[16:12:38] <@Clipper> Are you going to go Standard or Express shipping?
[16:14:14] * OmiWork (~x) Quit (Quit)
[16:16:25] <@Clipper> Aw, just you and me now, jambo
[16:56:47] <@jambo|work> might use express
[16:56:51] <@jambo|work> depending on the price diff
[17:10:03] <@Clipper> 20% difference
[17:10:36] <@Clipper> I.e., Express is an extra 20% to save a day or two on shipping, maybe
[17:11:02] <@Clipper> It's probably my only chance to catch up now

[17:21:09] * @Clipper (~chatzilla) Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:21:28] <@jambo|work> hehe
[17:21:33] <@jambo|work> oh right
[17:21:36] <@jambo|work> i'm talking to myself
[17:21:37] <@jambo|work> hmm