Here's some quick impressions of games I've had the chance to play this week:
Starseed Pilgrim - Fun little puzzler, way too hard, way too random. It's a game where you have to learn the mechanics and rules by yourself, which can be rewarding, but once you learn the mechanics and what the goal of the game is... completing it is really hard and time consuming. I enjoyed my time with it, but have no desire to return and finish it.
Monaco - Top down stealth game with coop. The singleplayer's good fun, and is very slow and methodical and feels a bit like Mark of the Ninja in regards to pacing and level design, but a lot more emergent due to abilities you pick at the start of each level. I've only played coop once, which was a hilarious clusterfuck of running around bypassing guards and the entire game had a polar shift in tone. I'd love to play some more coop, but I don't know how replayable the game actually is.
Zeno Clash 2 - First person open world-ish RPG-ish brawler. Fighting feels really good, and the story so far seems interesting. Seems hugely expanded from the first game in terms of plot and world and play length. It feels like a game that would be right at home with old early 3D adventure / RPG games. I think it has the potential to be right up there as a game of the year, but I'll have to play more and find out.
FEZ - It's fez. Wonderful music, a chilling atmosphere, and helluv puzzles. Even if you dislike the game's creator, it's still a
fantastic game. And an even better second game.
Planetside 2 - I am really sad nobody in ausgaf plays planetside 2 anymore because it's great. and free. and gigantic.