Yay! My leg doesn't have cancer! It also doesn't have stitches any more.
6 foot tall here (182cm?), touching on 90kg. Never been overly athletic aside from Cricket. Walking and general tomfoolery kept me down towards 70kg and even 60kg at one point about 4 years ago. Having a family and desk job sure does make you unfit. Easier now to get out and about with the little guy up and running. A mate of mine has gotten into skipping and pushups over the last month and has lost 10kg so I will get into that Program along with Couch to 5k.
Shaneus! Had this for a while now but thought you might like a squiz, Stay+ is the artist.
SoundCloud is decent quality, but you know where to find it for a proper listen.
What's with people in Reggie's thread recommending guns?
What a weird, fucked up culture.
Some people just like the idea of shooting their problems away and will justify a situation any way they can. I like guns, but have no interest in having them in my house. Like Deadman said, if I lived somewhere that didn't have such strong gun control I probably would think differently. At that point though I would have like 5 locks on each entry point though so I would expect to never have to use it against any thing short of a Velociraptor, which we all know are clever girls and would learn to pick locks silently in order to get to the sweet soft human flesh inside the can.
I'm worried I might miss out on 100, my sub ran out at March 1, possibly meaning 99 was my last. Got to find out fast if I need to organise my wife to head to the newsagent soon.
Go talk to the news agent and ask them to hold one if it doesn't sell before sending it back, or if they are down to their last copy to get them to give you a call. I used to do that kind of thing with Sonic and TMNT comics as I lived too far away to get them very often and different places would hold onto them for me until my parents made a trip there.
Insulin spiking for protein synthesis is mostly broscience from what I've seen. Pre-training and post-training meals aren't as limited time-wise as popular theory seems to suggest. Consuming a carbohydrate alongside protein during recovery has evidence to support it but the necessity to do it immediately (or popularly, within a 30 minute window) of the workout appears largely unsupported. Consuming normal meals pre- and post-training should be enough.
I have no idea what any of that means but I was filled with a warm fuzzy feeling while reading it that usually comes to me when I am learning something. I think it is my brain whirring into gear to store stuff into the memory banks down the back somewhere.
They should call it Uncharted: Gameplay Abyss, amirite?
You just jelly
in a world where we crap on about climate change and waste, the fact that printers are cheaper than its ink
and somehow they get away with it
Been saying it for years. Why the fuck can I get a printer for $30 but have to pay way more than that to get it replaced? I always just buy a new printer at this point which is horrible for the environment and so wasteful but I just can't bring myself to buy a replacement cartridge with such a strange process.
so tim schafer has inadvertently found a way to buy US PSN easily
Didn't we already talk about getting cards from Best Buy in the US for like $47AUD for $50 of US credit?
Last day buzz got to me and I put $110 in for DF, despite the fact that I don't like adventure games. I do like T Shirts and posters and documentaries and nice big videogame boxes. It's pretty much Rahk's fault. That's what I told my wife anyway.
It really is an amazing deal. Soooooo looking forward to the proper cardboard box, hadn't realised how much I had missed them until I started unpacking my PC games at the new place. My Curse of Monkey Island box is a work of art. The yput so much more effort into the cover art back then. These days it is more about standing out from the crowd on the EBGames shelf and including as many logos and features on the cover as possible.
The T Shirt looks awesome too, subtle enough to wear around town without people thinking you it is for a video game.
Wondering if i should buy lunch tomorrow. Get a pizza or something else from the servo instead of bringing in my sandwich since it's leave home at 6:15am stocktake day.
These are the hard decisions I attempt to make in life.
If you have had a hard week treat yourself to a nice lunch, are they giving you an extended lunch break because you are coming in early? Should be a nice day again tomorrow so maybe go outside somewhere nice with some healthy food and enjoy it.
Speaking of which I have decided to start making Monday my 'buy lunch' day as I can't handle eating a tuna sandwich every day of the week. Subway have $5 footlong meatball subs so it doesn't cost much while still tasting awesome.
Today I woke up tired as all hell but happy in the knowledge that today was going to be the first day I didn't have to worry about making lunch through bleary eyes in the morning. Only for it to hit noon and my co-worker was nice enough to point out that Meatball Monday is only on Mondays. And today was Tuesday. >_<
Bit rough complaining about having a public holiday off but hey, it happened. I have problems.
Hey guys wanna know what's hugely embarrassing, but an awesome story? Getting happy birthday sung at you, in public (ie: at a cafe that overlooks the road and general public) by attractive staff members. Wasn't bad but holy shit my cheeks felt red.
What is embarrassing about that? Everyone walking past would be thinking you are some top shit. Also fuck what people think, enjoy your birthday. This world is a dangerous place to be in, any day it could end so celebrate the fact you made it another 365ish days and have a good time.
Just got the Full time job i had an interview for last week! so fucking psyched.
