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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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Man the election over there is so fucked right now. Hearing the Government has basically got a media blackout on opposition events right now, is shipping in voters from other states and double-counting votes and other nefarious things besides.


I can't hear you over the sound of how delicious Malaysian KFC is.

It's the poalr opposite of Australia KFC - something you find yourself eating after a year when you realise haven't had it in a while. One bite into a piece of Hot n' spicy and you remember why. You're also reminded again in about 2 hours when the 'digested' chicken exits your sphincter at a velocity that NASA would be proud of.

Also, 1990's KFC chips >>>>> 2000's KFC chips


Good to see Malaysian election discussion in here. I really really hope Anwar Ibrahim wins this election. The fact that the current government can stay in power since 1957, while maintaining their institutionalized racism policies, is pretty outrageous. My family is pretty disadvantaged over there compared to the Bumipeteras.


Apparently my uncles got tear-gassed at a rally a few months back. Gotta say, outside of family though not exactly a hot topic. At least it was front page on the Herald's world section today.


I haven't tried any western fast food stuff here in hk yet. The local asian fast food chains are pretty rad though!


Apparently my uncles got tear-gassed at a rally a few months back. Gotta say, outside of family though not exactly a hot topic. At least it was front page on the Herald's world section today.

Yeah I don't think anyone with no relations to Malaysia would care that much. ><

Hopefully though the world is watching close enough to prevent any election rigging. This government spent the last decade trying to put Anwar in jail for bs reasons. I hope he can win it by something massive like 70% so the current government has no room to complain.


Yeah I don't think anyone with no relations to Malaysia would care that much. ><

Hopefully though the world is watching close enough to prevent any election rigging. This government spent the last decade trying to put Anwar in jail for bs reasons. I hope he can win it by something massive like 70% so the current government has no room to complain.

I'm not optimistic, but I'm not as in touch with the situation on the ground there as I'd like. But I don't doubt that the government will be doing as much duplicitous bullshit as possible to try and scrape the vote.
I didn't pay online, payment is on collection.
I know, that is what I said!

Rep, find me a similar Android dock at a low low price that also has a clock in it!

Scratched myself on a rusty nail today, only drew a little blood, awesome.
Wat chu talkin bout?

The phone has a clock on it! Just set it to display a big ass clock when docked.

Also the main issue is supply. There are barely any android docks on the market due to segmentation. They need to have a spinning microusb adaptor there as some go one way and others the opposite way. Aldi had a similar one for $40 but was the wrong way around for Galaxy S2, it is set up for the Braun stuff. Was tempted to just buy one of their dual core phones!

Also on the note of scratching, went to draw the curtains in the dining room today and got a fucking pin in my fucking finger! Even though the house is 10ish years old it still had a pin holding a fabric tag saying "lounge" on the dining room blind! Random that no-one had come across it until today.

1990's KFC chips >>>>> 2000's KFC chips
Sure thing grandma!

Yeah I don't think anyone with no relations to Malaysia would care that much. ><
I view it the same as a lot of other unfortunately shitty situation countries. A few people with too much fucking power ruining millions of lives. Like Bangladesh, shit is fucked up over there too. Same with Vanuatu going by stories from my boss.

We are really fucking lucky here.
Cats have taken a pretty big lead against the Tigers, given they were trailing in the 2nd quarter.

Why do all footy teams have the name of an animal/bird as their prefix? Why are there no teams with kangaroo and koala in their names???
Wat chu talkin bout?

The phone has a clock on it! Just set it to display a big ass clock when docked.
The phone's display in those modes is usually too bright for me, which is why I prefer a (usually red) LED clock display.

Also on the note of scratching, went to draw the curtains in the dining room today and got a fucking pin in my fucking finger!
Well, it drew blood. Wife has convinced me I should at least see the doctor on Monday to determine if I need a tetanus shot.

Why do all footy teams have the name of an animal/bird as their prefix?
Suffix, and Bombers.
They have night modes you know. Dim displays..

..and yes, Suffix. Too much wine tonight.

So why does every team apart from the bombers have an animal name as their suffix?


I blame our English roots. Or that animals keep trying to kill us so they are scary and shit.
Hah, I've never even heard of some of those names..and I was talking about footy teams specifically, not rugby.

