I face palmed. Just get a version for a bigger screen. please
All excellent points, and I've far from forgotten that they're not a charity, but purely from the consumer perspective, the idea of comfy couch mode was seen more as a "gift" to those with loungeroom setups as well as being something they've been toying with in their spare time (at least, that's how I picture most non-retail projects at Valve to come about). Now it's just... it doesn't feel as projecty and "just for you guys" anymore, despite us not having really heard anything from them at all about it.From day one Steam has been a part of a very big commercial agenda. The whole idea was, "fuck these publishers/distributors who make silos of cash out of selling their products (and licencing to internet cafes), lets get 100% of the money from the consumer." Plus they charge to sell games on the service. They aren't a non-profit charity. They need to bankroll operations such as the Doug Church tenure and the Robin Walker hat emporium.
More to the point we have no idea on the operations of the Steam team, or even how many people at one time work on it. One of the reasons that tf2 took 9 years to surface was because Walker was lead on Episode 1 and Cook was working on Steam features. If it was simple, they would have already released it (or at least a beta of it). Don't forget the mobile app they brought out recently, I would expect most of their dedicated staff to be ramping that up to the next release build.
The Steam PC seems like a logical thing that they would have thought about as developers WAY WAY back in their early days, it is one of the main benefits of consoles after all. Once you know your target rig you can make your game more efficient to run on that hardware, etc.
Also Space Marine is great bludgeoning fun, at the last few chapters now, getting a bit bored with it.
Already have it on PC! First bought in Jan last year on a CD key website, then later on when it was $5 or so on a Steam sale. Thanks for thinking of me, thoughDon't forget that Bulletstorm is only $13 at TheHut on 360!
Gearbox are the guys who did Borderlands (and maybe some other stuff) yeah? You'd think that given the quality level (from what I saw, never really got into it but know production values when I see 'em) of Borderlands, they would've actually had a bit of fun with it rather than just make an out-and-out bad game. How hard could it have been to drop whatever assets there were into their own (or something like Unreal) engine and added their own flair to it? Real shame.It really did feel like a fan game. Kind of like that Garshasp game, but at least that seemed to have more effort put into its development. It was like playing a game you bought at a dodgy market stall in Indonesia developed by the merchants in their spare time between selling cam quality dvd's.
Man, what I wouldn't give for a new Descent game right about now. It couldn't be hard to do and some kind of a shooter in a true 3D map (like a cube or a sphere or something), even online, would be the tits. But even less likely with the THQ shenanigansInstead I bought Amnesia: The Dark Descent just now.
I'm fucking scared yo
Or if you have a laptop, play it on the toilet and cut out the middle-man.Playing amnesia, i suggest many fresh pairs of underwear within reaching distance
Senile because you're typing so slow? Man, they don't make RSI these days like they used to.Anybody ever write up a big reply and then see the post they are replying to is from 2010?
SenileGAF FTL.![]()
Fuck Android and their tablets. You can tell by that video, the Win8 "start menu" (the main menu system) is running at 60fps by the motion blur caused by the 30fps-only Youtube vid. Pretty much every other (Windows at least, possibly most Androids as well... if not all) tablets run at 30, esp. considering they're usually using a shitty Intel Atom with an even shittier GPU (the Windpad has an AMD Fusion Z-01 in it, meaning it has a dual-core CPU and semi-decent Radeon GPU to palm graphic stuff off to... hence the smoother experience).My problem is that the tab is so last gen!
Asus seems to be the kings of Android tablets imo. They are pushing form factors and specs. Most android manufacturers, even the newly annoucned Samsung stuff is very last gen spec wise >.< if you want to compete with apple you have to dish out more than them, especially when they are about to annouce a quad core tablet. Its lame cause even their price points are at or above apples, so its no real wonder that android hasnt taken off on tablets!
Demo or beta? Gaynor will probably not be happy. Wasn't it the same guys who did Riddick?Bit the bullet and used the 360 controller for Syndicate. Doesn't feel right.
Pretty cool aesthetic but largely wasted. Very linear, pretty boring. Weapons feel great though. Normal feels a bit easier than I usually find, might bump it up to Hard to give the action a bit more intensity.
Most rooms have random shit you can force push to recharge your mind bullets which makes it a bit hum drum.
