If you wanna go there are always ways to get in! A year a tafe can count towards a degree in a lot of cases. Not going to uni is always an option too. A lot of people do well without it, especially if you've got some skills you learnt in your own time. And you won't be 20+ grand in debt!
Heh, yeah, alternate entry is probably what I'll aim for now!
Never passed Year 12 at all, I have a degree and a couple assoc dips and a pretty great job. HS results are not the only way to go to uni, and uni is not the only way to get a good career.
Good on you! I wish that in high school they wouldn't drill the idea that university degrees are the only way to get a decent career. It's not right.
There are other ways of getting into Uni. I don't know if every Uni does this but my Uni offers a test you can take and if you pass you can gain entry to most courses. Or, what I ended up doing, a year long 'Adult entry' course that serves as a preparation for Uni and as long as you pass you can get into any course you want.
As cods said, Uni isn't for everyone, I've seen a number of people finish 4 year double degrees only to come out the other side and not wanting to do that thing any more. A gap year will help you out in determining what you want to do with yourself (hell, I took 5).
Yeah, the university here offers one or two alternative methods of entry, which I'm definitely going to be looking into after I finish taking my gap year. You and cods are right though, university really isn't for everyone, and I still need to properly consider that for myself.
I got an amazingly low OP. It matters not. And only a jerk-off would ask about it, in any professional or social setting.
On Friday, the teachers have organised this Year 12 BBQ at school, where the whole year group is going to get together and talk about their results. There is going to be so much drama, I can tell. Tears and boasting, everywhere.
I think I might skip out on it.
I went to TAFE, quit 6 months before it was over (2 year course), did half a year of games design + programming at QANTM, got kicked out of the course, did a year and a half of games programming at AIE, graduated.
Not getting into Uni isn't the end of the world. In fact, if i did go to uni, i would've quit and never pursued making games.
edit: actually i probably would've given up on programming altogether.
Thanks Mega, situations like this make me remember that I can still persevere with something, no matter what path I take.
Yup, I did wellish in HSC. Spent 5+ years fucking around at uni, never finished. Got a decent paying job anyway.
More important is your skills at weaseling in and out of situations. That's what sets us apart from the animals.
University just wasn't your thing? It's good to hear you've done well, though!
But like everyone is saying, take your gap year, have fun/earn money, and cross that bridge when it comes. There are plenty of other pathways there if you are still keen to do it
That's the plan!
Hmm could still get into a few Unis with band 3s and 4s. That does mean you beat at least half of the people doing the HSC.
As it is now, I think staying local would be the best option, but hey, that may change within the next year! It's something I'd definitely be looking into if there were absolutely no other local options.
Don't stress it, dude. From the people I know in my job, a lot of them have differing educational backgrounds... most of them done outside of Uni (with the odd exception of real business-like folk who did business-oriented classes and are generally boring as batshit anyway because they wasted their youth learning shit they'd never need to know). And the people I know outside of work (who I choose to spend time with, as opposed to people I *have* to) are all awesome people who I don't think ever went to uni. And if they did, there's nothing about them that makes them come off like they did (like their job or whatever).
It may be difficult now, but in short... don't stress. A fuckload of people have done well in life without uni, and all it does is turn you into some boring, money-driven, egotistical, uncharismatic fuck anyway*.
*You all know it's true!
Can I ask what arts thingy you were looking at doing? I don't know what umbrella that covers but I still struggle to know exactly what they could teach about anything remotely arty or creative in a university. School of Real Life, motherfucker!
Thanks so much, Shaneus! It's all so very true! I'll get over it in a few days, fo' sho.
A Bachelor of Arts with a major in Linguistics, then minors in Japanese and something international/social or whatever. See, even now I'm not too sure of it all. This gap year is going to sort a lot of things out for me.