reptilescorpio said:
Wait, so now it is NOT just Monster Hunter that uses the extra stick? I thought people were saying it was a one off thing? Means it will be included in the revision next year at least.
Wonder if it comes with the AAA battery it requires...
Also MGS3DS was the game I was most looking forward to on the 3DS but the trailer didn't fill me with confidence.
I share many of your concerns/expectations. I thought the add-on was only an optional for MHTri, but expected that MGS3 might have been delayed to use it, since it was looking like it was being held back a month ago.
I'm glad it supports it, since MGS on PSP controlled like rubbish. I hate face buttons for aiming.
I expect there has to be a revision at some point, but it's probably going to coincide with a major western title that needs it. And at a point where battery life can be significantly boosted at a reasonable cost.
So that means I expect a 3DS "XL" sized unit, dual analog sliders, maybe a revised form factor with extra triggers and a better battery (hopefully ~10hrs).
And since we can do content transfer from one system to another, that doesn't bother me. The games coming out for the system look
fucking phenomenal.