Night modes aren't as dark as you might think, especially if, like me, you prefer an almost pitch black room when sleeping.

Me too, I use the daydream clock on the nexus and it doesn't bother me at all.
Hah, I've never even heard of some of those names..and I was talking about footy teams specifically, not rugby.
Footy could be NFL, AFL, NRL, FIFA (eg. soccer), but I get your point...

Me too, I use the daydream clock on the nexus and it doesn't bother me at all.
I have mine right next to me and it's too bright for me. Maybe the Nexus 4 is better at it than the Galaxy Nexus, doubt it though.


You would think after last year I would be pretty good at dealing with losses.

The rage is all consuming, hope the players feel the same.


Board game day!

Galaxy Trucker

Friend just bought this. It's a game about hastily constructing rival space truckers and then flying through space, grabbing cargo, and being destroyed by asteroids. Was a lot of fun for such an incredibly dumb game. I (red) had a really amazing run in the first two rounds, dodging everything and coming on top. But due to some illegal tile placement ruining my ship, a swift kick in my core blew my level 3 spaceship and its 10 kerbals off into the unknown. We then played a funsies 4th round and came in a respectable second place.

Ticket To Ride

I continued my (red) tradition of not winning at Ticket To Ride as I failed to block off my friend's super obviously telegraphed paths, that I even called out, and then kinda just forgot about. I also lost longest path by 1 or 2 trains after having it secure for the entire game due to some last minute placements.


Hey, a game that I can win at. I lost a couple of my (red) meeples early on, but managed to win the game back through some vicious farm control and seven different completed cities.

Also by fucking up, time and time again, my two friend's city on the left of the picture, while coaxing them in to keep banking into it hoping it'd have paid off (and at that stage it must have been worth 30+ points but in the end only reached around ~15 due to being incomplete).

I really must buy the inns and cathedrals expansion for this game.

(btw ignore the weird meeple placement in that picture as for some reason my friend wanted to use them to count the cities)


I've had Galaxy Trucker and Space Alert in my collection for a very long time now. Number of times they've been played: zero.

I fucking love board games and yet, I'm unable to play them. Should probably sell my collection. RPGs too.


but ever so delicious
So i've been playing TR for a little bit now and I am somewhat enjoying it. There are only two problems so far, The overuse of QTE's is still fucking terrible and the camera shake is freaking me out.

I've never had motion sickness before, But this is certainly doing my head in.


X3n, I found your new CPU Upgrade

Intel i7 4770K Gets Overclocked To 7GHz, Required 2.56v

Link is getting hit by the reddit army at the moment.

That's damn impressive but 2.56V..., guess that rules out air or cheapish liquid cooling. We were planning on getting those CPU's but cooling will probably be done with a Corsair H100i or Swiftech H20-220 (either one will have the fans replaced with Noctua F12-PWMs), which will give decent cooling but doubt we will be able to achieve those kinds of speeds lol.
Board game day!

Galaxy Trucker

Friend just bought this. It's a game about hastily constructing rival space truckers and then flying through space, grabbing cargo, and being destroyed by asteroids. Was a lot of fun for such an incredibly dumb game. I (red) had a really amazing run in the first two rounds, dodging everything and coming on top. But due to some illegal tile placement ruining my ship, a swift kick in my core blew my level 3 spaceship and its 10 kerbals off into the unknown. We then played a funsies 4th round and came in a respectable second place.

I think this game looks great. Nice picture too.

Galaxy Trucker is a masterpiece of new age board game design and I won't hear a bad word against it. Now play Space Alert.

I've been wanting to get Galaxy Trucker and Space Alert for a long time. Are they really that good?
It's the fact the mechanics are so innovative that makes them great games. You need a pretty regular group of 4 or 5 to get the most out of Space Alert. I guess some people might find them a little too chaotic. For all your amazing ship building in Galaxy Trucker seeing it blown up by random asteroids is a little disheartening. Although limping to the end of your route with a single crew cabin and engine is amazing. They are the kind of games where you have to enjoy losing sometimes. Because your chief of internal security messed up and now those robot commandos you thought you killed in turn 5 are tearing the inside of your ship apart.
What is the deal with cats? I've never had one that will drink out of a water dish, they just scavenge the house like they are Mad fucking Max or some shit. Waiting for people to duck out of the toilet so they can slink in and drink some tasty toilet water or as soon as the water hits the shower base they peer around the bathroom door frame, bideing their time to scamper into the shower enclosure and drink up some of that sweet sweet soapy shower water. Not to meantion all the slinking onto the breakfast bench to drink out of our half drunk glasses of water.


