Hey how's everyone going?
5 weeks into my new job and it isn't too bad, been employed a week longer than my boss which is weird.
Still not settled as I am just doing bits and pieces to help out until the budgeting process begins in February.
Miss out on the collective bargaining agreement once off payment of $1000 by 2 weeks because I was employed just after it was signed off.
At least I get to take advantage of the full $9000 salary sacrifice for the FBT year ending march next yr and with flexi time get to take Monday off as I have accrued enough overtime.
Love the new Soundgarden album and as much of a Halo fan I have been I still haven't played past the 3rd mission and I've had it since launch lol. Will have to give it a go Christmas day.
And that's more or less my last 5 weeks.
Edit. I also somehow have a knack of getting first post on new page, wtf
5 weeks into my new job and it isn't too bad, been employed a week longer than my boss which is weird.
Still not settled as I am just doing bits and pieces to help out until the budgeting process begins in February.
Miss out on the collective bargaining agreement once off payment of $1000 by 2 weeks because I was employed just after it was signed off.
At least I get to take advantage of the full $9000 salary sacrifice for the FBT year ending march next yr and with flexi time get to take Monday off as I have accrued enough overtime.
Love the new Soundgarden album and as much of a Halo fan I have been I still haven't played past the 3rd mission and I've had it since launch lol. Will have to give it a go Christmas day.
And that's more or less my last 5 weeks.
Edit. I also somehow have a knack of getting first post on new page, wtf