Post effects are more harsh on the eyes than even Battlefield 3's campaign. Really went a touch too far into painful rather than stylish.
Overall should be an okay romp, not expecting Deus Ex 3 level or anything.
Dude. Windpad. Has the Radeon GPU so it'll decode 1080p no worries, even to an external source. Software would be a piece of piss to find, too. Use whatever you want! You obviously won't "need an app for that" with it. Streaming would be via 802.1n, and I'm not sure how 1080p goes over that, but that'd be the bottleneck. Essentially the same GPU in my (still very dead) Lenovo x120e and that could handle local 1080p content fine. Streaming was a bit iffy, but I suspect my network needed some tweaking (or "n" wasn't even enabled or something, I dunno).So, these android tablets, how hard are they to stream media to? I have been using my netbook pplugged in to tye HDMI on the plasma to stream from the big computer with all the music and films. Can these tablets do that? Nothing is iny sort of format standarg, I've got mkv, avi, mpeg mov, shit, probably other stuff to. If there something like Vlc that will play media from a network source?
GOD DAMNIT, WHY WON'T YOU READ MY PO... oh, I haven't posted it yet.Cool, think Ill track one down and have a play around. Thanks! So they are about 650 with the dock for the top speck model?
Me too! Well, Japan anyway.
AusGaf goes to Japan!
God I wanna go to Japan and Korea so bad.
Is it bad not to have an anniversary? When do you start counting from? I just know it all kind of began around September - October so we've never really celebrated(our birthdays are then as well though so there's already a lot going on). I guess if we ever get hitched we'll get a date then. haha.
Also @dead man, I agree with codswallop. Also I wanted to add that the three year hump is around when you tend to get lazy about the relationship. Its a comfortable part of your life, and you kinda know its not going anywhere so you don't work as hard, stop going out or doing fun things so often. Try not to do that.
Thanks guys. Yeah, it's not catastrophic or anything, she has just had some pretty big issues to deal with and some health isssues too. I think we'll be fine, but that is a fine statement Cods.Best move ever! The wife and I got married on our 'we got together' anniversary - no new dates to remember! It was even her idea. Score!
Dead Man: The lady when we got married said something I'll remember forever (at least the gist of it!), and that was that truly loving someone was to support them and to encourage them to grow even if it's not necessarily what you want. The person you're with now isn't the person you fell in love with, and to try to force them to stay that person is the wrong thing to do and will usually end badly. Instead, love and support them for who they are now.
All excellent points, and I've far from forgotten that they're not a charity, but purely from the consumer perspective, the idea of comfy couch mode was seen more as a "gift" to those with loungeroom setups as well as being something they've been toying with in their spare time (at least, that's how I picture most non-retail projects at Valve to come about). Now it's just... it doesn't feel as projecty and "just for you guys" anymore, despite us not having really heard anything from them at all about it.
I suspect that early on in the piece (either soon after they announced CC or soon after they thought of it in-house, though likely the former) they had the consolised-PC idea and then decided to keep their traps shut until they could announce something more appealing to the even-more-casual-than-comfy-couch-PC-gamer crowd.
And yeah, loving SM so far. When a game lets you do two-button combo slow-motion execution moves on aliens that also give you health, you know it's good. It's topped off by all the characters (at least, the main guys) having proper British accents. Just classes the thing up a bit to an almost ironic level. Looks sweet-as too, running at a flat 60fps. Hngh.
Already have it on PC! First bought in Jan last year on a CD key website, then later on when it was $5 or so on a Steam sale. Thanks for thinking of me, though
Gearbox are the guys who did Borderlands (and maybe some other stuff) yeah? You'd think that given the quality level (from what I saw, never really got into it but know production values when I see 'em) of Borderlands, they would've actually had a bit of fun with it rather than just make an out-and-out bad game. How hard could it have been to drop whatever assets there were into their own (or something like Unreal) engine and added their own flair to it? Real shame.
Man, what I wouldn't give for a new Descent game right about now. It couldn't be hard to do and some kind of a shooter in a true 3D map (like a cube or a sphere or something), even online, would be the tits. But even less likely with the THQ shenanigans
Or if you have a laptop, play it on the toilet and cut out the middle-man.
