hamchan said:Now now, don't look down on teenage boys. Plenty of manbabies over 20 here on GAF.
It's the stereotype, it is easier to point the finger that way.
hamchan said:Now now, don't look down on teenage boys. Plenty of manbabies over 20 here on GAF.
hamchan said:Now now, don't look down on teenage boys. Plenty of manbabies over 20 here on GAF.
Yeah, I actually have no idea about either of the games in terms of the gameplay. Don't bother reading up on upcoming games these days. But I remember hearing on a podcast that Ni No Kuni on DS was very a much game targeted at kids (my first rpg kinda thing). From the trailer, PS3 version might be the same since the Japanese seemed really simple and there was Furigana (plus I actually understood everything even with my crappy japanese!)RandomVince said:Edit: Shanshan, NiNo Kuni is a ps3 and ds game, there are two different games though but I'm not sure what differences there are gameplay wise. Same developer and writers though
reptilescorpio said:Also Vook you really need to get a search bar on the top of your page.
Finally broke the partnership! Mike Hussey special! Showing up his little brother!
Sold!reptilescorpio said:Also Vita has to be running out of new game announcements soon right?!? New Lumines!!! New DJ Max!!! Really need to get some solid release dates up and running Sony, just post up a giant list of all the games and when they are coming out so I can throw some money at you if they are around launch.
It was indeed. The mother of my child. Not one for marriage so it took me a while to get around to it.DeathJr said:Congratulations on the engagement RS, hope it was to a girl.![]()
reptilescorpio said:Plus rings are EXPENSIVE yo.
reptilescorpio said:It was indeed. The mother of my child. Not one for marriage so it took me a while to get around to it.
Plus rings are EXPENSIVE yo.
Also I knew that Lucas had lost his fucking mind but did he seriously add Jar Jar Binks into Return of the Jedi? The fuck man? No words can describe my confusion. I can't believe his fellow film makers haven't disowned him so far.
commanderdeek said:Yeah, I actually have no idea about either of the games in terms of the gameplay. Don't bother reading up on upcoming games these days. But I remember hearing on a podcast that Ni No Kuni on DS was very a much game targeted at kids (my first rpg kinda thing). From the trailer, PS3 version might be the same since the Japanese seemed really simple and there was Furigana (plus I actually understood everything even with my crappy japanese!)
Either way, it's Ghibli so a must buy really!
For some reason that reminds me of this:Bernbaum said:Sweet! If I had facebook, this would be the year that everyone changed their profile pics from doing Jagerbombs and bellyshots to pictures of marriage, ultrasounds and ugly babies.
If? They're touring next year, playing Melb. in February with Icehouse. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't kinda curious...reptilescorpio said:Politics is serious business. Well, until Abbott has some shit that he wants to attend. I'm sure if Hall & Oates comes to town he will be handing out pairs left and right.
We should lock it in then. Gaz was saying there's a cheevo for playing against him or someone who has already earned said cheevo, so we can go right to the source. Pretty neat! RS has it too. We could all either do it at once or just play against each other sometime down the track.Planet_JASE said:I has. Is interest.
Shaneus said:For some reason that reminds me of this:
I had no idea either until the xkcd comic. I think they are like bumper stickers for familys. As in to show off that they have kids and shit. So the other sticker is showing off that they have shitloads of money because they don't have kids. Burns deep.elektrixx said:What's the go with these stickers anyway?
reptilescorpio said:I had no idea either until the xkcd comic. I think they are like bumper stickers for familys. As in to show off that they have kids and shit. So the other sticker is showing off that they have shitloads of money because they don't have kids. Burns deep.
Adds an air of doucheyness about those stickers now. Would never put ANY sticker on my car, just ruins the look. A car is not a friggin 12 year old girls trapper keeper.
reptilescorpio said:Would never put ANY sticker on my car, just ruins the look.
DeathJr said:Not even this one?
DeathJr said:Not even this one?
That they existed or that they existed outside Australia? Working in Melbourne, I see them all the fucking time. One day I hope to see one that takes the piss, either with one guy with many wives, one woman with a shitload of cats or something like that.reptilescorpio said:I had no idea either until the xkcd comic.
...why though? Is this like wearing hipster clothes ironically?DeathJr said:My housemate put that one on the back of his ute.
I have this:
Shaneus said:That they existed or that they existed outside Australia? Working in Melbourne, I see them all the fucking time. One day I hope to see one that takes the piss, either with one guy with many wives, one woman with a shitload of cats or something like that.
Omi said:clearly the embarrassment wasn't enough that time.
There's definitely potential. In fact, I think if I was to have one it would be me with a shotgun against a handful of zombies... if it's at all possible to depict zombies in stick-figure form.shanshan310 said:I've changed my mind about these stickers. I want to do this.
reptilescorpio said:
reptilescorpio said:That is because it is only missing 2 letters. Like commotion and motion.
Shaneus said:You can't spell "manslaughter" without "laughter"!
Sutton Dagger said:"white Australians, the original boat people".
Sutton Dagger said:I really hate those "we're full" type bogan stickers, such a fucken embarrassment. I did see an awesome one the other day that put things in perspective though, it contains an interesting message for the current crop of racists, "white Australians, the original boat people".
Let us. I am a party animal. They purport to be party animals. Are you, Gaz and reptilescorpio party animal enough to join us?Shaneus said:We should lock it in then. Gaz was saying there's a cheevo for playing against him or someone who has already earned said cheevo, so we can go right to the source. Pretty neat! RS has it too. We could all either do it at once or just play against each other sometime down the track.
Anytime after 4pm tomorrow should be fine.Planet_JASE said:I am pretty flexible, so if you guys have a particular time that suits, one that fits with family, etc, just let me know.