Ill be working at Dan Murphys so give me a few months and ill answer all your liquor questions

(and give any local Gaffers discounts)
Getriot Commonly known as geelong
Why does this happen AFTER I move out of Geelong
I'll assume you are working at the Belmont store? Great spot there, hilarious the reaction from the Belmont Hotel bottle shop, I used to get along well with the guys who ran it there. Was the most profitable bottle shop in Geelong for a while.
Oh the Corio/Nth Shore (whatever they classify the one on the Melb highway) store is pretty cool too but I always noticed some bad elements around there.
Congrats on the job too!
An ABC radio presenter has been taken off the air after it was revealed she was the voice behind a controversial anti gay marriage television commercial produced for Katter's Australian Party.
Read more:
If you're a voice actor, seems like its time to choose your parts. Can't see fairwork agreeing with this one.
I find it hard to be sympathetic for anyone involved in that ad. Just straight out hating on gay people right there. Should not be acceptable.
Could explain the lack of NTgaf
That and the lack of high speed internet. Plus I hear all the alligators eat any packages that OzGameShop send so they can only afford to buy 3 games a year at EBGames' RRP of $120 per game.
Has anyone ever tried making the cauliflower pizza? I read about it in GAF's fitness thread, I think I'm going to give it a try tomorrow night.
Recipe here.
Tempting! Seems like a hell of a lot of effort though. Running a pizza shop means I always have a hankering for some well made dough base. Soooooooooooooo good if you can stretch it at the right temperature.
Will put in the to do pile though.
I did get tested for this a few weeks ago, hope it doesn't turn out to be positive. My mother is a (diagnosed) celiac.
All the best foods have gluten.
Fingers crossed for you man, I count my blessings every day that I don't have any allergies.
Bacon is the best food!
speaking of foods and all that, I've recently lost about 9 kilos in just over four weeks under a meal plan that looks like variants of this:
(I don't bother logging all the water I drink.)
Cutting out fast food and flavoured milk drinks has done wonders for me.
I'm surprised at how easy it is. It's kind of like "oh, it's just... common sense. Huh."
What app/site is that? Really want to start counting my intake just to see how high it is which should cut back my impulse eating and make me feel a little guilty.
No phone number to ring? They should at least have one of those red phones on there! That would be enough to tip me over the edge.
The company that I'm at now provides free softdrink, chocolate, chips, cheese and crackers, all kinds of biscuits. It's... difficult.
I now get free Milo and whatever gifted food comes from gracious tenants. Which is sometimes strange as this freaky old woman out in a bush town put up all hell getting a new shed and garden put up, nothing but trouble and constantly threatened going to her solicitor and her friend Julia Gillard and her son who is the CEO of Channel Ten, all kinds of bullshit. When our manager went around to audit the work she gave him 3 boxes of Ferrero Roche, a shopping bag full of vegetable soup ingredients and a recipe for different home made breads.
I go for my walks either straight after I wake up or around twilight, or both. It's just habit at this point. I listen to music and/or a podcast and the time flies.
I used to do that all the time when I lived across the road from uni. Really helped to clear my head and keep my mind in check. I am thinking of taking it up again but night walking here in town was a bit shady so I might just get up even earlier before work and get into the Couch to 5k. Would be able to try a lot more music which would make me a much happier man.
I'd like to lose about 8kg, I'm around 88kg now.
Motivate me GAF!
If you don't lose weight now your bodies flux capacitor will send you flying through time and space itself. You don't want to wake up next to Hitler now do you?
So I stood up to a drunken racist bully on the bus today after he slapped the driver and got assaulted.
I'm fine, but my face hurts now.
That sucks man but great work! At least you set an example for the rest of the people on the bus, maybe one day they will stand up to fuckwits like that too so it never gets to the point where a bus driver is assaulted.
In a just society the women on the bus would have all given you their numbers as you left the bus.
I got diagnosed with it a few months ago after being itchy as fuck for most of last year, and I can say if you do turn out to have it:
Buy Vogels gluten free bread, don't even bother with anything else it's all shit. Vogels ones are genuinely good
Also don't just rely on the blood test if thats all you've done, as apparently it's not 100% accurate, so see about an gastroscopy if you haven't already.
The upside to it being trendy at the moment is there's usually something to have at cafes etc. The downside is unless you're a regular there, they'll probably assume you're a tosser :/
Supermarkets have come a long way in that regard too, MUCH better range than a few years ago. Aldi is like heaven now for our niece who is allergic to everything under the sun (as well as the sun) so she doesn't feel left out any more and it doesn't taste like crap!
A lot easier to get takeout too, just a few years ago they would bitch at you for asking what was in the cooking but now they are even nice enough to print out ingredient lists and bring it to your table.
Fuck you deus ex. Why would you put a save point in the middle of a battle area.
What a shame, if you ain't F5in' you ain't playin' properl'!
I was going to go Rock Climbing tonight but then I... didn't. Can you go rock climbing by yourself? I guess I could go bouldering by myself... :T
Doesn't the Flying Scottsman invite you guys into his vertical squadron?