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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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I have THE MOST bizarre computer problem at work atm.

Running XP SP3 and if I have a Windows Explorer window open and press the down key in any other program, it brings the Windows Explorer window to the front. Once it's brought to the front, I can't move down in any Explorer window or any other program. As in if I press the down arrow key on a folder structure it will just not even register.

The moment I close Windows Explorer I can use the down arrow key to move down in any other program =\



Nice, I just bought my gf one of those mindstorms kits :D (lucky she doesn't frequent the forums much)

In other news, both of our Lumia 920's (red and white) are sitting at the post office for us to pick up after work. Finally I can turn off this stale iphone and sell it.

EDIT: Brisbane video games folks, finally :D







I have THE MOST bizarre computer problem at work atm.

Running XP SP3 and if I have a Windows Explorer window open and press the down key in any other program, it brings the Windows Explorer window to the front. Once it's brought to the front, I can't move down in any Explorer window or any other program. As in if I press the down arrow key on a folder structure it will just not even register.

The moment I close Windows Explorer I can use the down arrow key to move down in any other program =\

Have you tried turning it off and on again?
EDIT: Brisbane video games folks, finally :D
Just-shy-of-12-months preorder?

Fuck off, concert people. I'm sick of paying for events - in full, no less - half a year to a year before I actually see you. The period of time, across the board, seems to be growing, too. I remember when sales would be a couple of months before the event and it's slowly been creeping up to an ever increasing period of time. It really is getting too much.


Fuck off, concert people. I'm sick of paying for events - in full, no less - half a year to a year before I actually see you. The period of time, across the board, seems to be growing, too. I remember when sales would be a couple of months before the event and it's slowly been creeping up to an ever increasing period of time. It really is getting too much.
It's like Kickstarter in the real world.


It's like Kickstarter in the real world.

Remember when announcements became announcements of announcements?

Wait until we get announcements of announcements of kickstarters FOR kickstarters.

I'm pretty sure the exponential function was invented for describing this exactly.




Welcome to AusGAF. The first, best, and most profound profane NeoGAF subcommunity out there. We like capital letters, computer games, poor financial decisions, quitting forever and getting real angry at things. If you're new, introduce yourself, and you'll get a bunch of invasive questions thrown your way so that we can judge your character's worth. It mostly involves vegemite and Crackdown 3. In either case, it's time to sit back in your Uncomfortable PC Chair™, crack open a beer and remember: cunt.


GROUP: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/AusGAF
CHAT: steam://friends/joinchat/103582791430120104
Steam Chat is active during non-work hours.

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IRC channel is active during standard work hours, Monday to Friday.

Twitters: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthre...1#post35668731
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PAX Australia

When: Jul 19-21, 2013
Where: Melbourne Showgrounds
3 day passes sold out, including BYOC. Can only buy single days now.


The AusGAF Tab Userscript
Adds a tab to the AusGAF thread (jumps to your newest unread posts) and a smaller tab to your subscriptions.

http://www.greenmangaming.com/ Check here before buying Steam games. Usually 25% off. Make sure you’re buying a steam code, though.
http://store.steampowered.com/ Steam’s Australian Store
http://store.steampowered.com/?cc=us NOTE: American prices. If you see something cheaper here, log into AusGAF Steam Chat and we’ll sort you out with Wilflare.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/search.php?do=finduser&u=76538 Reptile’s posts. >_>




I must be the only person here tired of the liberal use of the word 'cunt', it's wearing a little thin but I guess that's the joke?

/old man yelling at cloud etc

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I must be the only person here tired of the liberal use of the word 'cunt', it's wearing a little thin but I guess that's the joke?

/old man yelling at cloud etc

I've been quietly thinking this for a while, but I feel like every other post of mine nowadays is sour, so I try to just roll with it.


Fixed those things up. Except the swearing.

If anything, I have made sure that the use of cunt has jumped the shark so much we'll never use it again. You should thank me.


Don't get me wrong, the word doesn't offend me, and I have often used it myself. I just see it as an impact word, that kind of loses it's impact when it's in every other sentence.


