I'm a huge Star Trek fan, but I just don't like Voyager any more. They ruined the Borg and the only characters that I really liked were The Doctor, Seven of Nine and Tuvok. Everyone else was either forgettable or annoying (Neelix some what grew on me, but Kes was just bad).
I tried watching the new BSG, but some of the acting was just so bad that I could never get in to it and I don't think it helped that a few of my friends talked it up as being the best thing ever.
I watched the first season of Universe and just didn't like it at all. Suddenly Stargate was serious with the dramatic camera work and hardly any good fun humour (e.g. Window of Opportunity). It wasn't a direction I wanted the Stargate universe (heh) to go in.
And Red Dwarf is fucking awesome, even the new series had me laughing so much.