It's all a load of shit imo. If the nurse wasn't mentally unstable and hadn't killed herself nobody would give a fuck about this. Australian shock jocks don't come anywhere near the shock value of US shock jocks but our media doesn't have much else to report on so they try and turn anything they do into a huge issue and then most of Australia spends the next month arguing over dumb stories about people like Kyle Sandilands and whoever these latest DJs were.
This is a radio station that conducted a lie detector test with a rape victim (underage at that), and had a reunion of two sisters from Burma (or Cambodia) and threatened to send one back home if the one residing in Australia got a quiz question wrong.
They (the station, not just kyle, jackie, and these two new clowns) have a track record of tasteless "pranks" which really just goes to show they are morally vacuous halfwits who have the temerity to speak up and claim privilege of free speech whenever their lack of common courtesy or humanity comes back to bite them in the arse. They prey on people in emotionally weak states, and pander to the braindead audience of halfwits and imbeciles that like to parade stupidity in free speech as something to aspire to.
Let's ignore for now they may have broken a law in pre-recording and broadcasting without consent.
Let's ignore they attempted to obtain medical records via impersonating a relative.
Let's ignore the fact that someone is dead because of their callous prank and the resulting reaction.
But do not ignore the track record of tastelessness this station has maintained for the best part of a decade. Only the morally bankrupt would stand up for them when it is clear they have been abusing the spirit of the law (if not the letter) for as long as possible for cheap hits and laughs.
They deserve the backlash. They deserve no sympathy.
Next up from 2Day FM: prank calls from Bali to victims of the nightclub bombing pretending to be Adbu Bakr Bashir. Calls to black saturday survivors warning them of a wildfire approaching their temporary accommodation. Maybe even a reunion for the families of missing backpackers with Ivan Milat hey? It's all just a prank remember!
My picks are, in order of importance:
- Understanding Exposure teaches the 'exposure triangle', which discusses each of the three main camera settings of ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed. It shows you what each of them do, how they interact and how not only to use them correctly, but be creative with them. A must own for any photographer.
- The Photographer's Eye is all about composition. There is much more to composing a photo than the well known 'rule of thirds' and this book goes into it in detail. Once you know how to correctly expose an image and the different creative ways to do so, learning how to frame your scene to make it interesting is the next step.
Once they've read these, it'll be up to them to make a tonne of mistakes that they can learn from. These books will give them the great start that will help them take better photos that they'll be happy with, faster.
If these inspire them and they really love photography, it'll make gift-giving down the line a piece of cake once you know what type photography they enjoy most.
Hope this is helpful.
We will see. Thanks for the recommendations, I will have a look at them today