Kritz, don't forget the links to join IRC chat from the web clients. They really do help...

And why don't we put the list of questions in there so they are easy to find when we do get newcomers?
Isnt it just to make sure people can book and attend and make sure its filled up by having sales as long as possible?
But with less chance of the event just not happening.
Don't forget that there's also an opportunity for them to sit on a few million dollars for 8 months and let it gain some interest!

There are some bands that do not need to sell tickets 12 months ahead to gauge public interest. If you advertised a concert for [insert big name band here eg Radiohead] to be held next week it would sell out. There's not always a need to sell tickets that far in advance apart from an additional opportunity to prosper from the early money.

I've been going through a retro music phrase, lately. Listening to music from the 60s and 70s, I really enjoy the environment from which it was born. Artists releasing 1 or more EPs/LPs per year, lightning tours, moving onto the next release. It allowed artists to evolve at a quicker pace than current musicians. In the space of a few years, a lot of bands evolved more (and were also formed and dissolved) in that time than some bands have in 20 years.

The freedom for the artists (or pressure from the labels, too) to produce vast quantities of music was a double edged sword. On one hand, it meant that tracks which would today be trimmed, were allowed through and sometimes weakened the albums overall quality. Conversely, it created a ecosystem where their evolution was expedited, propelling the artists growth in spectacular fashion.

None of that would fly, today. Bands are locked into a stunted evolution by following the 3 to 5 years cycle of Album/PR/Tour. It costs so much to produce 30-50 minutes of music that labels have to tour the band across multiple years and continents to recoup the cost (or want to wring the last cent out of) of each album.

I don't know, I just liked it more, warts and all. Paying for a concert 1 years in advance? 30 or 40 years ago a band may have released 2 albums (or more) and toured a couple of times.
John Lennon, upon hearing and reading the poor critical response to his Some Time in New York City album was so depressed he didn't enter a studio to record any new songs for 6months. He still managed to release his next album 14 months after that one.

I find that to be utterly amusing in the light of modern music.

Welcome to AusGAF. The first, best, and most profound profane NeoGAF subcommunity out there. We like capital letters, computer games, poor financial decisions, quitting forever and getting real angry at things. If you're new, introduce yourself, and you'll get a bunch of invasive questions thrown your way so that we can judge your character's worth. It mostly involves vegemite and Crackdown 3. In either case, it's time to sit back in your Uncomfortable PC Chair™, crack open a beer and remember: cunt.


GROUP: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/AusGAF
CHAT: steam://friends/joinchat/103582791430120104
Steam Chat is active during non-work hours.

http://mibbit.com/#[email protected]
IRC channel is active during standard work hours, Monday to Friday.

Twitters: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthre...1#post35668731
Members Spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?k...2bVhabEE&hl=en Submit Here


PAX Australia

When: Jul 19-21, 2013
Where: Melbourne Showgrounds
3 day passes sold out, including BYOC. Can only buy single days now.


The AusGAF Tab Userscript
Adds a tab to the AusGAF thread (jumps to your newest unread posts) and a smaller tab to your subscriptions.

http://www.greenmangaming.com/ Check here before buying Steam games. Usually 25% off. Make sure you’re buying a steam code, though.
http://store.steampowered.com/ Steam’s Australian Store
http://store.steampowered.com/?cc=us NOTE: American prices. If you see something cheaper here, log into AusGAF Steam Chat and we’ll sort you out with Wilflare.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/search.php?do=finduser&u=76538 Reptile’s posts. >_>



Amazing. Brilliant. Life changing.



If it's a full symphony orchestra I am not overly concerned if they sit on money for a while. I am not sure on this, but I gather they wouldn't make a great deal of money on an event like this when there is potentially up to 140 odd people in just the orchestra itself (like there was an the recent LOTR event we went to). Again I don't know how these people in the orchestra are paid so it might be a moot point.

edit: gf just got her results back (she only did one subject this semester due to changing jobs). She was worried she didn't do very well, she got 99%...