Senile because you're typing so slow? Man, they don't make RSI these days like they used to.
Fuck Android and their tablets. You can tell by that video, the Win8 "start menu" (the main menu system) is running at 60fps by the motion blur caused by the 30fps-only Youtube vid. Pretty much every other (Windows at least, possibly most Androids as well... if not all) tablets run at 30, esp. considering they're usually using a shitty Intel Atom with an even shittier GPU (the Windpad has an AMD Fusion Z-01 in it, meaning it has a dual-core CPU and semi-decent Radeon GPU to palm graphic stuff off to... hence the smoother experience).
Win8 feels like arse on shit tabs (I tried the Dell Slate or whatever) but for a ~$550 device like the Windpad, you'd be stupid to go Android.
Demo or beta? Gaynor will probably not be happy. Wasn't it the same guys who did Riddick?
Dude. Windpad. Has the Radeon GPU so it'll decode 1080p no worries, even to an external source. Software would be a piece of piss to find, too. Use whatever you want! You obviously won't "need an app for that" with it. Streaming would be via 802.1n, and I'm not sure how 1080p goes over that, but that'd be the bottleneck. Essentially the same GPU in my (still very dead) Lenovo x120e and that could handle local 1080p content fine. Streaming was a bit iffy, but I suspect my network needed some tweaking (or "n" wasn't even enabled or something, I dunno).
But definitely look into it. I'm 100% getting one, it's just a matter of when. Win8 looks too good to not use on it.
GOD DAMNIT, WHY WON'T YOU READ MY PO... oh, I haven't posted it yet.
Edit: God damn, epic post for a new page. Brofist deluxe.
PS. I think I took my dex far too late. Nobody should be posting posts that lengthy in such a coherent tone at 2am on a Sunday.
MSI Windpad 110W. If another tablet comes out with the same chipset (AMD Fusion Z-01) then that'd be worth checking out too, but I think the 110W is the only one so far.FINE, I'll look at your Winpad, got a model or somthing in particular?
Still not liking the name. I did come up with this though in my Sunday-morning haze:
AusGAF 6 - I'd Have Called Them "Chazzwazzers".
The current one isn't even clever![]()
Yeah he is up and running for a while now. Not sure what his role will be, I assume flower boy or ringmaster or something.aww, what a nice idea ^^ How far away is that? Will your son be able to walk? If he was the flower boy that would be incredibly cute.
You need to live life though, our friends were able to move their work to suit their need to move around but it can't work out perfectly for everyone. Better to cut the relationship and see if it is something you want to return to rather than spend the rest of your life holding it against your partner.This is actually what I think happened
Which sucks because everything was so happy and perfect at the farewell parties not so long ago.
If you still love the person she is and can live with the changes then it will be okay. Everyone changes a little over the years.I'm at the three year hump, it is feeling a bit shaky too. Not unpleasent, we have both just chaged from who we were.
Yeah it was a HUGE missed opportunity, can't fault Gearbox though. It was up to the publisher to foot the bill for whatever work they wanted done and obviously they just wanted to get it playable and push it out the door. Sold pretty well apparently which is annoying.Gearbox are the guys who did Borderlands (and maybe some other stuff) yeah? You'd think that given the quality level (from what I saw, never really got into it but know production values when I see 'em) of Borderlands, they would've actually had a bit of fun with it rather than just make an out-and-out bad game. How hard could it have been to drop whatever assets there were into their own (or something like Unreal) engine and added their own flair to it? Real shame.
Demo or beta? Gaynor will probably not be happy. Wasn't it the same guys who did Riddick?
I'm a fan too. Although IBM wins fucker.icki lee looks pretty tasty in either form, fuck all dissentors.
Yeah I can see that being the case. Gearbox get given the game, tell whoever published it "give us a year and we'll make this great" but then after years of development the publisher must says "fuck that, male it playable and get it out the door."Yeah it was a HUGE missed opportunity, can't fault Gearbox though. It was up to the publisher to foot the bill for whatever work they wanted done and obviously they just wanted to get it playable and push it out the door. Sold pretty well apparently which is annoying.
Could have been amazeballs if they spent more time on documenting the process, like Lost in La Mancha or something. Even just a damn look at the older assets for fucks sake, make them worth having been created.
