Did the chick from OKC get back to you?
You don't have a phone?Dunno. Won't be able to check til I get home on sunday!
No idea. I assume it will all be compatible. None of the cool streetpassing stuff is going to be relevant here anyway:/Choc, Deek, is animal crossing PAL going to be streetpass/online compatible with JPN versions?
You don't have a phone?
360 version is $31, PS3 version is $32
Not one drunk/passed out schoolie on the beach this morning, was most surprised.
I just got pounded by that storm. I was walking back into West End when it got really bad.
What are the chances of getting a wiiu by just walking in?
Most kids leave on saturday though right? Friday they have graduation.
Jesus D: I hope you found some shelter, that was tree-bringing-down weather.
Zero/minus hype for me, feels weird:/Oh wow, the Wii U comes out in 12 days?
I should try and get hyped for that shit.
Not until Pinball Arcade gets Greenlit firstHey guys hoping you can help bring a game to Steam.
Primordia is the new game published by Wadjet Eye Games, developers of The Blackwell series as well as publishers of Resonance and Gemini Rue.
With the change from Steam approving smaller indie games such as this, they have been told to go through Greenlight. They are off to a great start but every vote will help show Steam that they never should have thrown the quality wheat out with the unproven chaff. High quality adventure games aren't a dime a dozen these days so it would be fantastic for Steam to reconsider forcing them through Greenlight when they have already proven there is an audience for the games (considering the game already has tons of previews, videos and proof it is finished and is great).
Prototype 2 Collectors Editions from OzGameShop
360 version is $31, PS3 version is $32
I cowered in the doorway of an Indian restaurant with a Fijian couple. The wind blowing stuff everywhere was a bit sketchy.
And dat lightning.
Zero/minus hype for me, feels weird:/
Best documentary ever remastered on dvd for like $25 buckeroos. The World At Warrrrrrr
Guys. This thread.
NSFW, but you have to read every post and click every picture. I haven't laughed this hard in ages.
Everyone here, if they game on PC, needs to get onto SweetFX (and RadeonPro if you have an ATI card). It's like having the ability to tweak photo-related settings (like exposure, colour, tint, sepia etc.) but for every single game. So good.
Residents in southern Queensland are being urged to bunker down with the Bureau of Meteorology warning a massive storm is approaching.
BLOPS 2 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy better than BLOPS thankfully. Only a few irritating things in the campaign so far, lots of nice new things to change it up too which is great.
Still probably won't ever touch MP though.
I think the standing so far would be;
COD2 > MW3 = BLOPS2 > COD > MW1 > BLOPS >> MW2 >>>> COD5 > COD3
BLOPS 2 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy better than BLOPS thankfully. Only a few irritating things in the campaign so far, lots of nice new things to change it up too which is great.
Still probably won't ever touch MP though.
I think the standing so far would be;
COD2 > MW3 = BLOPS2 > COD > MW1 > BLOPS >> MW2 >>>> COD5 > COD3
Your lack of WaW is disappointing. Still the best post COD2 iteration.
BLOPS 2 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy better than BLOPS thankfully. Only a few irritating things in the campaign so far, lots of nice new things to change it up too which is great.
Still probably won't ever touch MP though.
I think the standing so far would be;
COD2 > MW3 = BLOPS2 > COD > MW1 > BLOPS >> MW2 >>>> COD5WW > COD3
Wouldn't that be COD5 in his list?
The only good COD is the first one.