You would think after last year I would be pretty good at dealing with losses.

The rage is all consuming, hope the players feel the same.
I expected it was coming due to the factors this week, we had a bad lead up to the game so I was expecting a slow start sadly.

I've had Civilization 5 and Dead Rising 2 in my collection for a very long time now. Number of times they've been played: zero.

I fucking love video games and yet, I'm unable to play them. Should probably sell my collection. Art books too.
Fixed for me


(I also rented 3 games and bought 10 this week)


So i've been playing TR for a little bit now and I am somewhat enjoying it. There are only two problems so far, The overuse of QTE's is still fucking terrible and the camera shake is freaking me out.

I've never had motion sickness before, But this is certainly doing my head in.

On PC? Maybe someone has done some .ini magic on it.


I heard you guys needed a laugh today. So here you go.

Edit: Also, stumbled across this awesome site which seems to be dedicated solely to games that were never completed and released. Got onto it yesterday as the guy was streaming footage from the never to be released Battlefront 3.
Don't be glum. Most board gamers are pretty chill. You should see if there are any public gaming groups near you. I went to critical mass in Brisbane a couple of times and it was a pretty socially diverse group and good times were had. Or you could try playing online or something. Board games don't really drop in price like video games either so if you sell them you won't be out of too much cash.


AusGAF 9 - Fuck Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


Under NEOGAF, Australia has seen the rise of EIGHT illegal Gaming Community sub-forum stickies.
This has costing the Australian community 160,000 posts of YOUR valuable working hours.
, and MEET-UPS in every thread.


GROUP: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/AusGAF
CHAT: steam://friends/joinchat/103582791430120104
Steam Chat is active during non-work hours.

http://mibbit.com/#[email protected]
IRC channel is active during standard work hours, Monday to Friday.


http://www.greenmangaming.com/ Check here before buying Steam games. Usually 25% off. Make sure you&#8217;re buying a steam code, though.
http://store.steampowered.com/ Steam&#8217;s Australian Store
http://store.steampowered.com/?cc=us NOTE: American prices. If you see something cheaper here, log into AusGAF Steam Chat and we&#8217;ll sort you out with Wilflare.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/search.php?do=finduser&u=76538 Reptile&#8217;s posts. >_>




Don't be glum. Most board gamers are pretty chill. You should see if there are any public gaming groups near you. I went to critical mass in Brisbane a couple of times and it was a pretty socially diverse group and good times were had. Or you could try playing online or something. Board games don't really drop in price like video games either so if you sell them you won't be out of too much cash.

I've checked near me, there's nothing unless I want to play Magic. Holy fuck I don't want to play Magic.

I do want to play Android: Netrunner, but I have to travel into the city for that. The effort isn't worth it when the travel time approaches or exceeds the time spent gaming.

I think I've finally learned to stay away from things that rely on other people. Doing so is not a wise move.

Dead Man

I've had Galaxy Trucker and Space Alert in my collection for a very long time now. Number of times they've been played: zero.

I fucking love board games and yet, I'm unable to play them. Should probably sell my collection. RPGs too.

Nah, hold on to them, they're only taking up space. As long as you have the space, no problem.

Don't be glum. Most board gamers are pretty chill. You should see if there are any public gaming groups near you. I went to critical mass in Brisbane a couple of times and it was a pretty socially diverse group and good times were had. Or you could try playing online or something. Board games don't really drop in price like video games either so if you sell them you won't be out of too much cash.

Danoss' eternal dilemma is that he doesn't like people, but his hobbies require people :) Nah, not really, my dilemma is that simple though LOL

Dead Man

Oh, for next thread, I probably won't go too crazy, but for banners I'm thinking something like this:

AusGAF 9 - Fuck Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)



intro about ausgaf


Steam, IRC details



As an immigrant (white of course), I approve.


After the Lucky Cuntry got changed because some of you mob complained about it, and then you're happy with that title, I'm gonna be real shitty.
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