Forgot to say that. As soon as the news broke that Gearbox had picked up the DNF contract I KNEW that they would have included that they have first shot at another Duke game, especially since they have had a shot at so fucking many games that never materialised so they CERTAINLY have a Duke game idea that has been through pre-production. They would make an awesome Duke game.I think we'll see a completely Gearbox-developed Duke in 2013 or 2014.
But after DNF, would anybody care?Forgot to say that. As soon as the news broke that Gearbox had picked up the DNF contract I KNEW that they would have included that they have first shot at another Duke game, especially since they have had a shot at so fucking many games that never materialised so they CERTAINLY have a Duke game idea that has been through pre-production. They would make an awesome Duke game.
If it is a good game yes. Market it as a reboot of the series with a new developer after 3D Realms went down the toilet.But after DNF, would anybody care?
I've woken up at 9am, I've watched a new episode of a show I've been waiting 4 months for (Young Justice) I've washed the dishes, I've showered, I'm all dressed.
I have no fucking clue what to do with myself.
Still not liking the name. I did come up with this though in my Sunday-morning haze:
AusGAF 6 - I'd Have Called Them "Chazzwazzers".
The current one isn't even clever
MSI Windpad 110W. If another tablet comes out with the same chipset (AMD Fusion Z-01) then that'd be worth checking out too, but I think the 110W is the only one so far.
Give me a tablet that's designed with ergonomics and function in mind over a spec sheet. I wouldn't trust makers like MSI or Gigabyte to get it right. Maybe Asus... maybe, but probably not.
I'm never going to play desktop games on a tablet, so why would I need something that powerful? Besides, Windows needs all the grunt in the WindPad but iOS and Android have a far lower footprint so will be just as capable. There is VLC for Android too, though it's still early days. My TouchPad running ICS can decode 720p mp4s just fine. Haven't tried 1080 yet but with the screen why bother?
The only reason I dig it is because it's basically a fully capable media device that also runs a Windows OS. As I mentioned before, you don't "need an app" to do anything, there's no jailbreaking to be done, you can run XP if you REALLY wanted to... looks really only come into it because weight factors into it as well.It's kind of... hideous. And fat. But I like it. I think I could use something like this a lot more than a big phone.
Your first point is my exact reasoning. You don't need to transcode or use any special software or anything. Worst case scenario, you have to get a skin for your fave program so it's more user friendly with a tab.I really like the idea of a common OS so I can use the same software, media/productivity etc on both devices. That would trump about everything for me at the moment. A dock so it can be a netbook basically is a huge plus too ( I know that has nothing to do with OS).
I can see a future, not too far from now where I might only have a windows tablet with a dock. Except gaming that could do everything I need a computer for. Have a game rig set up for that, and any time I needed to use discs, I think that might be my future setup.
The only reason I dig it is because it's basically a fully capable media device that also runs a Windows OS. As I mentioned before, you don't "need an app" to do anything, there's no jailbreaking to be done, you can run XP if you REALLY wanted to... looks really only come into it because weight factors into it as well.
It *may* be worth holdingour breath to see if any other companies develop tabs on the same platform, but I don't know if they'd be as cheap as the MSI.
Your first point is my exact reasoning. You don't need to transcode or use any special software or anything. Worst case scenario, you have to get a skin for your fave program so it's more user friendly with a tab.
On your second, I see no reason why in the future, you couldn't use a tablet and dock as a kind of OnLive-type service except using your home PC as the guts. Could be a likely prospect.
99% of these 'already-developed' apps on Windows won't take into account tablet use. I know from experience how frustrating Windows 7 is on a device similar to the WindPad (and Windows 8 when you hit the desktop, which you'll need to do for those 99% of apps). Sure, if it's docked you'll be able to use them just fine, but that gets rid of the amazing convenience of a real tablet.
Get an iPad or Galaxy Tab and you'all be so much happier with it. Remember: Windows 8's Start Menu is designed for touch input (and I think it'll be good at that), but all the other apps you'll want to use will be an exercise in frustration.
Actual windows 8 looks like it was designed FOR tablets rather than PC's. Which is why I'm not chomping at the bit to install it.Puh Luh Easy! Windows 8 is awful and doesnt look like it will be much better on tablets.
