Gazunta said:Damn it spent an hour drawing a Presidog comic that made me laugh but was way too offensive to run, at least this week.
Put it behind a paywall.
Gazunta said:Damn it spent an hour drawing a Presidog comic that made me laugh but was way too offensive to run, at least this week.
reptilescorpio said:Also fuck you to Blackboard/Vista for making me sign into my uni account using IE because the moronic IT guys can't get it to run properly on Chrome. I just want to upload my damn assignment. Simple stuff guys!
I blame the it guys for refusing to help. Rather than jst say that chrome is crap and everone should just use ie I would prefer some constructive feedback on why they continue to invest in blackboard when other unis have done away with it.Agyar said:Don't blame the IT guys, Blackboard is a horrible and they know it. It just will not function completely with some browsers and there's nothing they can do to fix it.
But hey, I'm sure when you graduate you'll be ultra-trained to find the magic workWithChrome variable they couldn't due to their incompetency.
Salazar said:Holy shit at the difference between Richard Pratt's wife and his mistress.
reptilescorpio said:I blame the it guys for refusing to help. Rather than jst say that chrome is crap and everone should just use ie I would prefer some constructive feedback on why they continue to invest in blackboard when other unis have done away with it.
Zing!midonnay said:she was witty in the Incredibles :O
I don't think I've ever had any problems with it. Then again, I've never had to upload anything. I guess doing online quizzes were kinda dodgey at times, but for the most part it's alright.Jintor said:Blackboard is a piece of crap. I would trust uploading things onto forums more than I trust Blackboard.
...shit I have an alpha game project due in 1hour and 3 minutes, and I have to submit it to Blackboard. JOYNESS.Jintor said:Blackboard is a piece of crap. I would trust uploading things onto forums more than I trust Blackboard.
commanderdeek said:I don't think I've ever had any problems with it. Then again, I've never had to upload anything. I guess doing online quizzes were kinda dodgey at times, but for the most part it's alright.
Probably the same, it's a third party commercial piece of software, and it sucks balls. I can't download PDFs from it because it requires me to have Acrobat Reader installed to do so and I don't want to install that crap. The actual URL to the PDF is obscured so you can't even save the PDF even if you can view it in the browser with a different PDF plug-in.commanderdeek said:Our uni's online thing is called balckboard too! Wonder if it's the same thing?
Sorry for voicing an opinion on what I think is a poor part of the education service that my university is providing me. I should be happy that I can browse it at all regardless of how cumbersome and inefficient it is.Agyar said:What Unis have done away with it? As far I as know, most have implemented or are implementing it. Secondly, it's hardly the IT guys call as to what LMS the Uni puts in, that's usually decided at a much higher level.
As for blaming them for refusing to help, I don't know exactly what you want from them. It sounds like you want to be told to use IE so you can bitch and moan about having to use IE.
hey man, we have a LAKE! Not many unis have lakes, right? lolJintor said:I just rage because it looks like something that someone shat out in the late 90s is all. Especially when the rest of our network just got a major facelift and looks like it belongs to an exciting, only very slightly behind the times university.
reptilescorpio said:Wtf was that Bern? I really don't want to know what you were surfing for when you found that.
More than 70 per cent of people said they were stuck in a routine and 80 per cent blamed technology, with more time spent on social networking, playing videogames and browsing the internet.
Is this that game I commented on a couple weeks back?Megadrive said:So sorry if anyone (Aon) was waiting on a build of my game, got busy and for some reason the build I'm using has a dodgy as fuck level model or something that is making the camera spaz out. Once that's fixed (tomorrow) I'll post a build for you guys to play and attempt to break and give some really basic feedback.
reptilescorpio said:Sorry for voicing an opinion on what I think is a poor part of the education service that my university is providing me. I should be happy that I can browse it at all regardless of how cumbersome and inefficient it is.
I would have liked for them to offer some kind of solution, or at the very least say that Chrome is not yet supported but they would like to support it at some point in the future rather than straight out say that I am an idiot for using a horrible browser like Chrome and that IE is far and away the only browser worth using. Since they work with the system (as they take it down for maintenance every few weeks) I had hoped that they knew of a backup solution to upload files to the blackboard system rather than the Java system that seems work in IE but not in Chrome. At least they recently implemented an update that allows pdf files to be saved using the original file name rather than an automated gibberish.
I was more having a go at the rude helpdesk techs who champion Blackboard and ignore ny slightly negative feedback on its performance. I understand being saddled with someone else's mistake but to straight out ignore my questions and refuse to help is irritating.Omi said:If you wanna blame someone blame the devs. They made a tech choice that results in the product you use. Having a go at IT is pointless as they canonly support what they are given.
Now if you really must use chrome. I suggest IE tab or whatever the extension is. Even works with one of our arcane systems at work
reptilescorpio said:I was more having a go at the rude helpdesk techs who champion Blackboard and ignore ny slightly negative feedback on its performance. I understand being saddled with someone else's mistake but to straight out ignore my questions and refuse to help is irritating.
It is mainly Americans that I know that show me their home university intranets that make me annoyed at using WebCT, even the company I work for has a pretty impressive suite of tools that seems to be cobbled together from several different solutions.
Thanks for the tip on the extension too! A solution has been found.
commanderdeek said:hey man, we have a LAKE! Not many unis have lakes, right? lol
I actually don't remember what the online thingy at unsw was when I was there, which shows how much work I did and explains why I didn't complete my original degree there:/
All I can remember was unimail and myunsw, though I'm sure that's all changed now. I also remember paying like 10cents a megabyte or something for wireless. The good ol days!
Gazunta said:I'll be there, so yes it's worth it.
Gazunta said:I'll be there, so yes it's worth it.
I've got my tickets - both sessions for the Saturday. Could have winged a press pass but that would've been dishonest.Rlan said:Anyone think the EB Expo at the Gold Coast will be even worth it? Looks kind of bizarre:
FallbackPants said:What's actually there? I can probably con my way into a media pass, but is there anything actually worth going for?
Or it's like, you know, a tennis game.elfinke said:So this Nadal v Djokovic match is like watching a video game, the level of athleticism and just some of the shots being hit.
Absolutely amazing stuff.
jambo said:Or it's like, you know, a tennis game.
Oh well. No big loss.Bernbaum said:The window for press passes has come and gone.
Y'know, I haven't escaped Tasmania in... Almost a decade. And uni holidays are coming up from nov to feb.Bernbaum said:There was talk of having a first Cross-state AusGAF Allstars Meetup considering that people would be coming from interstate.
I think the actual Expo will be terrible.
Gazunta said:I'll be there, so yes it's worth it.
It's on the big telly at work. Great show by Nadal.elfinke said:What a rally - holy shitdamn.
Last day of work before 6 or 7 days off (2 of which for an intensive school). Really can't be arsed doing anything though.
You are one funny motherfucker Kritz! 5/5.Kritz said:Y'know, I haven't escaped Tasmania in... Almost a decade. And uni holidays are coming up from nov to feb.
Or everyone ELSE could come down here! ;D
Hi I don't post much but I'm forced to watch the score on! Looking like a good match now...and only now....legend166 said:Can't believe I'm at work and can't watch the tennis.
Kritz said:Or everyone ELSE could come down here! ;D
ShyGuy said:Hi I don't post much but I'm forced to watch the score on! Looking like a good match now...and only now....