Need to subscribe, even though I never post.
Mr squiggle?did anyone ever see a show on abc when we were little, it was like a house of people who all had inventions or projects or ideas. and they lived in a house together to run their projects and so onwasnt a reality show
i can never rememeber the name of it
it was aimed at the pre teenish crowd, like the ship to shore crowd.
one of the projects was two guys who were trying to create a fast racing bike.
So who's TasGAF around these parts?
Just check the family tree
So who's TasGAF around these parts?
So I had a huge fight with a cab driver. He drove us from the CBD to Collingwood(About 7 minutes in the cab) and demanded $75 because we apparently "had too much luggage" for 5 people. Apparently a Maxi taxi is only meant for people and not the luggage they have with them. When I demanded why it would cost that much he said "Because it does". He also said that "Fare 3" mean 3 times what the meter said. What a scumbag. Suffice to say, I didn't pay.
So who's TasGAF around these parts?
Speaking of Doctor Who, my wife got me a tshirt with a tardis and "mad man in a box" in gallifreyan written on it.
Reminds me of Mario Kart.
Okay back at work after the worst weekend ever.
Moving house sucks. It sucks so much it's hard to describe the horrible suckitude of the previous three days. It sucks even more when it's 35 degrees.
Also, the thread title should have been AusGAF 8 - The Ocho.
Edit: Oh, I also just noticed the thing. Yeah that's probably getting picked up in my work browsing history. I'm out.
So I had a huge fight with a cab driver. He drove us from the CBD to Collingwood(About 7 minutes in the cab) and demanded $75 because we apparently "had too much luggage" for 5 people. Apparently a Maxi taxi is only meant for people and not the luggage they have with them. When I demanded why it would cost that much he said "Because it does". He also said that "Fare 3" mean 3 times what the meter said. What a scumbag. Suffice to say, I didn't pay.
Far Cry 3 is awesomely terrible.
Fixed some terrible stuff from Far Cry 2.
Fucked up stuff other 2012 games do perfectly.
Eurojank Capital City of ohmygodthisiscoolbutfuckitiswhatthefuck.
I assume it was a European Ubisoft studio.
Words allowed in thread title:
Words not allowed in thread title:
Workplaces do not find "shit" offensive but they will get offended at what could be an omitted "o" from the phrase "The Lucky Country?"
Note that it'll also remove any future title names (if they're formatted the same way), which may have come in handy on the last AusGAF. Also note that the page loads and then after it's loaded the title changes, which may not be suitable for all, but should be enough for most.
Thread title changed until y'all decide on a permanent one.
Censorship! I'm out.Thread title changed until y'all decide on a permanent one.
Yeah, it'll change, but it's not like it's there for long anyway. If you use the live thread thing to refresh every minute or whatever, then you'll only see if for less than a second when you first load it.Yeah, I've noticed that the similar fix I created is also not really a fix to the issue as the original title flashes again on entry.
So I'm pretty much forced to get out of the thread again. Sorry guys.
Thread title changed until y'all decide on a permanent one.
Words allowed in thread title:
Words not allowed in thread title:
Workplaces do not find "shit" offensive but they will get offended at what could be an omitted "o" from the phrase "The Lucky Country?"
The Lucky Karmichael Huntry.
Boring.AusGAF 8 - Strong Language, Ultra Voilence and Adult Themes
By the way, I popped into Games Empire on the weekend bought a couple of christmas presents. Thanks for the recommendation!People sure take their thread titles seriously. More-so than many other things it seems.
By the way, I popped into Games Empire on the weekend bought a couple of christmas presents. Thanks for the recommendation!