shouldn't be too hard. there's usually info on this stuff on your uni website. most likely they'll make you complete the semester and let you transfer based on either your atar, your semester marks, or a combo of both.Kinda random, but does anyone know how difficult it is to switch your course at uni? I'm currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Social Science (police studies) and want to switch to a straight Bachelor of Arts (so nothing major). After the last 5 weeks + the short essay which I wrote over the weekend, I've realised that Public Policy reaaally isn't my strong suit and I don't think I'll get through three years of it.
By switching to BoA, I can keep my three other subjects and swap the one I don't like and start next semester... so it won't screw me over too much.
Transferring to a BA should be pretty easy, might want to check when the cutoff is or you may have to wait until next year.
Go to the Course Advisers office at your faculty and have a chat to them tomorrow, they will let you know what you have to fill out/do in order to transfer over.
I wouldn't expect any major roadblocks across to a straight Arts degree from your current one.
shouldn't be too hard. there's usually info on this stuff on your uni website. most likely they'll make you complete the semester and let you transfer based on either your atar, your semester marks, or a combo of both.
Saw this on the NRL Livestream, if only this actually happened. Turn the power off and that'll be great.
I've got a couple of properties in suburban Sydney and he's generally right, a lot of renters don't take as much care of the property, as they would if they owned it. Pure and simple.
Isn't that how this whole problem started? Think about it.with revealing Rolf.
You can always pick a rented from non rented propoerty by the condition of the lawn? Good luck with that.
No not just the lawn, if a renter has a lawn they generally mow it. But the general condition of the place. There is no denying it's a generalisation, I wouldn't just assume a tenant is going to be a grub because they are a tenant, but from personal experience the house isn't as well looked after as my own. I have never dicked around a tenant when it comes to fixing stuff, it doesn't end up costing me much anyway, its a deductible. A happy tenant is more likely to look after your investment.
Their are fuck wit land lords too, but its mainly shitty real estates who are crap at managing properties. I've dealt with them the too. If it is a managed property, chances are the owner doesn't even know about the issues.
No not just the lawn, if a renter has a lawn they generally mow it. But the general condition of the place. There is no denying it's a generalisation, I wouldn't just assume a tenant is going to be a grub because they are a tenant, but from personal experience the house isn't as well looked after as my own.
Their are fuck wit land lords too, but its mainly shitty real estates who are crap at managing properties. I've dealt with them the too. If it is a managed property, chances are the owner doesn't even know about the issues.
Yep yep yep, especially the part about DS games.ok so now that i'm actually using my 3ds xl, the screens kinda suck!!
but they're bigger, so playing the text heavy jrpgs give me much less of a headache. ds games in original res are heaven tho.
Just reading on some articles.
Derryn Hinch outed Rolf Harris twice. Rolf was arrested last week for more questioning and released on bail until may.
Looks like that Rolf may have known what savile was doing and kept quiet like alot of other people did.
It's funny that the British media are naming Rolf, while aussie media here are begin coy with revealing Rolf.
Why can't they name him?The British media should also not be naming Rolf Harris, but they just don't care.
I don't really get the outrage to be honest. I only ever console game in my lounge room and don't travel with my console to a place I don't have Internet.
I've been with iinet for years and I've never had a single internet outage either.
Couldn't believe there is a 200 page thread on it. GAF gotta GAF I suppose.
I don't really get the outrage to be honest. I only ever console game in my lounge room and don't travel with my console to a place I don't have Internet.
I've been with iinet for years and I've never had a single internet outage either.
Couldn't believe there is a 200 page thread on it. GAF gotta GAF I suppose.
So does everyone who bought SimCity. Ask them how having a good internet connection is helping.
I've got a couple of properties in suburban Sydney and he's generally right, a lot of renters don't take as much care of the property, as they would if they owned it. Pure and simple.
Because you're living with a woman. Am I right, guys, or am I right?This. When we moved in we told them about; shower screen has detached from the wall, toilet seat doesn't stay up, paraline needs rewiring, 3 window winders are rusted and as a result the windows won't close the last 4 inches, provided keys don't work in ANY door locks with only the real estates key working in ONLY the front door lock, etc.
9 months later no change.
I think there is a lot of over reaction, but largely based on some pretty bad specific game experiences... Sim City, Diablo 3 etc.
I think specific game implementations of always online are very different to just being online with the console. From a technical perspective anyway.
The point being that even with great internet, you are at the mercy of a server you don't have any control over.
Phones and Plans
If you rarely use a phone for phone type stuff, why not go for prepaid? Is there a reason why you want to go on contract?
There were those Aldi prepaid plans that people were talking about a while back. $30 per month for unlimited calls, text and 5gigs of data. That might suit you.There's smaller data on the prepaid planes and while it doesn't seem like an issue now, I imagine I might use some more data on a android handset. Why, I have no idea!
They are bringing out no lock in plans on April 23rd, Which I think might just be the same as their casual offerings but I don't have anymore information on it.
There were those Aldi prepaid plans that people were talking about a while back. $30 per month for unlimited calls, text and 5gigs of data. That might suit you.