Uncharted 3 spoilers?
I'm bailing out!
I'm bailing out!
That aspect of the aiming mechanic is new and intentional: said:So, that Uncharted 3 is pretty good!
I don't remember about the first two games, but I noticed a lot of recoil on the weapons. For instance, I'm just using a normal handgun now, and every time I fire it, the cursor moves up half a cm on screen and stays there. Maybe that's why people find the aiming a bit weird? I don't know.
I like it.VOOK said:AusGAF sneak peek, this is basically how the reviews will look - scores only mentioned there.
jambo said:These are the best reviews I've ever seen
jambo said:He's 80 btw
MrSerrels said:Yeah that. I just have a problem with this hoity toity attitude of 'you must read my godly words to understand my review'. That works for people who are properly into the culture of video games, but not for those who are simply looking for some sort of buyer's guide.
codswallop said:If you must stick with scores, keep the original scores in your database, but stick with only five full stars rounding it when it is displayed on the page.
But I say take the less-travelled path and do away with some sort of numerical thing altogether. If it can be translated into a Metacritic score, don't use it.
Edit: Or go with 4-stars (which is technically still out of five because no stars can still be a rating unlike with 5-stars which almost always use one as the lowest score) and confuse everyone!
Edit edit: Hell, you're a Nintendo site, why not use Mario coins or 1up mushrooms?
Krorg said:Why would having Vooks reviews appear on Metacritic be a bad thing?
Isn't that an easy question to answer? It was only an OK game.Choc said:
Publishers take a lot more notice of what you write, for one and you get a lot more 'why is this 7/10' calls.
Ak ok. Well I don't personally have a problem with it. I did tweak the sensitivity up a notch or two because it was definitely a bit sluggish on default.Bernbaum said:That aspect of the aiming mechanic is new and intentional:
Gazunta said:Vook why aren't you running a PC site. I've got PC stuff coming out of my ears. Nothing for the Wii or 2/3DS. :/
Because Gaz likes the 'three people need to review a game' format, I'll need one as well. For PC of course.Omi said:Send me a copy of Skyrim for review. Tah.
Bernbaum said:Mum playing 'flower' on my PS3 and being captivated with it after so many years of confusion as to why her sons spent so much time playing stupid video games is one of my favourite memories ever.
FallbackPants said:Isn't that an easy question to answer? It was only an OK game.
If they refuse to give you review copies publicise that. Gaming media doesn't seem to realise they have the power not the publishers
Sheesh! That's pretty bad.Shaneus said:A sign I post on GAF too much: Currently in the middle of updating a case with some info when the user calls with an update to the case. I type in "Fake edit:", leave it there for a few seconds, before deleting it very, very quickly.
DualShadow said:How does he handle more action oriented games?
evlcookie said:Kritz has turned into me. Good uc3 review kritz!
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or notBernbaum said:Sheesh! That's pretty bad.
When I've had writers block at work, I've drafted up paragraphs of text in GAF because my brain is wired to write quicker here, and then copy-pasted it into my report.
At home, I'll lay spreadeagled on the living room floor playing Forza 4 with my laptop on my belly, twitter on my iPhone, and GAF on my iPad. If I read something neat on my iPad I feel like responding to, I'll open a tab on my MacBook and post away. Pretty secure in myself that this isn't an issue.
Gazunta said:Vook why aren't you running a PC site. I've got PC stuff coming out of my ears. Nothing for the Wii or 2/3DS. :/
Fredescu said:PC coverage is pretty bad. There's RPS and
Thats what I do.Jintor said:My advince would probably be to write whatever the hell you like and just act surprised when an audience shows up.
Jintor said:lol, advince. Whoops.
jambo said:
roosters93 said:I forgot to ask before... wtf is going on in that GTA Pokemon poster with the chick without a shirt on? That's got to be fan art right?
roosters93 said:I forgot to ask before... wtf is going on in that GTA Pokemon poster with the chick without a shirt on? That's got to be fan art right?
So is this your grandpa?
HolyCheck said:He said thanksgiving, so I doubt it.
jambo said:All I can picture is a glass of water with Random written on the side of it. Then someone pours in powder from a box of Just-Advince, and out comes RandomVince.
That's the question I've wanted answered all day.RandomVince said:Sounds good.
Btw someone tell me how bad uncharted aiming is. Do I get it or wait on a patch or denial of the problem? "You know, things miss" style.
roosters93 said:Ah course.
After this I was going to ask how Jambo knew how old he was. My first guess was Reddit and upon checking it happens to be the top post.
jambo said:I also posted his age in this very thread![]()
roosters93 said:After this I was going to ask how Jambo knew how old he was.
I think that's also part of it. Those times where I'd stand in Hi-Tech Game Centre on Franklin St in Melbourne just looking at the games and figuring out which one I was going to take home were fantastic times.Jintor said:I still browse game shops out of some kind of sense of ridiculous nostalgia. I don't know why.
Damn, those boys don't play. And congrats to you, and commiserations to the wife.codswallop said:Occasionally, like today, I like to walk into EB and marvel at the clueless prices on offer. This reminds me that while my hobby* is as unaffordable as it's always been with new games costing about the same as they did when I bought SNES games with my pocket money, my hobby is also more affordable than it's ever been.
For instance, Brink was $110, as was Rage. Halo: Reach still commanded $100.
* Not doing lines of coke off hookers, in case you were wondering.
Also: Been married to my wife today for five years and together for eleven.
Also also: