:O To the kimchi!?!? It may not be too late!
"Choc: both coles and woolworths have Kimchi"
This is why you can't ban this man, mods.
Who will we turn to when we don't know if a product is available at a supermarket?!
:O To the kimchi!?!? It may not be too late!
just bought some passion pop
just bought some passion pop
Going classy? Should have grabbed the Spumante! $3 a bottle. Good times.Goonbag of Fruity Lexia. 3 bags worth in layback during muck up day in Year 12 ruined me for wine, for the next 5 years I would almost vomit with every mouthful. Good times! Are they still retiring the goonbag?
just bought some passion pop
I thought it was brilliant.
Anyway, the higgs was originally nicknamed the goddamn particle due to its difficulty to find. Then the media ruined it by editing then using the popular moniker.
But still, at least we know its real.
Going to see Spiderman tonight. Hope it's good.
I've heard he's a better Parker, has better one-liners as Spidey and that the swinging looks amazing.
No one in melb seems to know what fruity lexia isive asked for it at like 5 bottleos andf get funny loosk every time
just the normal one md
that and the Dr Who references. Now to ignore the thousands of lame parody vids to flood youtube
He's definitely a more attractive Parker![]()
My girlfriend's sentiments too. I also agree. Plus Emma Stone. *swoon* They're both great actors and very attractive people.
Toby McGuire feels like a better fit.
The Amazing Spiderman just reminded me about how much better Raimi films were.:/
Andrew garfield and Emma stone were great in it though.
Spelunky is so much fun
1 was ok, 2 was amazing, 3 was horrible.
I dunno if it counts but today I needed some cheering up so I bought some of this:Going classy?
If the occasional manchild acts are wrong then I don't wanna be right.ps. I'm 40, which I'm pretty sure means I'm not allowed to buy this stuff unless it's for my daughter...
It felt wrong at the time, but it was tasty and did cheer me up a little.
ps. I'm 40, which I'm pretty sure means I'm not allowed to buy this stuff unless it's for my daughter...
Oh wow, Choc had like double the posts in this thread than the second most prolific poster when he was banned!
Also all the alcohol I am consuming tonight is from New Zealand :/
Now he has twice the activity in the irc channel than every other member combined.
It felt wrong at the time, but it was tasty and did cheer me up a little.
lol which parts? The assessment centre days are pretty scary the first time!Jintor said:Clerkships are terrifying! Fffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-
Oh man, a bunch of FF stuff on psn are on sale and I just bought all the psp games:O Thinking of buying the rest of the PS1 games as well in case I wana play them.
I can't tell if that title is parodying Square-Enix games or not anymore.I grabbed Dissidium OXII Dodecahedron because I skipped over it at release and it should be fantastic on Vita and considered getting the mainline games that are on there 'cause I like my RPGs portable nowadays but decided against it since I already have disc copies and while portability is nice it's not essential. Then my copy of Theatrhythm arrived today and after spending some time playing it I'll be going to DSE tomorrow to grab a couple of PSN cards and getting I, II, and VI-IX.
I've played right into their hands ._.
Do law clerkships have shl tests as well? They totally sucked the first couple times too!The entire process from start to finish
Really wish firms had a thing on the sidebar that was like "We are a top tier firm" because this would be easier. Though I can probably guess tbh.
I'm pretty close to buying theatrhythm now. Like, a click away! :/Box of Bunnies said:I've played right into their hands ._.
I liked Spiderman.
More than any of the first three films.
I think the second is very overrated.
I liked Spiderman.
More than any of the first three films.
I think the second is very overrated.
The parent company of Brumby's, the publicly listed Retail Food Group, which also manages the Donut King and Michel's Patisserie franchises, was forced into an embarrassing apology to shareholders for the "foolish and ill-considered" advice written by Mr Priest that encouraged bakeries to put up prices and "let the carbon tax take the blame".
It is understood the company will run full-page newspaper advertisements over the weekend and has engaged a "social media expert" to limit the damage on Twitter and Facebook.
Ms Catterall also instructed franchisees to remove any Liberal Party placards that linked price rises to the carbon tax.