments for our close friend who had breast cancer were focused on maximising the amount of time she could stand during the day. If Shaneus (or anyone else) feels the courage/motivation to go out and do something they were too self-concious to do before then the $250 will have been well spent. If he came in here and said it was going to make him a Superman and prevent cancer then I would have laughed at him but he was restrained enough with his description that I thought it was another interesting avenue for people to try if they have the interest. Also I am not religious.
This week's program tells the story of Penelope Dingle and an untimely death that's rebounded on those closest to her in unpredictable ways.
Mrs Dingle was a former model and actor married to a TV science guru. At the age of 43 she was diagnosed with a common cancer regarded as highly curable if it’s caught early...
But, in baffling circumstances, she turned her back on conventional medicine – with far reaching consequences for almost everyone concerned.
I want to but I can't find it on their online store! No JBs in a convenient spot near me too.
I agree with all that, but a better example is Steve fucking Jobs.Big long post
Not sure if I had that exact set, but I had a couple of those grey bases with the craters in the ridges like in that one. Fun times.