So now she has 1 subject to go, and is sitting on a 7 average (never got less than a 7 for a subject, usually in the high 90's, or 4's for those people in other unis). I am so proud of her :D

edit2: for those interested, she's doing an IT degree (major is software development)

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I think the longer cycle is a better thing for musicians as people. They need time to be, well, with their family and friends. They need time to digest the world around them. Be inspired. Listen to other music. Be inspired by other creative people. Music should be born from inspiration, not obligation. If I have to wait five years for an album then so be it.
Cut and print, Kritz.

Anyhoo, I picked up my Wii U preorder from the EB store I selected to pick it up from.

Walked into Garden City with my printout, asked if they'd pricematch, they nodded but said your Wii U is in another store. Apparently of the three stores on Logan Road, I ordered from the furtherest from my house.

So I drive over to Big Top and pick it up. Pricematched the premium and NSMBU and Zombie U with Kmarts prices and now I am updating the system whilst I do stuff around the house.

i was tempted by ACIII but that's one the wife can get me for Xmas.
Didn't we tell you you were crazy? Either way, good choice.
I wanted to just stop going but everyone said it's better to just Say it to your face and try not to burn the bridges. managed to anyway but oh well. I'm still getting paid next week I believe. if I don't I'm not sure what to do.

Even if I didn't know where you were living, I'd know for sure that you were talking about Victoria. The humidity in my unit this morning is fucking horrid.

Time for aircon.

seriously. It was just plain hot yesterday but today was muggy and hot and it was like 28 when I stated work at 5:30. booooo.


Just thought I'd chime in to say I picked up my Wii U this morning from JB, along with NSMBU. The guy was happy to price match K-mart, but that means I didn't get the 'Starter Pack' promotion thing JB are doing. I had no problem with that as I have little need for a controller glove, screen protectors and extra stylus and the $20 saving is much more worth it.

Of course, you can get a glove for $1 less at Big W, but I'm happy.

I'm probably going to pick up Scribblenauts Unlimited at some point too, but I'll wait to see who has the best price on it.


Damn it, somehow I managed to end up lurking here until the new thread instead of actually posting as much as I would've liked. Really should work on that.

I have a question for RPG/loot whore fans, does anyone other than me care about aesthetics at all? I always end up thinking I'd really like to be able to keep the cool looking sword I got 10 levels ago, but it just doesn't have the stats for me to be able to run with it. So a quick poll, for anyone who cares, would you change gear for small stat increases or try to hold onto something as long as possible because you like how it looks?
Cut and print, Kritz.

Anyhoo, I picked up my Wii U preorder from the EB store I selected to pick it up from.

Walked into Garden City with my printout, asked if they'd pricematch, they nodded but said your Wii U is in another store. Apparently of the three stores on Logan Road, I ordered from the furtherest from my house.

So I drive over to Big Top and pick it up. Pricematched the premium and NSMBU and Zombie U with Kmarts prices and now I am updating the system whilst I do stuff around the house.

i was tempted by ACIII but that's one the wife can get me for Xmas.

I just spent the morning playing with one for work. Man this journalism gig is fun sometimes.
I only played Mario, which was rad, but not really a great display of the Gamepad.

I want one now. I think I'll hold off for a while though. God knows I don't actually need one

Damn it, somehow I managed to end up lurking here until the new thread instead of actually posting as much as I would've liked. Really should work on that.

I have a question for RPG/loot whore fans, does anyone other than me care about aesthetics at all? I always end up thinking I'd really like to be able to keep the cool looking sword I got 10 levels ago, but it just doesn't have the stats for me to be able to run with it. So a quick poll, for anyone who cares, would you change gear for small stat increases or try to hold onto something as long as possible because you like how it looks?

I'll think about it, but generally get over the looks of a bit of loot pretty quick. Extra damage/whatever trumps looks
I think the longer cycle is a better thing for musicians as people. They need time to be, well, with their family and friends. They need time to digest the world around them. Be inspired. Listen to other music. Be inspired by other creative people. Music should be born from inspiration, not obligation. If I have to wait five years for an album then so be it.
I will agree with regards to the benefits of longer cycles and family/personal lives (except the part where bands spend years on the road, which can't be easy). The rest, not so much. I think the constant creativity needed for such a schedule accelerated their digestion and reinterpretation of inspirations. The constant creation / production / touring feedback allowed them to see what worked and gave them confidence to try new things. A lot of albums during that time were quite varied, too, in which bands would have 'traditional' songs peppered with experimentation with other genres and styles.

