For the lego people: Death Star US$390 delivered from Amazon
For the lego people: Death Star US$390 delivered from Amazon
I have THE MOST bizarre computer problem at work atm.
Running XP SP3 and if I have a Windows Explorer window open and press the down key in any other program, it brings the Windows Explorer window to the front. Once it's brought to the front, I can't move down in any Explorer window or any other program. As in if I press the down arrow key on a folder structure it will just not even register.
The moment I close Windows Explorer I can use the down arrow key to move down in any other program =\
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Tried with a different keyboard?It's been doing this for 2 days now, restarted a few times...
Just-shy-of-12-months preorder?EDIT: Brisbane video games folks, finally![]()
It's like Kickstarter in the real world.Fuck off, concert people. I'm sick of paying for events - in full, no less - half a year to a year before I actually see you. The period of time, across the board, seems to be growing, too. I remember when sales would be a couple of months before the event and it's slowly been creeping up to an ever increasing period of time. It really is getting too much.
It's like Kickstarter in the real world.
I never particularly enjoyed it.I must be the only person here tired of the liberal use of the word 'cunt', it's wearing a little thin but I guess that's the joke?
/old man yelling at cloud etc
I must be the only person here tired of the liberal use of the word 'cunt', it's wearing a little thin but I guess that's the joke?
/old man yelling at cloud etc
I must be the only person here tired of the liberal use of the word 'cunt', it's wearing a little thin but I guess that's the joke?
/old man yelling at cloud etc
Isnt it just to make sure people can book and attend and make sure its filled up by having sales as long as possible?
Don't forget that there's also an opportunity for them to sit on a few million dollars for 8 months and let it gain some interest!But with less chance of the event just not happening.
Welcome to AusGAF. The first, best, and mostprofoundprofane NeoGAF subcommunity out there. We like capital letters, computer games, poor financial decisions, quitting forever and getting real angry at things. If you're new, introduce yourself, and you'll get a bunch of invasive questions thrown your way so that we can judge your character's worth. It mostly involves vegemite and Crackdown 3. In either case, it's time to sit back in your Uncomfortable PC Chair, crack open a beer and remember: cunt.
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DIGITAL: Check here before buying Steam games. Usually 25% off. Make sure youre buying a steam code, though. Steams Australian Store NOTE: American prices. If you see something cheaper here, log into AusGAF Steam Chat and well sort you out with Wilflare. Reptiles posts. >_>
yeah, don't like it either.I must be the only person here tired of the liberal use of the word 'cunt', it's wearing a little thin but I guess that's the joke?
/old man yelling at cloud etc
I wanted to just stop going but everyone said it's better to just Say it to your face and try not to burn the bridges. managed to anyway but oh well. I'm still getting paid next week I believe. if I don't I'm not sure what to do.Didn't we tell you you were crazy? Either way, good choice.
Even if I didn't know where you were living, I'd know for sure that you were talking about Victoria. The humidity in my unit this morning is fucking horrid.
Time for aircon.
Cut and print, Kritz.
Anyhoo, I picked up my Wii U preorder from the EB store I selected to pick it up from.
Walked into Garden City with my printout, asked if they'd pricematch, they nodded but said your Wii U is in another store. Apparently of the three stores on Logan Road, I ordered from the furtherest from my house.
So I drive over to Big Top and pick it up. Pricematched the premium and NSMBU and Zombie U with Kmarts prices and now I am updating the system whilst I do stuff around the house.
i was tempted by ACIII but that's one the wife can get me for Xmas.
Damn it, somehow I managed to end up lurking here until the new thread instead of actually posting as much as I would've liked. Really should work on that.
I have a question for RPG/loot whore fans, does anyone other than me care about aesthetics at all? I always end up thinking I'd really like to be able to keep the cool looking sword I got 10 levels ago, but it just doesn't have the stats for me to be able to run with it. So a quick poll, for anyone who cares, would you change gear for small stat increases or try to hold onto something as long as possible because you like how it looks?
I will agree with regards to the benefits of longer cycles and family/personal lives (except the part where bands spend years on the road, which can't be easy). The rest, not so much. I think the constant creativity needed for such a schedule accelerated their digestion and reinterpretation of inspirations. The constant creation / production / touring feedback allowed them to see what worked and gave them confidence to try new things. A lot of albums during that time were quite varied, too, in which bands would have 'traditional' songs peppered with experimentation with other genres and styles.I think the longer cycle is a better thing for musicians as people. They need time to be, well, with their family and friends. They need time to digest the world around them. Be inspired. Listen to other music. Be inspired by other creative people. Music should be born from inspiration, not obligation. If I have to wait five years for an album then so be it.
God damn region locked DLC.
I bought Red Dead in the US, I bought Undead DLC last night in the PSN store and it doesn't show up, I since found out the DLC is region locked. Why would they do that to me?!
I think that's the idea... that it's a word we used frequently but couldn't use around here, have the bannings to prove it, yet now it's allowed it's had all the power taken away from it.Don't get me wrong, the word doesn't offend me, and I have often used it myself. I just see it as an impact word, that kind of loses it's impact when it's in every other sentence.
They're all charities? I think THQ probably needs the money more than anyone else.Amazing line from the Humble THQ Bundle text.
"Support amazing charities. Choose how your purchase is divided: to the Child’s Play Charity, the American Red Cross, and/or to THQ"
Should we try posting it in OT first to see whether we get moved or not? I reckon it's worth a shot.
I memorised gta 3, I think thats why I got bored of VC, I played 3 soooooooo much.
I'll think about it, but generally get over the looks of a bit of loot pretty quick. Extra damage/whatever trumps looks