Mountain Dew is also Review Fuel!
Also helps to wash the tasty Doritos down.
Mountain Dew is also Review Fuel!
Isn't every copy of Halo "Man Halo"? Because everyone knows that neither girls nor women play video games.Man Halo is getting crazy good reviews. Even the low (read 8 so not actually low at all) are pretty glowing.
Boxing day sales are kinda like Thanksgiving in US.... but I'm not sure whether that would affect the Note....
Rep: Do you know if that DLC interferes with the main game at all? I don't want to be playing normal story mode SD when vampires come along or something.
There is a fantastic quick look on giant bomb for the dlc. Well. Kind of. I don't think people who hate giant bomb will get anything out of it though.It is separate, like in Red Dead Redemption or the GTA expansions. You select it at the main menu.
Sah-weet.It is separate, like in Red Dead Redemption or the GTA expansions. You select it at the main menu.
No apologies if it's been choc'd, it's worth it.
Disappointed at the lack of beer drinkers. You're doing it wrong!
I need more beer...
If you haven't been reading the gaming journalism thread, you would've missed this:
No apologies if it's been choc'd, it's worth it.
If you haven't been reading the gaming journalism thread, you would've missed this:
No apologies if it's been choc'd, it's worth it.
You won't tempt me away from my actual work that I need to do shan D<
I'm Spartacus!Pretty sure I am reptilescorpio
Will check out! Ya know I really wish sbs would show some better j-movies. Like, apart from that one recent time when they had Okuribito, it's always crappy crap or horror:/Hey, you guys should watch Ikiru. Its a really good film, I cried a lot. Akira Kurasawa directed it.
Don't you owe Choc some sort of 3DS review?
Feel free to add (quote) on both 360/Steam. Intend on getting Horizon but not until it's cheap.
I'm Spartacus!
Man, I wish I got that XBL tag. That would be hilarious for AGES.five minutes
I'm actually just Shaneus on XBL, bodyboarder. I changed it (had to pay, lolz) a while back, obviously haven't fixed my GAF thingy yet.
Fuck, list is full?Ah fair enough. Tried to add you, seems you are too popular.
The Walking Dead impressions more than make up for it. Now where are my Doritos?I did a quick impression from first use but by the time the little guy is asleep I am too buggered to hold it up to play with lol
Fuck, list is full?
I'll let you know when I get around to pruning the fucker, then we can be joined in online gaming matrimony.
Mannnn Okami HD is like 30 bucks on psn...I think I'll just pay a little more and get a physical jp copy. Or go crazy and splurge on the super ultra edition that comes with a snow globe!
Is that Chapter 4 of Episode 1? The whole first Episode is pretty meh, starts to get good with Episode 3. You really need to play on Easy too since the combat/enemies is garbage in context of the great story and level design.Don't feel much compulsion to finish Alan Wake. Up to chapter 4 I think.
Housemate ended up at Watergardens train yard, where the night guard found him passed out next to a pile of his own vomit. He claimed he had nothing to drink and was in fact drugged by someone. Luckily the guard made him call me and didn't call the cops.
Just picked him up and got him home. He was stinking of vomit and beer. Why would anyone intentionally drug him and not steal his wallet and phone?
It's probably just the spectator client, so you'll be able to watch games but not play.Did DOTA 2 get released and I didn't realise? I apparently own it, except I never bought the early access and don't remember getting a key.
Did you really think Journey was that powerful? Early on I probably would've agreed with you, but closer to the end all I was doing was pushing forward on the thumbstick. I wrote more but decided just to go with this.There's not the slightest chance of any game taking the throne from Journey for GOTY.
Didn't realise the episodes had chapters. Pretty sure it's episode 4. The combat is repetitive, annoying and I haven't found it much fun at all. They tried to mix it up a bit, but not nearly enough.Is that Chapter 4 of Episode 1?
Didn't realise the episodes had chapters. Pretty sure it's episode 4. The combat is repetitive, annoying and I haven't found it much fun at all. They tried to mix it up a bit, but not nearly enough.
Was the game originally meant to be episodic?
Have a couple of bottles of my first two brews left (an ESB and Robust Porter, which was fermenting when we caught up, and turned out pretty well; ESB just OK), half a dozen Belgian dubbels which was turned OK but not what I was after, and about 10 weissbiers and they turned out really good. Still a bit of room for improvement but given it's a new hobby I'm pretty happy with my results so far!
Looking at doing another brew in the next few weeks to get back into the swing of things and have something new for summer.
Despite the results being good (some on par with low end commercial efforts, but I'm biased so probably not) I'm constantly amazed whenever I pour a glass that what was just a bunch of grains somehow turned into beer.
Housemate ended up at Watergardens train yard, where the night guard found him passed out next to a pile of his own vomit. He claimed he had nothing to drink and was in fact drugged by someone. Luckily the guard made him call me and didn't call the cops.
Just picked him up and got him home. He was stinking of vomit and beer. Why would anyone intentionally drug him and not steal his wallet and phone?
Man BOSS is such a good show because Kelsey Grammer is such a good actor.
He really does those types of roles well, if only he was in more movies.
How many Dorito Popes out of 5 would you give it?Halo 4 is goty so far