I keep saying it, and I'll say it again. Windows 8 + tablets = the best thing ever.
Puh Luh Easy! Windows 8 is awful and doesnt look like it will be much better on tablets.
After playing around with it I totally agree. It's ok on a pc, but it'd be rad on a tablet where you don't need to play with settings and shit.
The transformer looks good bit for $800 its a bit rich for my blood. I'm suddenly really keen to get a tab, might go and browse some this afternoon.
But after DNF, would anybody care?
Anything you'd want to do on a "real" tablet could be done with a skinned or modified app anyway. MS will do their damnedest to get Office a tablet-friendly mode, XBMC is skinnable, IE10 is (apparently) tablet-friendly as well... there really is no argument in going a locked-down tablet like something iOS or Android-based when you can have the same versatility of a PC (sans control method, obviously) in tablet form.99% of these 'already-developed' apps on Windows won't take into account tablet use. I know from experience how frustrating Windows 7 is on a device similar to the WindPad (and Windows 8 when you hit the desktop, which you'll need to do for those 99% of apps). Sure, if it's docked you'll be able to use them just fine, but that gets rid of the amazing convenience of a real tablet.
Get an iPad or Galaxy Tab and you'all be so much happier with it. Remember: Windows 8's Start Menu is designed for touch input (and I think it'll be good at that), but all the other apps you'll want to use will be an exercise in frustration.
You're even more wrong than usual!Puh Luh Easy! Windows 8 is awful and doesnt look like it will be much better on tablets.
For general use, the printer/scanner/fax/copier devices are excellent. You'd only bother with specialised devices for special purpose or high volume situations.You're best off in life getting devices that are good at a limited range of things... how many of you would recommend those printer, scanner, fax, copier devices?
Dragon Age 3 is still being made. I think consumer reaction to previous titles has taken a backseat to overblown marketing budgets.
Sony hey? Hadn't even thought of them. It's a shame there's no Australian Fire yet. For what I plan to use it for and for the price point it'd be perfectYeah I like the transformer series too. Sony's series of android tablets the S and P? are alright as well.
The good ones don't do a shitty job at all of their functions. If you're talking about those $100 home use ones, well, the problem isn't that they're all in one, the problem is that they're cheap rubbish. The all in one devices for small business use are excellent and tend to make more economic sense than buying everything separately. I was bitching about Thermomix's lack of economic sense personally. I might not have seen all the posts.But Fred, these all in one devices usually do a shitty job of all their functions. Weren't we all bitching about the Thermomix just a couple of pages back?
The Windows 7 tablet experience has soured me enough that I am dubious, though willing to be wrong. Even after using the Windows 8 Consumer Preview last week I'm not sold on the desktop environment either. I can see the potential, but as a power user it's limiting and annoying. Their 'all apps must take full screen focus' philosophy is contrary to my way of working in a desktop environment.
The few apps that you've mentioned might be good on tablets, but tablets already have these same functions. What about Photoshop, or Eclipse, or SQL Server 2008 Management Studio, or even Excel. Do you really think a tablet will be any good at these?
But Fred, these all in one devices usually do a shitty job of all their functions. Weren't we all bitching about the Thermomix just a couple of pages back?
I'll concede that point, the expensive ones targeted at businesses are good, but I was referring more to the home space (since that's what we're already talking about in regards to tablets), as not many home users are going to spend five grand on an all-in-one device.The all in one devices for small business use are excellent and tend to make more economic sense than buying everything separately.
Well that's the thing. IMO you're better off buying a netbook or ultrabook as well as a tablet, because both devices will do a better job than most of the ones that dock. Sure, it costs more, but you're getting much, much better devices out of the deal. IMO, of course.If it will allow me to play media in my choice of player, and will run office type apps, I will pretty much be able to kick my laptop to the kerb as long as it has a dock. I am looking at it as an ultra portable netboook, rather than a 'traditional' tablet device.
I'm of the same mind. I wouldn't be using it as a tablet at home or a laptop on the go (for the majority of the time... when I'm on the can, it'll be a tabletIf it will allow me to play media in my choice of player, and will run office type apps, I will pretty much be able to kick my laptop to the kerb as long as it has a dock. I am looking at it as an ultra portable netboook, rather than a 'traditional' tablet device.