"Not our problem your country exploits its working class, it doesn't cost US companies twice as much to digitally distribute to australia / new zealand, its just profiteering by countless middlemen.Choc said:
Fredescu said:"Not our problem your country exploits its working class, it doesn't cost US companies twice as much to digitally distribute to australia / new zealand, its just profiteering by countless middlemen.
I don't make more money just to throw it away or basically donate it to the US GDP, its like saying that someone who earns more should pay more for anything they buy based on what they earn."
LOL. Minimum Wage = Everyones Wage.Choc said:http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/m3l0p/dear_australia_this_is_why_your_games_cost_more/
this is full of gold such as They don't manufacture video game discs in Australia and they don't have many farms or produce manufacturing in Australia
I think Sony DADC is about 10kms from my house where they do exactly this. Damn the majority of posts there are funny and so, so wrong.They don't manufacture video game discs in Australia
Danoss said:I think Sony DADC is about 10kms from my house where they do exactly this. Damn the majority of posts there are funny and so, so wrong.
3chopl0x said:Posted an hour ago, no chance of getting one now :C
Nah, they do the lot there. CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray movies and games.VOOK said:Yeah they do Bluray movies and games there, not DVD's though. AFAIK.
Jintor said:Got mine off it, and so did three other dudes in the Gaming thread.
jambo said:Wow, I just checked my bank account and even though Amazon cancelled my 2 lightsaber orders because of shipping restrictions, there are still authorisation holds on my account, so I can't access $350 of my money =\
Fusebox said:Hey Jambo, are you in Sydney? If you really want those lightsabers you can use my Myus.com account and just cover the shipping costs. That goes for everyone who needs anything restricted.
Marshmellow said:
Marshmellow said:
3chopl0x said:Who else will be playing Skyrim PC at midnight? We should all chill in the Steam chat.
Choc said:i'm officially part of the problem
MW3 purchased
3chopl0x said:Who else will be playing Skyrim PC at midnight? We should all chill in the Steam chat.
Omi said:You can no longer complain about anything. Bet you even bougth it from EB Games.
jambo said:One of the stores I tried to order from said the box would be 48x10x10, which comes out to 16 pounds using the MyUS system. How much would that cost?
Rezbit said:Lol Dwight Howard. Pretty good.
Depends if the retail disc of Skyrim PC goes early. Otherwise it will be Friday.
Tempted to run down to Dick Smith myself. One of the guys at work was told when Arkham City came out by his wife that he could get one or the other. He grabbed Batman as hey, I want a game right NOW to play! She was nice enough to grab a copy for him this morning though so I am tempted to jump online with him and see what all the fuss about the MP is about.Choc said:i'm officially part of the problem
MW3 purchased
Fusebox said:$125 for 1-4 day shipping.
The thing I've found with Myus shipping is the base price is expensive but it doesn't go up much more with extra packages. My last shipment was a mixture of US stores which came to around $500 or so but the money I saved buying baby clothes from Ralph Lauren online vs buying Bonds from Target covered the cost of the rest of the shipping. So definitely not the best value for single purchases or small parcels.
Choc said:lol why cant i complain
pricematched jb yes
Choc said:wat
are you saying target bonds is more expensive than RL?
fuck me no wonder pacific brands is going broke
Fusebox said:$125 for 1-4 day shipping.
Fusebox said:Fun story, I was going to get Modern Warfare 3 but have had so much fun playing Modern Combat 3 instead that it's all out of my system now.
Best portable FPS ever:
Choc said:so the carbon tax has passed and the wanker fuckwits that listen to alan jones are out in full force
Rezbit said:dont tax me bro
Choc said:so the carbon tax has passed and the wanker fuckwits that listen to alan jones are out in full force
roosters93 said:Well.. fuck. Looks like COD4 or something. Jesus.
Is there a graphics bump for iPad 2 over iPad 1?
Was expected since he hasn't done much but model underwear lately. Will take a LOT more training to get back to the top.midonnay said:wow, thorpie misses the 100m freestyle final in a swim meet :/
Fusebox said:Yeah, there's some extra graphics enhancements plus the increased framerate.
And I use the Fling controller with it which makes it even better.
If Gaz has the hook up for the statue by itself I would gladly fork over some cash for one!BanShunsaku said:Paging Gaz (or anyone who might know)
If I wanted to try and pick up that ridiculous Skyrim CE with the Dragon, is ebay the only place I can get it these days? (without importing)
Jintor said:Jesus christ. I have no idea what kind of essay questions administrative law is going to bring to the table in the actual exam.
Oh god.