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Me:Item turned up in post, need to pay
AmazonRep:Hello,My name is AmazonRep.I'll be happy to help you.
Me:Hi AmazonRep, last week I received a refund for this item as it was missing
today it arrived in the mail
I will need to pay for this again
If you want, you can drop the item to the nearest post office if you don't want to keep the item.
Me:I do want to keep the item, I placed an order for another one, but was able to cancel it just now
AmazonRep:Sure, you can.
Me:great, can billing re-charge me for this?
AmazonRep:Let me check.
If you want, I can charge you otherwise you can keep the item without being charged.
Do you want to keep the item without being charged?
Me:if that's easier for you, ok, but I am happy to pay if you would like me to
AmazonRep:As a good will gesture you can keep the item.
Is there anything else I can do for you?
Me:no that's ok, thankyou very much for your help today AmazonRep
AmazonRep:You are welcome.
Happy holidays to you and your family.
Me:thankyou, you too, bye