- Then, at last, its almost home time. I go out to do a final clean of dining room. Someone has changed a diaper on a table, and left the open nappy and some dirty wipes on the table.

- Then, at last, its almost home time. I go out to do a final clean of dining room. Someone has changed a diaper on a table, and left the open nappy and some dirty wipes on the table.
3 hours sleep, 2 cancelled flights, 1 delayed flight, I'm finally back in melbourne!
They call it "Adelaide".i thought you were in melbourne like 3 weeks ago
that time you lost your wallet
and went to the zoo
does south australia have zooz
- Turns out the manager never told the person he called to cover my shift that I came in. They commuted 2 hours from the Sunshine coast and when they got there the manager told them they weren't needed anymore.
Okay, all the rest was regular hospitality bullshit you deal with pretty regularly but the fuck people. That is not okay. I mean, in my current job we have to pull hypodermic needles out from mounds of hoarder garbage and worry about getting a shiv to the back of the neck by some down on their luck druggy but fuck, that ain't cool. That is Health Department close down your store kind of shit. Lucky no-one reported it externally.- Then, at last, its almost home time. I go out to do a final clean of dining room. Someone has changed a diaper on a table, and left the open nappy and some dirty wipes on the table.
Until now!Okay, all the rest was regular hospitality bullshit you deal with pretty regularly but the fuck people. That is not okay. I mean, in my current job we have to pull hypodermic needles out from mounds of hoarder garbage and worry about getting a shiv to the back of the neck by some down on their luck druggy but fuck, that ain't cool. That is Health Department close down your store kind of shit. Lucky no-one reported it externally.
Well, today was a pretty crappy day at work. It can basically be summarised in the following dot points:
- arrive 15 minutes early for work. Walk in and the manager says "oh, you showed up". He for some reason thought I wasn't coming (I've never been late or missed a shift except for one day when they changed the roster without telling me), so he called someone else in to cover my shift.
- Serve some guy talking on his phone. He doesn't hear me confirm his order because he's busy talking, and -surprise- what he ordered isn't actually what he wanted. I take back the burger and throw it away.
- The next man in the queue orders a burger. The people at the back make it and about a minute later it comes down the shoot. I hand it to him, and he says "You've just given me the other guy's old burger, haven't you?" I explain that I threw it away, and that its not even the same type of burger. The guy says "prove it, go get me the other burger", which I then have to fish out of the bin for him.
- Turns out the manager never told the person he called to cover my shift that I came in. They commuted 2 hours from the Sunshine coast and when they got there the manager told them they weren't needed anymore.
- Some guy wants to change his drink for some chicken. I can't change it, and he points out that they are the same price. I tell him I physically can't change it on the machine, and doing anything else would mess up stocktake. He doesn't understand, and starts being condescending about not knowing how to think for myself or some shit.
- This woman started lurking around the store and just as I'd give customers their change she'd come up and say "hey, I need some money for the bus!"
- I apologise to an old woman for running out of something, and offer to give her some free stuff instead. She just yells "give me my money back!"
- Then, at last, its almost home time. I go out to do a final clean of dining room. Someone has changed a diaper on a table, and left the open nappy and some dirty wipes on the table.
I noticed I was coming second or third for a while there so I've been trying to cut back.
i thought you were in melbourne like 3 weeks ago
that time you lost your wallet
and went to the zoo
does south australia have zooz
This was my birthday lunch:
That's the minimum 5-patty burger in their stacker challenge. The maximum is 12 patties.
This was my birthday lunch:
That's the minimum 5-patty burger in their stacker challenge. The maximum is 12 patties.
I wish I was better at computer things so I could do this. Or that translating paid better.I recommend getting an indoor job with no heavy lifting that doesn't involve meeting members of the human race.
This was my birthday lunch:
That's the minimum 5-patty burger in their stacker challenge. The maximum is 12 patties.
Holy crap GAF is on fire today.On page 4 and I have already peed my pants even more than usual. This thread will cheer you up Shan! Pure fucking gold Jerry!
Oh fuck, laughed so hard at this one I woke the little guy up
Is it bad that I want to visit the US for the sole purpose of trying all their outrageous food?
I don't feel awake if I don't get some morning exercise these days.
Halo 4 is pretty Halo. Way better facial animation and cutscene direction, almost exactly the same goddamn gameplay, even with the new weapons (which, functionally, are slightly-different-rifle, slightly-different-shotgun, slightly-different-pistol). Enjoyable, but... old.
Subbed. Thank you <3On page 4 and I have already peed my pants even more than usual. This thread will cheer you up Shan! Pure fucking gold Jerry!
Oh fuck, laughed so hard at this one I woke the little guy up
In breaking news games of the same franchise have similar gameplay.
But seriously, aint broke dude. Have you played the multi yet? I kind of disliked like the changes with ordinance drops initially but it's growing on me. I do miss weapons placed in certain locations which creates the initial rush to the launcher or whatever.
But I'm open about my love of Halo. And this was a good one.
I'm not saying it's broken. It's still great. It's just not... new. Not touching multi though, don't really enjoy Halo multi outside of drunken friend nights where we make up game modes. No firefight though? Lame as shit.
But I'm not saying similar gameplay, I'm thinking almost identical. New enemies don't really inspire different methods of playing, we're still fighting Covenant who act and play exactly like they used to, armour abilities don't really change up gameplay in any significant way... at least it's easier to see things, I guess.
I'm not really feeling it. But then, I guess I haven't been feeling it since Halo 1, so take that as you will. At least I kind of understand what's going on in the story, unlike Halo 3. I was completely lost in that game.
I would dump mine in a heart beat, but can only get Adsl2 where I am.
I noticed I was coming second or third for a while there so I've been trying to cut back.
This was my birthday lunch:
That's the minimum 5-patty burger in their stacker challenge. The maximum is 12 patties.
You can always go with Naked ADSL2+
Not available where I liveThe first thing I checked.
Shite, knew I would forget if 0mi wasn't tweeting #qandaHoly shit what an amazing episode of Q&A. I'm kind of glad that Turnbull and Rudd are out of the race, because they can be so much more entertaining.
Shite, knew I would forget if 0mi wasn't tweeting #qanda![]()
Me toooo.crap i forgot to go to gamemasters
1 week ago, got back on monday. and yeah then on sat i went to sydney, got back this morning
Me toooo.
I got a second job today. My daily work hours will be, once I start: 5am to 9:30am lifting boxes. 10:30am to 6pm programmering. Herewego.gif
Also went to polio island for my 6 years anniversary with my missus.amazing weekend
omg where
You are insane.Me toooo.
I got a second job today. My daily work hours will be, once I start: 5am to 9:30am lifting boxes. 10:30am to 6pm programmering. Herewego.gif
Also went to polio island for my 6 years anniversary with my missus.amazing weekend
Saving for a wedding?Me toooo.
I got a second job today. My daily work hours will be, once I start: 5am to 9:30am lifting boxes. 10:30am to 6pm programmering. Herewego.gif
Also went to polio island for my 6 years anniversary with my missus.amazing weekend
Bugger. Are you on RIM or something?