Taking two big bands as examples, you can see an evolution that outstrips any bands (that I know of) today. During the first 5 years of their existence, The Beatles went from Please Please Me to The Beatles (or The White Album) and The Rolling Stones went from The Rolling Stones to Let it Bleed.

While the transition of maturity exhibited by The Beatles is far greater than The Rolling Stones, they both ended up as much different bands during that short time. A period of time that some bands will only release 1 album. Had they both been in the present day cycle of production and touring I don't think either band would have ended up writing the same songs in that 5 year period.

Anyway, it's all supposition and theory. Maybe part of me is just jealous that people back then had new music from their favourite bands every year.


Also, the GOTY page is looking all kinds of sorry.

It also seems I failed one of my exams. Have to resit in a few weeks. Shit. Fucking Graphics Programming.


God damn region locked DLC.

I bought Red Dead in the US, I bought Undead DLC last night in the PSN store and it doesn't show up, I since found out the DLC is region locked. Why would they do that to me?!


Yeah, fuck the lead time for concerts. AC/DC was fucking ridiculous. I was (pleasantly) shocked when Prince toured this year and it was less than (or right on) a month from the ticket sale to the concerts themselves.

ZOMG ONE DIRECTION TOURING SEPTEMBER 2014. Fuck off. And fuck the fact that they're brand-new bands that are pretty fucking unlikely to still be together in a year and a half's time.

Most dance/electronic stuff is alright. When there's a DJ or band I want to see in that genre they're normally announced a month, maybe two in advance. And they're cheap as hell.

My advice, Jase: From what I can tell, if there are specific current bands you like now, chances are if they release something in a year or two, it won't be shit that you like. Find a new way to enjoy music, so you're paying attention to a broader scope rather than something very specific (and very likely to change).

For some reason (just going by the bands you've listed thus far) a band you may not have discovered but seem to release good music fairly steadily are Phoenix (Wolfgang Amadeus is a cracking album). Also, probably get the best of Doves. I reckon you'd like both bands :)

Don't get me wrong, the word doesn't offend me, and I have often used it myself. I just see it as an impact word, that kind of loses it's impact when it's in every other sentence.
I think that's the idea... that it's a word we used frequently but couldn't use around here, have the bannings to prove it, yet now it's allowed it's had all the power taken away from it.

Amazing line from the Humble THQ Bundle text.

"Support amazing charities. Choose how your purchase is divided: to the Child’s Play Charity, the American Red Cross, and/or to THQ"
They're all charities? I think THQ probably needs the money more than anyone else.

PS. Kritz, fucking incredible OP for the new OT. I think you should be the one who creates the new thread along with that post, despite the fact that there's some obvious self-promotion with that script thingy.

Should we try posting it in OT first to see whether we get moved or not? I reckon it's worth a shot.


I was shocked to see that the 3DS games on the estore are $70, I find $50 expensive for portable games on Vita, $70 is just lunacy.

edit: talking about first party games here
I memorised gta 3, I think thats why I got bored of VC, I played 3 soooooooo much.

i never got off the first island in 3, despite putting at least a hundred hours into the game.
i was young and got sidetracked a lot. i made it off finally this year.
played through vc like 3 times.
probably one of if not the only game iv played start to finish more than once.


I'll think about it, but generally get over the looks of a bit of loot pretty quick. Extra damage/whatever trumps looks

Yeah that seems to be the thoughts from most people. I've started work on designing a smallish ARPG project for myself and I want to look at things like loot progression and see if I can change how it works a little. One thing I was considering was an upgrade system somewhat like Darksiders 2 but for all gear through a vendor, and with less over-powered results. Where you can either grind purely for new gear or upgrade an existing piece of loot to match gear levels. Not sure what I'll do yet though, I want to think on it for a bit. Suggestions welcome.
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